Love Poems About Hooting or Hooting Love Poems
by Katherine Stella |
Categories: adventure, fantasy, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, imagination, inspirational, life, love, nature, people, romance, sea, seasons, uplifting, war

I Don'T Give a Hoot

<                             beneath swollen moon
                               silhouttes conjoinment dance
                               hooting escalates  

Entry For
Sensuous Senryus

by Robert Lindley |
Categories: beautiful, bird, creation, nature, tree, tribute, wisdom,

Owls, Silent Magic In Flight

Owls, Silent Magic In Flight

Owls in flight glide so deadly silent
 prey dies so quickly and violent
Claws just as sharp as a razor knife
 nightime is the owl's hooting life!

Resting in tall trees in the hollow
 the night's moon they have to follow
No shrieks as they swoop down on prey
 owl's eating demands business not play!

A beauty shines with feathers and eyes
 smooth flight in dark forested skies
Owls are held to be old and very wise
 to love and admire if one simply tries!

A treasure to love and attempt to protect
Tragic if we fail due to ignorance and neglect!


Night Owl - Poetry Contest
Sponsor -Kelly Deschler

by Eve Roper |
Categories: dance, drink, money,

The Irish Love a Bit of Craic On Saint Patrick's Day

Cian careen into Quigley's Pub
for a little Irish whiskey and sub
before long dancing
an Irish jig romancing 
the wee fawning lassies lap club

lassies hooting and flapping being bold
with blarney about his pot of gold
money he was countin
while lassies were mountin
full of craic, pole dancing, and few handholds

much Irish brew a sot Cian became
I'm takin my money you can't blame
when he got to his lair
pot did he held bare
shame he did claim but himself to blame


by William Darnell Sr |
Categories: autumn, celebration, character, color, confidence, creation, emotions, family, friendship love, halloween, holiday, image, imagery, imagination, nature, night, seasons,

Autumn's Fall

Autumn's Fall

Two silhouettes together, 
Under the light of the moon. 

The hooting of owls  
Is singing a scary tune. 

Dark shadows fly past us, 
But your arms hold me tight. 

With thoughts on your love, 
I lose fear for the night. 

The pumpkin that glows 
On the steps by my door.

It seems to be smiling, 
Makes me longing for more. 

The moonlight in the sky  
Shines down on the ground. 

Glistening the leaves, 
That covers the ground.

by William Darnell Sr |
Categories: autumn, family, holiday, seasons,

Autum's Fall

Two silhouettes together, 
Under the light of the moon
The hooting of owls
They are singing a scary tune. 

Dark shadows fly past us, 
But my arms hold you tight
With thoughts on our love
We lose fear for the night. 

The pumpkin that glows, 
On the steps by our door
It seems to be smiling 
Make me hunger for more.

The moonlight in the sky,
Shines down to the ground 
Glistening the leaves
That covers the ground.

by Gregory Ramos |
Categories: sorrow, time,

The Glowing Side

In the glowing side of evening faced houses 
 Hooting owls distant echo sounds 

 Still awaiting the dawn 
 Partners restle for hungry passion fleeting

 Dreams of homecomings 
 Streamers banners awaiting for hours 

 Love is lost at dusk 
 Wind graces the tall grass 

 Bends and aches towards 
 The east where life comes

 And goes as I face 
 The glowing rise 

 Of my mood 
 Love scattered milky way 

 Wraped blind my heart 
 So careses yesterday 

 Moments in time slips 
 By for tommarrow I fly 

 In the glowing side 
 Of evening

by Lameesa Sherin |
Categories: love, night,


Standing in the stillness of the hour,
Staring into the starless dark sky-
Holding it's uncanny secrets.
Coldness of the wind, piercing my hollow thoughts.
Hooting owl, deafening the silence of the woods.
Veiled with the thickest cloak of misery,
I let myself sink into the depth of nothingness.
So, my grey eyes could absorb a bit of your colours.
And light up another candle in the abyss of my nights.

by Daniel Iriase |
Categories: absence,

Simultaneous Death

My gloomy black rose of murky nights
Reminisce, our love a crimson red rose
that grew as jazz crescendo
gliding from night in black depth
of our deep dark plaintive soul

This grave we exchang'd blood
Nocturnals watching assemblage
till my dark crimson joy expir'd
Cascades bloody Nile as your
dark love destroy'd me

She met her bed
Rest, rest in misty foggy
rest, rest 'gainst cold pillow
Emotion in despair, dead
digging deep, deep in life-sick me

She met her bed
so is my lust, gone with the wind
of milk-moon loom in 
a chill night serenade with
hooting wolves and howling owls

by Regina Mcintosh |
Categories: beautiful, bird, cute love, love, nature,

Mates For Life

~ eagles, together loving each other always sharing everything ~ barn owls intertwined married throughout a lifetime hooting out through loft ~ stunning black neck swans spend their whole life together floating on water ~ blue jays are two joined helping each other through life amid joyous calls ~ snow geese will travel two, spending their life as one wedded for lifetime ~

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: day,

A Jewel of a Day

A jewel of a day
where love prevails
blue bird serenades butterfly
wind chimes tingle happily

spring forest magic
purple violets
sage gray owl spreads his hooting call
a trilling cardinal speaks

twilight arrival
soft pink and orange sky
the woodland creatures retire
warm sun slips out of sight