Love Poems About Honed or Honed Love Poems
by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: cute love, desire, dream, meaningful, remember, sweet love,

Dear Memory Rays

You first held my hand in rapture's own sown, green honed land -

Shared time was easy laughter that rose layered throes thru joy-spiced air -

Your lips brushed mine with youth's stirred flair by a stream's calm stare -

We lost focus under night's starry skies as sparks dazzled our sighs -

No years shook my dear memory of our young frays sated in twilight rays.

... CayCay
Jane 15, 2018

by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: desire, destiny, emotions, faith, heart, sky, soulmate,


Moon held and made
bathed-beams of love sonnets
dried by sun's own romantic pledge
of streamed warm rays on love's future solace ~
As days then nights honed my prayers
my pain slow climbed sky stairs
and found you there

... CayCay Jennings
August 31, 2018

by John Freeman |
Categories: inspirational, angel, angel, love,

We Will Know As We Are Known

Love substance seems to be twain by the natural human brain and will always remain the same as thinking remains on a natural plane When human concepts we clip beginning to touch angel wing tips arising from lies, earthly disguise realizing demise, as an angel wing flies Agape returns, precept we learn we’ll know what we’ve missed by heavenly love we’ll be kissed we’ll know as we’re known, for by love we’ll be honed All life is love in action diminished in earth by human faction perfection by heaven, loves action diminishes human plane diffraction

by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: appreciation, beauty, creation, spiritual, summer,

Summer Song

I love to season sense engage.
It clears parts mortality-dazed.
When young, summer’s tune range
was firmly, soul-deep engraved.
When grown, human ways hush
our faith with logic-grown mush.

Summer composed odes grant
faith prose that hopes maintain.
The soft song of a summer breeze
lifts aloft a wonderous spree
of smoothed, spliced rapture
too song silky for feel capture.

Summer’s charming, velvet songs
hold notes of mystical essence
assuring we’re a spiritual presence.
Seasonal airs of sensual flairs
are fluid trilled, space tilled, and
sound honed by summer’s hymn.

Air's fine played tunes, early man named wind. 

September 1, 2018

by Estela Canama |
Categories: best friend,

Love In Friendship

Love in Friendship

Don’t neglect a friend,
Especially in times of difficulty
Friendship is the foundation of real love;
Giving advices and confront each other-hold the hearts together.
A love honed through friendship lasts for a lifetime!

by Paula Larson |
Categories: love, love,


Like bakers kneading moments for their draught,
that using once, discard for the new taught,
is wisdom learned mistaking from honed sought,
nor guilt could so define, for none is wrought.

A newness of prevailing is condensed,
from virtues needing tithing, thereby naught,
as even sin unconquered leaves it ought,
so building in thy grace, would seem as sensed.

Design of living's faith, not piled or fenced
has no regard for guessing - love not dense
is as the widow's coffin, fully whence
love meant to love as endless, no expense.

To love so, ne'er durations's increments,
but true eternal posting, new ... intense!

by Zamir Osorov |
Categories: love,

Its Just a Wonder

Thanks for your keen 
And pleasure and kindness
For the descending and mercy
Thanks for the deep and instant 
What happened with me.
It, s look really as if somebody
Maybe great heaven
Prepared and honed
Every part of your soul
So precious, close and congruent
With mine in the details and wholly
In the basic things, stems moods and the core
That I am truly astonished now - 
Why we are so long
Searching each other
In that not so big Globe
its just a wonder,
my best beloved.

by John Lawless |
Categories: eulogy,

How To Describe a Man

How to describe a man
met only through his words.

I believe he wore the cloth loosely
not allowing it to bind him
nor hide behind it.

His writings carried a passion,
a love of words honed
into a soothing balm
or a barbed rebuke.

He wrote of life
its vicissitudes
(he would have shunned that word)
its simplicity
dipped in its complexity
its beauty
shielded by his love
of its simple truths.

I knew him
only through his words
as they became flesh
etched into the fabric
of poetic memory.

He was a man
that I am glad to have met.
If only through his words.

