Love Poems About Honey Bee or Honey Bee Love Poems
by Tim Smith |
Categories: dream, love,

Living In Your Dream

Floating across rivers, valleys, and streams I'm thinking of living inside of your dreams Run barefoot through nature, you chasing me End up tripping and falling in love by the sea We're two eagles that fly, soaring high in the sky Let the wind take our bodies, as life passes on by You're a delicate flower, I'm a young honey bee Sucking your nectar and starting a new family tree Sliding down rainbows after a warm springtime mist Laughter and giggles when on your cheek I plant my kiss Your dream will not end having me inside you Our days will get brighter and our night times will too

by Mohammad Abedin |
Categories: garden, spring,

My Garden and the Spring

It is spring in my garden
roses are blooming
cuckoos are crying
The winter has been passed
summer is coming
It is so easy to write a poem in the spring
when the river flows gently to the sea
when the sakura shines 
in the moonlit night.
Honey-bee dances in my garden
because it is spring
Flowers spreading sweet smell 
in the cloudless blue sky
Could you imagine a garden 
in the moonlit night of a spring
It can make a poem of love 
It can open all the windows of your mind

by Sharon Gulley |
Categories: humor, me,

Honey Bee

Honey Bee Honey Bee bring
by your charm. Your sweet
warmth from your swarm.
Makes us some honey as 
sweet as a flower. Pile the
hive full in your golden tower.
Pancakes and muffins, and
French toast. A million ways to 
eat it, I think I love your sweet
honey, the most.

Honey Bee Honey Bee I hope
you will always want to be here. 
I will wait for you with my plate
and fork and a smile full of cheer.
I'll guard and protect you as you 
weave and I hope you never ever
want to leave.

by Tim Smith |
Categories: dream, love,

Living In Your Dream

Floating across rivers, valleys, and streams
I'm thinking of living inside of your dreams

Running barefoot through nature, you chasing me
End up tripping and falling in love by the sea

We're two eagles that fly, soaring high in the sky 
Letting the wind take our bodies, as life passes by

You're a delicate flower, I'm a young honey bee
Sucking your nectar with you encompassing me

Sliding down rainbows after a warm springtime mist
Laughter and giggles when on your cheek I plant my kiss

Your dream will not end having me inside of you
Nights endlessly brighter all fantasy coming true

*A revised re-post from the archives

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: first love,

Butterfly Love

I was a rose to 
    a butterfly love so brief
        Does he recall me? I hope

        Like a honey bee
    I sipped his love. Where is he?
He lives in my poetry

July 15, 2021
For 'A BRIAN STRAND your pick' Contest

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: beauty, how i feel, life, sad,

Suite Seasons

Oh Sweet Seasons,
          Return to me

 Bring back the summers
          of love in the sand
 of champagne moons
          and dancing in the sun

 Send me your autumns
         on apple cider breeze
and nature’s confetti
         of auburn and gold

 Frost me in winters
         with marshmallow mountains
 warmed by hot chocolate
         and pine coned embers

 Then let life renew
         oh sweet seasons of spring
with lilac memories
         and honey bee serenade

by Peter Dome |
Categories: caregiving, fantasy, love, marriage, romance, romantic,

A Kiss To Last Forever

If it be my wish
I'd endeavour
to maketh this heavenly 
hunger satisfying kiss
to last forever.

Her welcoming warm arms
to provide sanctuary and safety
that soothes the inner child
I Lose myself in her soft caress
and harbour my heart and soul
She is the sculptress
and I the thing she moulds.

Her tender love to be liken a flowing 
calming river
that flows with such invigorating emotion
deep inside of me
Her fragrance  as sweet as the honeysuckle
that attracts the flirtatious honey bee.

