Love Poems About Hooky or Hooky Love Poems
by Adrienne Gresham |
Categories: childhoodlove,

The Love of My Dad

The Love of My Dad

When I was a child, you combed my hair for school

I never played hooky, because that was your rule

You helped with my homework

Math was a trial

But you stuck with me, because I am your child

You never gave up, no matter how long it took

You taught me to clean, and also to cook

You’re my dad and I am so proud

I love you, and I say it out loud

LaCont’e Gresham

by Cheryl Hoffman |
Categories: humor, snow, work,

Almost a Snow Day

Although I really do love my job,
Love to lounge around with don't disturb on my door knob,
More often than not I'd love to play hooky,
Ornately drinking tea and eating oatmeal raisin cookies,
Sympathizing for all the ones who are slaving away,
Totally enjoying my Ferris Bueller off day,

Aha, I say as I look out my window,

Suddenly it started to heavily snow,
Now I don't more than likely have to go,
Oh, better I call up just in case,
Work might just be after all taking place,

Darn, thought they'd be shutting down,
Almost hung up with a smile instead of a frown,
Yikes, I think as I freeze and fishtail on my way to my job downtown!


by Kathryn Sweeney |
Categories: lonely, lost love,

Black Cloak

Shivering at the winter of the world,
damaged yet seeking
loves brave endurance,
his cold hands clutched tightly the worn,
familiar black cloak of despair,
and pulled it tighter about his wrinkled neck,
closing his wine dark eyes,
to erase the vision of her face,
his laughter roared through the terror
of playing hooky with the graveyard.

by C.W. Bryan |
Categories: lost love,

A First Car

Books stacked in the floorboards,
her breath on polished glass

Together you would drive,
skipping yet another class

Playing hooky in a hand-me-down,
if only it could last

The memory of her fades each day,
like long neglected brass

Thank the Lord for that car,
& pray you don’t forget her laugh