by Bernard F. Asuncion |
I-t is God's command,
N-ever give a cold shoulder,
C-hoose to love neighbors.
F-ight the poverty
O-f the whole world nowadays,
R-egardless of race.
A-im to help them all,
F-eeding their body and soul,
R-eceive God's blessings.
I-t's a unified
C-hurch of Christ for Africa,
A-id for fellowmen.
Form: Acrostic Choka
by Bernard F. Asuncion |
J-ust pour out your feelings,
O-nce you fulfill your function;
I-n doing your divine duty,
E-xpress your vigorous emotion.
P-our out your feelings,
O-nce you implore the Father;
R-ender your service to Him,
C-hoose the fervent prayer.
I-t's time to pour out your feelings,
N-ovember seventh Tuesday;
C-ompletely show the love,
U-sing sincere words to say.
L-et the fire in your heart burn to ignite some good things;
A-llow your mind and soul to pour out your feelings.
by Bernard F. Asuncion |
S-acred duty of the sheep
E-mploys faith, hope, and love;
P-rimary function to worship
H-as pleased the Father above.
D-uty of the sheep
A-ims to uphold spiritual fervor;
C-omplete the race set by God,
O-beying Him with vigor.
C-hoose to accomplish the task before you go to sleep;
O-n the first of November, do the duty of the sheep.
by Bernard F. Asuncion |
R-etain or keep the wedlock,
I-n spite of the blue;
C-herish the matrimony,
K-now that God blessed both of
L-et the twelfth of September
U-se the marriage union;
C-ouple prove their love,
Y-earning to show deep affection.
C-hoose the given partner,
R-ight inside the flock;
U-nder the grace of God,
Z-ealously keep the wedlock
by Bernard F. Asuncion |
N-ow get your heart in shape,
I-n spite of the ache;
C-herish the love inside,
A-llow it not to break.
O-nce you get your heart in shape,
B-ad mood will disappear;
L-oneliness will surely fade
I-nto the sky blue and clear.
G-et your heart in shape,
A-im to show harmony;
C-hoose the happy moment,
I-nstead of forlorn agony.
O-n the eighteenth of November,behold the inner landscape;
N-atural beat brings warmth, get your heart in shape.
by Bernard F. Asuncion |
C-hoose to fulfill your function,
E-ven though it's difficult;
L-et your performance be fine,
E-radicating your life's fault.
S-imply fulfill your function,
T-o show your trust and love;
E-liminate the negligence, giving glory to the Father above.
F-aithfully fulfill your function,
E-arly eighth of February;
D-on't let your fervor fade,
E-arnestly please the Almighty.
R-emain firm and steadfast,
E-agerly wait for salvation;
S-tay blazing and fervent, fulfill your function.
by Bernard F. Asuncion |
B-etween good and bad,
E-rror and correctness;
R-ight way and wrong turn,
N-ever ever go amiss.
A-llow not your life to be
D-riven into the waste;
E-ither eye will turn blind
T-o the time spent in
A-llow your heart to feel
G-od's graces and love;
N-ovember third early day
E-xpresses the warmth above.
C-hoose between the curse
A-nd blessing in your sight;
L-et the former be cast away
U-ntil the latter is held tight.
M-ake no mistake in life
B-ecause it will make you sad;
A-llow your mind to pick between good and bad.
by Bernard F. Asuncion |
A-llow not the guilt to attack,
N-either the conscience nor ego;
N-ever will they remain silent,
E-very detail they all know.
A-llow not the guilt to attack,
S-tay away from zone of evil;
U-sing faith, hope, and love,
N-ot those against God's will.
C-hoose the truth from false,
I-nstead of suffering setback;
O-n the sixteenth of January,
N-ever let the guilt attack.
by Bernard F. Asuncion |
D-on't be afraid of the long road,
A-s you will encounter thirst;
N-ever fear the hunger,
I-n the morn of March first.
C-hoose to walk on the long road, for life is indeed difficult;
A-void making the shortcut coupled with forlorn fault.
A-im to endure your journey,
D-o carry your solemn load;
U-se your faith, hope, and love,
L-earn to tread on the long road.
by Bernard F. Asuncion |
C-hoose to complete the race
O-ur God has set before us;
M-ake it to the finish line,
P-ray to Him with total trust.
L-et us complete the race,
E-ven though the sky is gray;
T-ill the end of the journey,
E-ach and every passing day.
T-ime to complete the race,
H-aving hope, faith, and love;
E-agerly learn to be strong, praising the Lord God above.
R-ise up from our slumber,
A-sk God for His glorious grace;
C-ome into the heaven's door,
E-arnestly complete the race.
by Bernard F. Asuncion |
C-hoose the poetry zone,
H-ope, faith, and love don't hide;
E-very writer pens a topic,
R-ead the message deep
G-o seek the inspiration,
O-pen your soul when you're alone;
M-orning of November twenty-third,
E-agerly find the poetry
by Bernard F. Asuncion |
G-od Almighty's name,
E-verlasting so true;
R-eal love given by Him
R-emains dwelling in
P-ray to the Lord up above,
U-ntil He hears your voice;
R-equesting Him the wisdom
I-n making the right choice.
F-ather Almighty's name
I-s also called Holy;
C-all upon Him with faith,
A-sking Him for heavenly glory.
C-hoose blessing seventh of June,
I-nstead of curse and misery;
O-bey and revere the sacred
N-ame of God Almighty.
by Bernard F. Asuncion |
N-ever let your both feet falter,
A-llowing them to walk through;
N-ever let either of them
C-hoose to dismay
B-e strong in faith and hope,
E-arly first of December;
L-et your love stand its ground,
L-et not your both feet falter.
by Bernard F. Asuncion |
A-llow your ears to listen,
N-ever turn them deaf;
N-ever let them close, neither right nor left.
P-ay attention to the faith.
A-llow your eyes to see;
C-hoose not to turn blind,
P-ray to God Almighty.
A-pril twenty-eighth Friday,
K-indly hear the voice from heaven;
I-t will speak of divine love,
N-ow that you listen.
by Bernard F. Asuncion |
F-ill the day with love,
L-ike a heart in great shape;
O-n the fourth of January,
R-un away from rage to escape.
M-ay you fill the day with love,
E-arly in the morning break;
R-un away from anger,
C-hoose not the pain and ache.
U-nderstand the message
R-elayed from up above;
I-t will set everything aright,
O-nce you fill the day with love.
by Bernard F. Asuncion |
M-ild mind shows humility,
O-beying the Lord God above;
N-ew day of every morning
I-s filled with so much love.
C-hoose to have a mild mind, not the arrogant thinking;
A-im to possess meekness from break of dawn till evening.
M-ild mind at any moment
E-xpresses gentle gesture;
N-ever will it be boastful and angry
D-uring the time of pressure.
E-arly October thirty-first, let your heart be so kind;
Z-ealously learn not to be wild, open your life to mild mind.