Love Poems About Hooves or Hooves Love Poems
by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: love,

Indian Love Song

A Tribute to Slim Whitman

He led his horse towards a pool,
Near a lovely large cotton tree.
Far away, he heard the hooves
Of a thousand bison as they crossed
The dusty prairie in search of food. 

Near at hand stood a large tepee
From where his lovely Indian emerged.
Dark hair, dark eyes. a beauty beyond compare.
She smiled but stood erect at the doorway.

Instantly, he lifted his guitar. 
And in a yodel tune, he sang his love.
How oft he repeated his refrain,
"You belong to me,
I belong to you."
Finally, he put down his guitar.
Slowly, he approached her,
Tilted her lovely face up,
Their lips met in a sweet, lingering kiss.

by Tom Cunningham |
Categories: death, horse, love, soldier, war,

Death of a Lancer

My one true love with eyes of sparkling blue
Our hearts as one it was our destiny
Heaven sent you for me and me for you
It would not last but end in tragedy.

War intervened I’d have to go away
To the Crimea with the light brigade
My true love I thought of every day
Our lives on hold along with plans we’d made.

The Captain said “suppress your greatest fears
Ride close ranks and do not come asunder”
The noise of hooves were ringing in my ears
Sounds they made were like a raging thunder.

A lance pierced me and off my horse I fell
Then death came down, my life I bid farewell.

Written on 7th February 2019.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love,

My Galloping Heart

without faltering

                             unbridled it gallops to

                                                              its final frontier

Dec. 26, 2016 For THE TROIKA (Haiku with hooves) Contest of John Lawless

by Ernest Robles |
Categories: poems, poetry, poets,

No Troll-Toll

I SAW the death creep three hooves and a beat!
A pregnant silence above violins stressed
strings--||dancing frets ~~~~~~~
A gnome drunk-walk scattering blackbirds
and neon-lit billboards ;a humid Mother Earth
(with no protection)
vaginal-air of sleepy fatigued wooden scents
Post-rain meltdown exhaustion sleeps
in hungry-soil love.
But the gnome cries, "I've no reflection
to troll to toll beneath
fire-speaking coins upon my eyes!

Make the Earth Scream.  Make the Soul dream.
It is eating me!

:: ~ ::

by Patricia Cresswell |
Categories: bereavement, , Lullaby,

Lullaby Series Iv

Lullaby IV

I wish, one time, to ride
across the years to you
upon the back of the coal black mare
whose hooves are indigo hue

once there I’ll hang about your neck
hold you fast to me;
make you swear on our true love
you’ll ne’er return to the sea.

by Rick Viljoen |
Categories: beautiful, character, encouraging, endurance, hero,



I’m a tiny human flicker
In whirling winds, losing light quicker
My flame glows glum, think I’m really done.

I’m a frail glade blossom, that in free air moves
Unexpected thundering mammals stomp with plundering hooves
I’m in the dirt, in a breathless stun.

I’m dropped in a boundless ocean
A collective being notion, passionate movement of erotion
Powerful sheet of love, hardest rocks my waves shun

Mountain of a spirit, sturdy in every little stone
Fortress of standing wisdom, timeless, never alone
Striving to transcend: hard to climb and only reached by some.

-Rickus Viljoen
@Facebook: Mr Writes

by Kim Merryman |
Categories: autumn, horse, love, moon,

A Country Hayride

On a crisp autumn night couples cuddle with delight on a hayride in the country. The clip clop of horses' hooves create a rhythmic beat along a red clay road, the earthy essence of hay and horses wafting through the chill night air. A harvest moon of golden hue bathes the countryside with its silken glow - enchanting both young and old with romantic thoughts of love eternal - happily ever after dreams of bliss. Perhaps even a stolen kiss.
10/5/15 double etheree

by Rollo West |
Categories: love, passion,

Great Plains

Thunder roars on plain Not thunder storm, but Hooves Of buffalo

by Bozhidar Pangelov |
Categories: love, romantic, night, people, night, people,

With a Waft of Lorka

When I come back, Belen,
 the moon will be whole.

 I’ll jump over the fence,
 in front of the door I’ll stand
 with my heart in hands. 
 Mad heart, mad heart
 at the night for burning.
 You will go out, Belen,
 will you go out,
 my skin is white,
 the eyes are black.
 My horse is beating hooves
 in the flint. Let it beat.
 A wave is beating into the shore.
 Let it beat.
 Three hundred people are crying.
 Will three hundred people cry
 for my blood red.
 Mad heart, mad heart
 at the night burnt.

