Love Poems About Honest or Honest Love Poems
by Robert Lindley |
Categories: art, friendship, meaningful, nature, symbolism, tree, writing,

Retreat To Heed Our Honest Deeds


Two old oak trees weathered by winds and rain
with fallen leaves, branches and toughened bark
to shield a core of grandeur, and sustain
the wisdom borne to see the light from dark.
Two noble men aware of twilight time
both face evil world with courage and grace
Love and Nature gifts each, a life sublime
all standing with courage none can erase.
Each rooted within mother earth's great fold
weathering this world's darkest raging storms
images show lives lived regally and bold
tho' existing in weakened earthen forms.
With words of wisdom written in our seeds
we seek retreat to heed our honest deeds.

22nd June, 2018
T.J Grén & Robert Lindley

by Bill Baker |
Categories: betrayal, bullying, how i feel, identity, imagery, jealousy, lust,


Saying I’m sorry without feeling any regret.
Thinking the good you’ve done doesn’t count because of the bad you’ve done.
Using excuses instead of being honest with someone you love.
Playing the blame game and blaming others for your mistakes.
Insisting that your way of thinking is always right and the only way.
Deciding what’s best for a group of people without getting any input from them.

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: character, daughter, dedication,

Maria Elena, My Daughter

Maria Elena

M-is for Motivated, that really is you.
A-is for Aliveness, all the year through.
R-is for religion,you are a lover of God"
   and shows in all that you do.
I-is for Integrity, that honest spark,
   that makes you,you.
A-is for the Alacrity'with which you get 
   jobs done.

E-is for Endurance in work, home and 
L-is for Love, which in reality, your
    name should be.
E-is for Eager at each task at hand.
N-is for National, a woman proud uniquely 
    proud of this land.
A-is for Attractive, your skin, eyes and body, 
   that set men reeling.

July 27, 2019
Noon PST

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: love, peace,

- a Charlieku 4-3-2 -

to create peace
accept all 

from the heart
true strength

the love

life quality

                ~  Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Charles Messina   ~

                               ~ 2nd place in the contest  ~

Sun :) A-L Andresen :)
4-3-2 syllables
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Lisa Macmaster |
Categories: hope, husband, inspirational, lost love, love, sad, wife, love,

Hope To See You Soon

You are a million  miles away
thinking of you I am today.

I want to write to tell you so,
although i'm sure you already know.

My body may be far away,
but my heart is what will always stay.

True love is very hard to find,
but you my dear, are one of a kind.

I've found a love so pure and  true,
loyal and honest , that is you.

I am proud to say we belong together,
no matter the distance, our love will not sever.

and when we're together again you'll see,
so happy, together, forever  we'll be!

by Laura Hannan |
Categories: funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, love, parody, passion, teen,

A Brutally Honest Valentine's

My darling enigma, my dove   
You’re the epitome of my love
Your smile shines at me pearly white      
Pale skin shines and glints in the light       
Silken locks, obsidian flow
Eyes just like ice, crystalline glow        
Peals of laughter ring like a bell            
Enchant me; I’m under your spell    
You walk with a musical flow
Tiptoeing with softness through snow

But, alas, you open your mouth
Utter tripe spilling out
If only you’d keep your mouth shut.

(Love from Anonymous)

by Justin Bordner |
Categories: i love you,

Love Trigger Woman

There is a bloom of October
born of autumn's mauve harvest sweat,
her roots reach into the reason of passion
her skin smells of love's honest heat
and her wings whip the crave alive in crimson wind,
she is a sphinx of intellectual seduction and the lioness of Libra law,
from the echo of her elan laughter
summer's lean leaves which long for honey fire
rustle with rebel hue,
the rue of her rouge tears will woo you
with memories of spring's sprite and winter's ruthless wrestle
and in the desserts of her melodies your soul will succumb -


by James Cottrell |
Categories: beautiful, beauty, cheer up, conflict, cute love, desire, lost,

When I Close My Eyes

When I close my eyes I see your face
Shining beautiful like summer's grace
I see sweetness in the curve of your smile
Which lingers in my mind for a while
Yet in your eyes I see a lonely dove
Who yearns for man's honest love
Majority of your years you've had so much strife
Yet you still deserve a man in your life
So break the bonds and mould the pain
For there is still much more to gain

by Tim Ryerson |
Categories: for her, friendship,

A Tribute To Andrea Dietrich

she’s a faithful friend
a mentor, a confidant
a trusted teacher
of poetry forms
loyal, loving me for me
with no conditions...

