Love Poems About Honeyfugle or Honeyfugle Love Poems
by Jai Garg |
Categories: love

No Conformist

In epithymy I muse this fladge in freck and fleer.
Furciferous you take a  gammerstang within arms.
Geason to gnast the gleed to halch this love hautain.
Honeyfugle a heinsby to houghmangandy illecebrous.

Jollux jiffle jectigation in leggiadrous knabble
Limerance cave hikes morate lost No MISOGYNIST.

by Jai Garg |
Categories: life, loss, lost love, love

No Conformist

In epithymy I muse this fladge in freck and fleer.
Furciferous you take a  gammerstang within arms.
Geason to gnast the gleed to halch this love hautain.
Honeyfugle a heinsby to houghmangandy illecebrous.

Jollux jiffle jectigation in leggiadrous knabble
Limerance cave hikes morate lost No MISOGYNIST.

Note:- Sure this is English.