 I’ll be back, Belen.
 And let nobody knows me!

by A.E. Rivenbark |
Categories: lost love, love,


A wild mustang blew over the steppe, a solitary
Pale rider rushing over the chest planes to greet me
Engulfing, stampeding through sharp wicked valleys
And emotions were herded into a bone corral
Slamming the gates against this Dun Stallion’s
hips, while he frothed at these invisible bits
Dusty huffs, wheezing breaths,
The rails splintering under his sharp teeth
Hooves hammering thoughts homeless, for
And that last nail to hold him from freedom, from me
Faltered, as my ribs caved in
And he drifted off again

by Sidra Firdous |
Categories: longing, love,

The Fruitful Tree

A swarm of longings flanking like bees
around the tree that once stood free

Stole it's fruits, shoots were torn,
It stood bare while the bees scorned

Bees needled around the shred roots-
as nails hammered in the hooves

Ate the roots, sucked the life,
No breath was left, no branch to survive

The bareness, The death and cause so small,
A tree of fruit is victim to all

A wave of wind then slightly kicks,
Feeling no brown but only bricks

Never it saw this eerie sight,
The fruitful tree fell off the might..

by M. L. Kiser |
Categories: character, christmas, flying, fun, funny, technology,

Santas Upgrade

Santa Claus came into town, Riding ruby red techno- digital sleigh complete with iPad, iPhone too. His reindeer flying beside Him for effect, they refused to retire and kids do love to hear hooves on rooves.

by M. L. Kiser |
Categories: animal, appreciation, horse, nature,

Preserve Your Friends

I hear the thunder of distant hooves, beating the dry earth. Equine spirits caught and trained, to work with humans. Some entertain, some labor; others become our closest friends.
Note: I'm disturbed at the rate of destruction of your wild horses in America. These beautiful and loving beings love and serve humanity and it seems their reward is to be slaughtered by the system; an unfair trade off for horses generosity. We must do all that we can to preserve them, rather than destroy them.

by Beryl Edmonds |
Categories: animal, horse, love,


Two horses talking in a field one day One said to the other "let's run away" "But where would we sleep" "And what would we eat" "Under the stars, eat? I just wanna play. So they galloped off as quick as they could And in a wood they found a cosy nook Hitherto, the pair Launched a love affair There stood in the wood hooves were stirred and shook. Consequentially came a little foal A most handsome colt to make their world whole Then came another And many other A herd with no population control.

by Michael Bell |
Categories: dream, fantasy, love, sleep,

Mutation of Love

Mutation of   Love  

Slumbered  in  her  beauty,  drifting  away,
Sleeping with dreams  of  distant  stay 
Memories turn  to  melody thoughts 
Pleasant smiles  behind shut  eyes.

Appearing the  duke  at  princess  side,
Giggle in sleep  with much to hide.
Pounding the  drums like  horses hooves, 
Silence the heart as tear drops loom.

Forever  the dream for  not  to  cease,
Awake not, fear the moment end.
Living the prominence  of  emotion,
Experience love in joyful mutation.

by Jai Garg |
Categories: life, love

Spider Mite

Lady Spider weaving her web again;
Powerful stories surfing on the net.
Hostess - protecting anchors around
Trail Blazer, accosting melodic sound.   

Wonder now, what traps she spins.
Boomerang, those frailed legs wantonly pin.
Hideous grips, Neo Geometric moves,
Tempting shots, another day, type cast hooves.

True DNA, we ought to meet,
Face to face on grass luscious green;
Fencing brainstorm, Vedic games:
Who lost and who reigns supreme.