on one occasion
she set aside precious time
to study ALL of my work
yes, from first to last
offering kind opinions
on what she thought were my best...

she loathes the lazy
practice of copy/pasting
bland, boring comments
or: ‘Nice work! Love it! Congrats!’
(short but not so very sweet)
enough already!

she’s funny and fun
honorable and honest
sometimes brutally...
(she knows I need it)
confidence sans cockiness
now THAT’S a lady...


by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: satire,


I love to make a comment 
as everyone knows well
Some are good and some are bad
but who can really tell
I may or not,  be that honest
a position I can sell
by simply adding to a post
The letters "LOL

by Julie Grenness |
Categories: feelings, love, men, retirement, romance, women,


Here, I dwell in no man's land,
On the flip side, there's men unwomanned,
They can be a miserable band,
Desperately seeking a hand,
I read their profiles for online dating,
Is this pulp fiction they're creating?
"Honest, sensuous, sincere men here,
Tactile and reliable...", Great, my dears,
All searching for affection,
BUT, I want your ex's true opinion!
Can I have her phone number, please?
What do you mean she's overseas,
Like forever and permanently?
Oh, really, really, really.....
What does your ex say about you, please?
Why complain about her to me?
Honestly, why are you unwomanned?
While, here I dwell in no man's land.........

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: angel, humanity, universe,

Strength In Unity

We thought we were strong
Something happened to change that.
We simply were wrong.

Angel with magical cat
Sent us unexpected love
We were truly glad of that

Sensing they came from above
The love they brought was honest and true,
Unconditional joy, practically unheard of.

They returned to heaven, when they were due.
Inspired unity first, brought us together as one.
They had converted us, stronger and true.

Thanks to a lot of teamwork and a bit of fun,
All of us together, much stronger as one.

by Shannon Deane |
Categories: friendship, on writing and words

My Liege

H.G. my liege, you lead the heed
Your heartfelt writing filled with need

To give voice to honest words 
For thoughts to reach all free birds

Encouraging those whose passion burns 
Experiences presented down winding turns

Vivid expressions easily painted
Seeing your dedication I almost fainted

H.G. my Liege, I dedicate to thee
Dedicated just for you, from me

Written for H.G. (Harry) Daniel Esquire
With many thanks love always Shannon

by Edward Mccormick |
Categories: devotion, friendship, girlfriend-boyfriend, life, love,

Unempathetic Me

I do not love for love, Nor will I hate for hate. Cannot, I, feel for you, To just reciprocate. Unflattering as is, Unempathetic me, An honest truth still is Most complimentary.

by Red Fiery |
Categories: imagination,

Sea of Dreams

Beautiful dream of mine
                                       honest and pristine
                                     ask me not what I desire
                                  for they are always ignited like fire.
                         let's not think about today and tomorrow
                        for love  can eradicate our pain and sorrow
                               so take my hand and come to me 
                                           as you dive into my sea

                                        Red Fiery

by Christopher Grieves |
Categories: anti bullying, dedication, for teens, friend, friendship, friendship love, high school, missing you, teenage,

Tea For Two - ::new audio::

Take us just as we are;
The rough and the smooth.
Accepted and loved.
With nothing to prove.

Need us too;
Or that's what we hope.
Ask yourself this:
Are you sick, phat or dope?

Gather together in twos, threes or fours.
Uplifting each other.
House and hearts;
Open doors.

Share the mountainous journey,
the struggles, the views.
Friends are honest and patient.
All colours. 
All hues.

Whoever they are, whatever they're like;
Be they short, wide or lanky,
called Steph, Steve or Mike..
We should give as we take
and be present, for sure.. our friends are forever.
And maybe.. some more.

by Heather Hill |
Categories: adventure, girlfriend-boyfriend, imagination, inspirational, introspection, life, loss, lost love, love, people, romance

Coke Bottle Promises

Sandy grains
wash over and over
a discarded glass
leaving what is left
smooth as silk
to my fingertips
like a childhood 
thought over and over
once more
and as I look
out into the unyielding 
I recall your promise
I recall, over and over
like the waves splashing my
tan feet upon the sands
for you are overdue
to return to me
as I kiss my love note
to you
and toss the bottle once
into the dark blue abyss
my coke bottle
forever and only
I do stay

by Michael Jordan |
Categories: lovelife, romantic, life, romantic, , romantic love,