John G. Lawless

by Handful Haiku |
Categories: sad love,


I bared my insides,
you sharpened knives on my ribs;
cutlery, bone honed.

by Judith Palmer |
Categories: hero, journey, longing, love, missing you,


I found his footsteps
There, on the beach
Strewn with flotsam,
Almost out of reach

I walked in his impressions
Gently, feeling him move
Step by giant
Sandy step
In the groove

Honed and alone
Passionate and deep
Poetry in motion
This man is unique

"Life, Simmons, is fluid"
He whispers
In my dreams
And waves crash around
In a magical scene

Across the ocean
Carry these charms
Protection, survival
No harm

Bring him, wind
Bring him now
Swiftly, bountifully
Back here
To my arms

by David Nickle Read |
Categories: age,

Poetry Waits

Within thought’s shadow written
‘Good memory takes time’
Telling tales of paths half forgotten
Honed by nostalia’s perfect love
Memory’s ghost dances through vision
Inspiring pen’s lithe subconconscious journey
Wandering phantom lanes of twisting thought
Bygone Oaks bend in yesterday’s greeting
Crows I once knew echo cries from the past
Silent the gale batters my distant shore
As I wander lonely tracks of youth
Always they lead me slowly here
Writing tomorrow
Sometime next year

by Jo Bien |
Categories: love


the old year now fades
with this pen honed by your hands
sonnets from my heart

by Ruphen Johny |
Categories: allegory, celebration, day, easter, farewell, friendship, love,

This Day

Will there be an other day?
When time is graciously slowed to relish this charm.
When pain is selflessly shroud in each others palm.
And an unfailing love would cuddle us in warmth.

Will there be,
Prayers and wishes so whimsical to the quaint.
Tears and twitches so logical to the pliant.
And a shine honed by the purity of our alliance.

Will there be,
A climate so fitting to our chuckles.
A climax so palpable to settle.
And a tune from hearts to reminisce such trifles.

Never will be 'nother day,
As bright as this one, that's shone on us.
As great as this one, that's won by us.
And as rewarding as the one that we hold in our hearts.

by Johnette Loefgren |
Categories: hope, love,


Kiss my eyes 

with your lips,

inhale the visions,

peel ing strips,


from all the years,

layered horrors,

gathered fears,

gently excise with

your blade,

honed down from

the love we made,

clouded corneas 
of pain


let me see 

love's light


by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: desire, devotion, dream, emotions, fantasy, inspirational love, romantic love,

Romantic Domain

Long had his image filled space in my brain
where thoughts of him aimed my fantasies flow
towards pretense he reigned my heart’s domain.
As desires would show, so did my fears grow  
over his possible rejection blow.

One night, when attending the same card game,
he swayed us alone in romance’s name 
and shared his rich domain of desires known
matched my own excited, ignited flame.
Now, we share a domain love honed and grown.

... CayCay
April 14, 2020

by Arlene Smith |
Categories: autumn, death, hate, heaven, love, peace, war,

Oh Hopeful Dove

An olive branch,
true and narrow;
honed into the perfect arrow.
Pierce thy side, oh hopeful dove;
hate, once again has out bid love.
In crimson pool, thy breath to cease;
this world, sweet dove, shall ne'er know peace.
But now thine soul has been set free,
where love and peace abound for thee.

by Robert Wagner |
Categories: family, for her, love, marriage,

At 2am - a Poem For Ruth

you enter,
and with feline
stealth, pick your 
way through the
darkness of
our bedroom.
My senses, 
over the years
like radar to
hear the pings
of children’s cries,
pukey wretching,
and troubled
hearts and spirits
detects you
as you silently
remove your clothing,
the wisp of your
nightgown falls 
with a slight breeze
over your
outstretched arms,
you slip within the
sheets. “Are you
sick?” I quietly
ask, as I turn
my warm body
to embrace the
coolness of yours.
“They were overstaffed,”
you softly reply,
and I slip contentedly
back to sleep,
our marriage bed

by Sonja Kaufman |
Categories: fruit, growth, pain,

Seed Planting

When she finally understood
The pain she had caused
The hurt cut deep
Just like
Like the well honed 
Plow Blade opens
The earth for planting
Laying bare and ready
The heart