One love one heart one dream
one flesh until we meet see our final sunset
and take
our last breaths
and rest together
on some grassy land
after our mortal  death,

Peter Dome, copyright.2014. Jan.

by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
Categories: angst, love, nature,


sweetly scenting the air –
a honey bee stings

by Delilah Ventura |
Categories: love, passion, romance, wedding

Bird, Honey ,Bee

The birds and the bees are not dreams
For I baptize myself into love
As my spirit enters the ocean
My breath blows in the wind
Romanticism in the spring
Bring yourself to me
Excitement in our hearts
Our fairy tale is a charm
Hanky-panky in the pond
Passion in the birds
Honey in the bees
Cuddling is our touch
Watery lips, so smooth
Relationship is our bond
Kissing is our key
Lovemaking in our soul
Energy fill the earth
Combine , the birds and the bees
As I accept this ring
Yes indeed


by Edwin Baldwin |
Categories: hope, life, love

Wild Thing

The wild rose expresses the essence of life and beauty
a sweet blossom atop thorny stems with roots entirely her own
the fragrant lure summons as honey bee makes its approach

by Tammy Flanagan |
Categories: happiness, love, romance,

The Kiss

The Kiss

Just one look
That was all it took
You said from me
You slowly came forward
Like a honey bee
And kissed me.....

But, I do not recall 
Giving you any kind of look at all...

I wrote this for my wonderful husband. He said I gave him "the look" on our first date. But, I really believe he just wanted to kiss me...and I let him.~Tammy~

by Somdev Chattopadhyay |
Categories: first love, love, romantic love, true love,

My Love Is Here

Here, she is somewhere nearby
Tell me, how far away you go is the milky way
How close, you feel a secured hour ! 
I will go, I will go there some day
Still sitting is the spring honey-bee
There is nobody in that city, 
Parents, broken house, dusty childhood
Nevertheless, she is present there 
Say, how long way you go is the horizon
How much rain forms a lake ! 
I rub the ruthless clay on face
And celebrate the day of love
Laugh alone silently, I hold your hands
And say, I am still today
Sure to meet together 
I am also here on the border all day

by John Hamilton |
Categories: appreciation, beautiful, dance, desire, for her, freedom,

More Than I Hoped You'D Be

More than I hoped you'd be

You are...more than I hoped you'd be
You're the sweet nectar to this honey bee
I...I have been drawn you now... the sum of two

I've found a treasure known to none
No need to keep digging this tunnel of love have given sight to blind eyes
Now all I can you, you mesmerize

As we dance under pale moons glow
hearts twisting and turning entwined
Star light flickers as loves shadow grows
Together we bind the hands of time

Eagles fly to places unknown to us
They have the freedom to ride the breeze
Let me take you to a land of trust
Exploring each other and true love seize

John Derek Hamilton
March 14,2021

by Brandon Rodel |
Categories: lost love, love, beautiful, beautiful, love,

Love Never Goes Away

The Day I met you, I found a friend.
A true friend that I could trust.
Love that would never end.
So I thought being with you, was must.

Love Never goes away.
Love maybe a honey bee,
that flies in on a beautiful day,
until a frantic storm rumbles and, makes her flee.

True love is admired,
on beautiful loving day.
I lost the one I loved. 
But love never goes away.

by Kurtis Scott Aka Curtis Futch Jr |
Categories: adventure, love,

My Honey Bee

my love is blind
so glad you mind
your a gods treat
you make my heart beat
you  see
your my

by Sharon Tideswell |
Categories: life, love, romanceme, me,

Lilac Times

Warm summer sun and dappled shade,
long, ice-cool drinks of lemonade,
relax your head upon my knee
… lie with me ‘neath the lilac tree.

Rich fragrances suffuse the air,
light breezes sift through tousled hair
‘midst music from the honey bee
… lie with me ‘neath the lilac tree.

Exquisite touch of fingertips,
young innocence joins satin lips;
just let your heart’s desire run free
… lie with me ‘neath the lilac tree.