Romantic Love

Yesterday is tomorrow’s today
In this game of life we play

In the game of life we chance
All we have on romance

Shake the dice then let them roll
Cross the bridge then pay the toll

Make a wish upon a star
Then let them see who you are

Open your heart and face the task
Open your soul and lose your mask

Let romance light the fire
That is forever fueled by desire

Let your words be honest and true
Be the things you say and do

And most of all for the one you love
Live your life for the Lord above

Through his love your romantic endeavor
Will be blessed and last forever

And that’s a true gift by the Lord above
For nothing is better than romantic love

by Tom Cunningham |
Categories: hate, love, peace, trust, war,

Poem of Poems

The sun will shine brighter tomorrow when...
Mankind lives in peace, but up until then
We turn on the TV and see war and hate
Mankind needs to change before it's too late
You may be Muslim, Christian, Hindu or Jew
Be honest and tell me, does it matter to you ?
Respect, love and trust, so lets get it right
Then maybe our sun will shine really bright.

Written on 20th June 2018
For Charles Messina Poem of Poems contest.

by Jan Allison |
Categories: body, desire,

Intimate Relationships

You want me, oh how you want me
Some days I simply can’t wait to turn you on
I leap on to you any time of the day or night
And you always respond to my touch
You crave every inch of my naked body
Then you whisper words to me
Oh how you can hurt me and I wish you would lie to me
But you are always so brutally honest and I admire you for that
Some days I love you 
Other days I would love to ditch you and I never want to see you again
Guess we all have a love hate relationship with our bathroom scales

Jan Allison
30th August 2014
Unable to enter it for contest as it is not a sonnet:

by Seren Roberts |
Categories: memory, sad,

Alone With His Memories

Alone with his memories

He sits and wonders all alone, thinking
where has his life gone, not fun being old.
Had many friends with whom he sat drinking
boasting of love many secrets were told

Some who like himself can no longer walk
Need someone to push him when they have time
To sit on this bench, reminisce their thought
 a wheelchair replaces these legs of mine 

I wonder what is going through his mind
The laughter of friendship, honest and true
Putting the world to right, helped them unwind
A Penny for your  thoughts, please share them, do

So raise those eyes, look to the skies above
Smile at your friends, who are watching with love

by Cynthia Ondrich |
Categories: love, on writing and wordsme, me,

His Name Is Poetry

His Name is Poetry

I have a new friend, a new love
He dances with his pure and honest heart
And strokes me with his gentle words
I crave him, desire him more with each passing day
Oh, what deep feelings he has stirred within me
He carries me joyfully, sometimes sadly, on a journey
From moment to hour to the day’s end
With his words, rhythmically he calms and soothes me
As does a mother cooing to her precious newborn
With a love as strong and as real
I can not, will not, be without you
You have entered my life swiftly, silently
Yet your power yells loudly, beckons me to follow
In your footsteps, to see where you go
Where you will take me, my love,

by Rich Rogers |
Categories: how i feel, irony, poems, poetry, spoken word, truth,

Being Honest

Shocking as it may seem to believe,
I dislike iTunes Christian and gospel genre.
The only explanation I can fathom,
Is that all its songs sound the same to me.

My preference is hip hop and pop,
Lecrae and Andy Mineo are my tops.
I do like Ariana when listening to pop,
Mostly I rock to the Apple’s pop.

I love J. Cole’s “Brackets” so much,
I even wrote about it for my class.
So much truth exposed in the song,
It’s impossible to ignore the message.

My focus effects my reality,
I keep Jesus as my centerpiece.
Without him, a me there wouldn’t be,
Connected like the roots of a tree.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: hero,

My Hero

My hero has a name which has lived on
through history with great respect and love.
Though decades since his time has come and gone,
there’s no other leader I can think of
who cared so much for all those for whom he
was representing in high government.
Though poor, he rose up, and a destiny
of greatness he fulfilled as president.
A nation divided had to be kept
from separating. War had to be fought.
So many died. For that, I’m sure he wept.
Yet assassination fell to his lot.
He freed the slaves; there was no better than
dear Abe, a self-taught, honest and good man. 

Nov. 26, 2017 for the Hero Contest of Silent One

by Raul Moreno |
Categories: sad

The Belt of Sorrows

As I add another notch, 
Into my belt of failures.
I did not gain the joy of my heart.

And if I had gained,
Your honest…true love.
I wouldn’t contemplate 
Using that very belt
As a makeshift tourniquet,
Around my pleasant dreams. 

Choking the flow of my tomorrows,
To ease the bleak pain, 
…of not being with you.