Mark words; the destiny song sings,
Limpid Plangent the oasis rings:
Grasshoppers play their fiddle well.
She spider fries her tale: and it sells.

by Carol Louise Moon |
Categories: sweet love,

Little Goat So Frail

I'm in love with this little goat
     so small and pale,
     frightened and frail--
afraid of his own shadow. Note 
his nervous hooves. When cool winds blow
     he ducks his head,
     heads for his shed
by the church house in the meadow.

by Pauly Plaster J.R. |
Categories: animal, dedication, destiny, devotion, power,

Upon Cloven Hooves

There is a celestial movement in our blood streams. A bird of hope singing in my rib cage. Choking on Holy Ghost ashes, I carry on this journey that is my life. Onward driven. Upon cloven hooves we ran, up the mountain on our sanctified paths to absolution. Upon elder cross we bled. Shedding dead skin. Eyes illuminated. She, the guardian of my heart. Devotion rests in steady palms. I have no fear within me,… For we forge our lives together as one. Brutish savagery is my hunger for you, for your love. Yet I harness it with total control. Gently I reside beside you, with total control. Animal instincts are deafening within my mind. Yet I stay silent, and hang on your every word.

by Daniel Miltz |
Categories: winter,

Cold Love

Frigid week in winter clock
The frosty welcomes me with a sock
Winter cold caress me fine
Blowing ice air in wind pine

I feel old pleasant memory flashback
Bring to mind, my childhood home sack
Bitter wind blows, snowflakes spread
'Bout my head, in my frosty attic bed

Love this kind of coldness
Laying in the darkness
Pitch black with surround sound
The fresh cold of winter around 'n abound

My hooves smooch the cold, hard floor
The warmth of the blanket, adore
Is all I need for my dreams lofty  
And thoughts to sandman frosty

by Davor Miljkovic |
Categories: desire, love,


Such a lazy beast
Even if lightning struck me
I still wouldn't move
And yet when I see her come
My hooves start stomping the ground

by Sierra Teadt |
Categories: animals

The Love Between a Girl and a Horse

As the horse's hooves struck the earth with such force
Kim and the animal went around and around the course

With wind blowing through both their hair
They looked just like a perfect pair

The girl and the horse shared the greatest love
It sure was something to be proud of

But at the end of their busy day
It was time for both of them to hit the hay

by Leon Enriquez |
Categories: blessing,


Ask ample aplomb
Blooming bounty bombs

Clever charm churns cheer
Describe deep dance dear

Etch explores endings
Flavours forge feelings

Glimpse grand gracious grooves
Healthy hurling hooves

Impact inks icy
Just joy joins jumpy

Keep keepsake kindly
Love listens lovely

Meek moist moments meet
Nurture nature neat

Oomph offers obsess
Potent play process

Query quotient quaint
Rich rapture restraints

Savour sanguine sweet 
Thrill timely touch treats

Use urgent union
Voice vibrant vision

Wise words work wealthy
eXpress ends empty

Yonder yielding yes
Zealous zooming zest

Leon Enriquez
22 October 2015

by Kewayne Wadley |
Categories: i love you, love,

A Cowboy Loved

hooves echoing against the ground. 
His eyes met with a certain lass. 
Joyful at heart. 
His eyes tried her on, alone with limitless possibility. 
He thought of his coat. 
Warm, comforting. 
She fit him perfectly. Extending his brow 
Exchanging passing glance. 
There wasn't a register in sight 
Nor a cashier to exchange currency. 
She partook in his small town stare 
Granting a smile that made his horse stop dead in its tracks. 
Moments later 
He shot his horse 
Placing his hat on the coat rack in her eye

by David Bose |
Categories: adventure, fear, life,

Saint Fermin's Flirt

On bovine hooves death thunders near
Along Pamplona cobblestones:
Fleet, snorting brutes with thrashing horns
Enrich my life through coursing fear.

My frantic sprint lends throbbing heart
As death stampedes on bovine hooves;
One slip, a fall, could spell my doom—
True love for life does dread impart!

December 6, 2016
Flirt Poetry Contest
Lewis Raynes, Sponsor

by Vernon Witmer |
Categories: dream, sleep,

Endless Wake

March you wooden miniatures, 
Sullen and stoic all. 
Bend the band with iron hand, 
Heed your master’s call.
Lambs and cattle, herds no matter, 
Flocks and docks and drops of rain.
With massive moods and thundering hooves, 
And castle walls of pain.
Gates withstand this hour of sand, 
And moods of life sublime. 
For cobbled stony roads of pride, 
The cost is but your time.
Wars and whores and bedtime snores 
Surround us in profusion.
Sleep sedates as love awaits 
Beyond all life’s confusion.
So march you wooden miniatures 
Like candles lit on cake.
Many of number waiting in slumber 
To dance your endless wake.