Too soon we’ll see that youth can’t last,
such times as these will be our past,
but when from life our souls must flee
…lie with me ‘neath the lilac tree

by Faith Elizabeth Brigham |
Categories: feelings, love, romance, romantic,

Declaration of Love

oh little trembling bee
i am finely tuned in
(to your wavelength) 
and turned on by
your swaying body

thus i announce my desire
little bee my heart racing
at your name's mention
pale faced and weak in the
knees (when you're near) 

i love your sweet glances
with all the chances
we are taking while trying
to disguise our inclination
toward one another

oh my little honey bee
you seem to stare so curiously
you're my soul's happiness
and it's torment supreme
oh little trembling bee-
hover over me

by Pintu Mahakul |
Categories: beauty, friendship, love, nature, night, , cute,

Melting Love

I see you are so calm thank you darling
Bringing Love you have come starling.
I melt more in calmness you do share,
You have come near a window to care. 

This night hankers for love I feel soon,
You are cute lover of mine dear moon.
Jealous this night has become you see,
Now you are flower and I am honey bee.

Obstacle is this window still open is door,
You are there I am here I shall kiss more.
Miss I do not at all you are near me sure,
I am little ill in love you touch me to cure. 

© Pintu Mahakul , 27 September 2016. All rights reserved.

by Roxanna Johnson |
Categories: love, me, i love you,

Green Chevy

Riding in your green Chevy
windows down,
music on.
I watch you drive, one hand on the wheel & the other occupying my own hand
I notice the skin on your arms has tanned :)

Baby you are remarkable.
Your smile, your laugh and the way you manage to kiss me quickly and watch the road at the same time.
I know this poem isn't enough to show my appreciation for you, it hardly even rhymes.
But I love you honey bee
I hope that you can see;

All I do, I do for you,
& I enjoy:
All our laughs, our talks, our smiles!
For you... I'd walk a thousand miles.

You are always there for me 
And you always know what to say & do
Like i said, everything I do.. I do for you :)

by Brandon Rodel |
Categories: lost lovebeautiful, beautiful, love,

Love Never Goes Away

The Day I met you, I found a friend.
A true friend that I could trust.
Love that would never end.
So I thought being with you, was must.

Love Never goes away.
Love maybe a honey bee,
that flies in on a beautiful day,
until a frantic storm rumbles and, makes her flee.

True love is admired,
on beautiful loving day.
I lost the one I loved. 
But love never goes away.

by Matthew Brackley |
Categories: daughter, inspirational, love, flower, day, flower,

The Honey Bee

There was once a honey bee............ 
A honey bee so sweet 
Sweeter than any honey 
This honey bee you want to meet 

Every day collecting 
Honey dew 
Carefully selecting............. 
The honey for you 

There was once a honey bee 
Who flew free 
Flower to flower 
Searching,you see.............. 

Searching for honey dew 
On a day so sunny, 
and a sky so blue 
Flower to flower 
Looking for you............. 
To make the honey 

There was once a honey bee 
Who flew free 
This honey bee 
That I know 
This honey bee that I love so 
This honey bee has a name 
This honey bee............. 
is Melissa 
It suits her perfectly

by Byron Kaya |
Categories: abuse, bullying, philosophy, wisdom,

Narcissists and Empaths

As the honey bee is drawn to the flower
So too is a Narcissist drawn to an Empath

As the honey bee travels flower to flower
So too does the Narcissist run their list

As the honey bee survives by the flowers
So too does the Narcissist survive by their audience

Narcissists love exploiting others
Empaths naturally heal others

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: love,

Making Hay While the Sun Shines

she’s a wildflower
that makes the honey bee buzz
they become as one
when penetration so deep
threshing machine approaches.

© Harry J Horsman 2016

by Vasudevan Desikachari |
Categories: lost love,

Lost Love

hurt at heart 
                        goes to another flower

by Autry Emanuel |
Categories: love, love, today,

Fairwell My Love For Today I Go To Hell Loving Thee

fairwell my love for today i go to hell loving thee
my scarlet covered flower like a honey bee
i think that thou are fairer than ten thousand red rubbies

to love you is truly a gift from the sands of time
your beauty lies in your eyes
emarald color saphires
your jewels i have prepared
for this day i go to hell loving thee

do not be dismayed at what i declare
where you are heaven is sure to be there
along the watchtower i run to get a peek at thee

you are my fairest love my young virgin 
rose pedals decorate thee
fairwell my love for today i go to hell loving thee