But the sower
Stood ready
And the seeds were
Laid in fertile soil
And gently soothed over
With hands of love

Then came the rain
Healing tears and
Light in turn

There is hope here
For the fruit
That will be found
At harvest

by Aqua Marine |
Categories: hurt, integrity, relationship, strength,

Portrait: Of a Lady

She had never felt so loved, past threshold
of turning back to familiar home
There was comfort in arms that held
her statuesque form, heart fine honed

His cruelty made her kind, bound to commit 
to vows she once thought she could not follow
Free spirit reigned in, free will did permit
dependance on hope's promise, now hollow

Embedded deeply in heart and in mind, 
integrity fired truth to be her guide
knowing full well all she would leave behind
To give her best was all she could try

But for the fact she was so much hated
She would not have known love, underrated

Aqua Marine 02/04/2024
Inspiration: Portrait of a Lady by Henry James. 

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: beautiful, beauty, flower, image, nature, rose,


Flowers are ubiquitous and unique,
Large and small carry a certain mystique.
Offering sensual treats where it's bleak.
Wild or cultivated, when at their peak
Each blossom feels like a kiss on the cheek. 
Roses and Lambs Breath have honed their technique,
Stand-ins for love, they make a bride's eyes leak.

by Wendy Watson |
Categories: love,

What Is Love

What is love?

The Bible and the bards have long since honed 
 A perfect exposition of this force,
So though my heart this power of love has owned
I'll simply, such discerning words endorse.

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by Patricia Sawyer |
Categories: confusion, hope, lost love, passion, sad


dust and bones.. diamonds and rust
lovers and heroes.. hearts that have gone bust
treasures buried.. promises un-kept
laughter we shared .. tears we have wept
selfish indifference.. well honed through the years
Objects in the rear view mirror are closer than they appear
the past runs behind us.. a quickened foot race
running and ruining.. our hearts can't keep pace
in foresight the lovers.. where friends once had been
then not even lovers.. and all friendship ends
ignoring.. uncaring.. till blue eyes cried dry
just waiting on better .. as decades fly by
with words and looks.. pierced to the bone
she's praying that hindsight.. won't find you alone...

by Tony Bush |
Categories: life, lost love, love, sad,

Dark Lens

I cast my vision with a dark lens 
uncapped and honed 
and set upon 
lovers I was seeing. 
I held the tears in brimming ducts 
restrained and damned, 
by echelons 
of almost equal being. 
I broke my heart upon gravestone, 
cracked and split 
and gaping wide 
as conflict poured unceasing. 
It bled all over happiness 
in clouds of red 
and crimson tide 
with agonised releasing. 
I forged my choice within a black spell, 
a medium conjured, 
forced to bear 
in wretched apprehension. 
And though you may not understand 
my love for you was real, 
I swear, 
beyond all comprehension...

by Shane Thacker |
Categories: abuse, anger, break up, dark, divorce, goodbye, sad love,


You're a cannibal, baby, 
consuming pieces of my heart, 
chewing on my frailty, 
and tearing me apart, 

You're a scavenger, baby, 
overhead with your eyes honed, 
peeling layers of my flesh, 
until I'm bare to the bone, 

You're a glutton, baby, 
you're always wanting more, 
ravenous in your hunger, 
as if you feed off of the gore, 

So sink your teeth, the kill is fresh, 
devour all of me that cares, 
go on, gorge yourself to death, 
don't leave anything to spare, 

'Cause I'll no longer be your carrion, 
your helpless carcass prey, 
that you kill and kill again, 
just to feast while I decay.

by Tony Bush |
Categories: lost love, love, nostalgia, time,


Beautiful darling girl of mine, or once you were, 
Yet passing time and honed fatigue dissected 
Molecules of latent loving down in shock 
To a relative surrender unexpected. 
All hopeful advances spurned, the lover's 
Lissom kiss, and itself drained ice white, 
Carnivorous with no teeth and ghostly lips, 
Slid into the cheap seats, out of sight. 
Beautiful darling girl, or once you were, 
Are you more the one and only thing 
To light my melancholic dimming life? 
Am I no more your once and future king?