Love Poems About Homes or Homes Love Poems
by Aysha Nuwas |
Categories: betrayal, conflict, hope, sad,

Blue Skies Over Sunflowers

In eastern lands, where once did roam
The winds of peace, and fields of home
Now echoes sound of bombs and gun
As war in Ukraine, is far from done

The sky once blue, now turned to gray
With smoke and dust, that won't away
And children's laughter, now replaced
By cries of pain, in this historic place

With each new day, new battles fought
As brothers clash, with brothers sought
And homes once filled, with love and grace
Now lie in ruins, in this darkened space

Oh, how we long, for peace to reign
And end this war, this endless pain
Let hearts unite, in hope and prayer
For Ukraine, for peace, and love to share.

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: children, cousin, family, fun,

Cousin Time

Cousin Time So happy is a home where cousins meet; their smiles and laughter make us feel upbeat, while aunts and uncles know that life's complete to watch their children share their love so sweet. Like brothers, sisters, cousins are so neat; they play for hours and later they retreat to their own homes, but know they will repeat that special time again when cousins meet. Sandra M. Haight ~5th Place~ Contest: Personal Memories Monorhyme II Sponsor: Laura Loo Photo #2, My Niece, and Nephews Judged: 06/16/2018

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: love, thanks, thanksgiving, thanksgiving day,

Thanksgiving Day Prayer

Today, dear Lord, we gather here In fellowship and love, Mindful of the wondrous gifts That come from thee, above. For this feast, we thank thee, Lord For health, that here abounds; The love, that fills and warms our hearts- For children’s happy sounds. For shelter in our cozy homes For freedom of this land; The right to live the life we choose- For nature’s bounty, grand. These blessings you bestow on us Outshine all want and strife. We thank thee, Lord for this day, We thank thee, Lord, for life.

by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
Categories: angst, love, peace

Non-Toxic Love

Non-Toxic Love

Pecking order glances
Destroys friendship chances
Dissolves love, annuls romances.

Surviving smart as a fox…
Smooths that road of hard knocks…
So step out of the box.

Live above mental kicks.
Care, without verbal pricks,
Strengthen homes made of sticks.

Avoid hot gossiping lips
Prevent ill judger's grips.
Watch the evil one do flips.

Find peace with the white dove.
Be sheltered by God above.
Receive His gift… non-toxic love.

© Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
January 22, 2010

Poetic form: Rhyme

by John Freeman |
Categories: nature, autumn,


Leaves are beauty of the Master’s touch …beds of leaves for homes of squirrels and such Bunched by opossum in the hollow of an old oak log …arranged in a thicket by a caring mother hog They wave to a lonesome soul in the summer breeze …nature’s devise of cozy blanket in winter’s freeze And you ask me if I love leaves and trees …provides great shades for summer’s picnics, ”Leaves” Leaves have butterfly flight, floating gracefully about …catching sun’s rays bobbing multi colored with clout Golden, russet and burnt orange of autumn equinox …Beautiful LEAVES!, Thank God for nature’s clocks. In Honor of Carol Brown And Contest:

by Dalton Ogletree |
Categories: creation, imagination, perspective, poetry, rap, word play, writing,



More houses
More boundless

More guns
More funds

More drugs
More plugs

More liquor
More, get the picture?

More logic
More and more profit

More of that
More A.S.A.P.

More gas
More cash

More in my glass
More before I pass

More wax
More racks

More in my cup
More of that stuff

More tabs
More dabs

More jars
More cars
More bars

More decks of cards
More yards

More of living large
More of taking charge

More paths being carved
More firearms

More tools
More jewels

More shoes
More booze

More clothes
More homes

More love
More of all of the above

by William Greco |
Categories: lost love, memory, relationship,

Hearts In Past Continuous

One day we carved into some tree
the initials of our names
and let it bloom like our love
which gradually withered away.
And the tree with that carved letters
fell down for the needs of others
and it was cut to decks.
And they were made into a chest
or a chair
or a bed
or a shelf.
And even if it’s just a memory now
there’s still something inside us 
that starts to flicker from time to time.
And we probably have the same chest
or a chair
or a bed
or a shelf
at our homes somewhere.


Inspired by wonderful writings of Richard Brautigan; may he rest in peace.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: tree,

Thoughts of a Calabash Tree

I was loving the sun, 
Not consciously doing anything
My gourds hanging sweetly,
Too big to move much
Dancing with internal mirth 
Because I was being picked today
It is always a relief to a calabash 
When the pickers arrive
I heard laughter and stood a bit taller
Glad I could see farther than bushes
But no one showed, so I knew 
It was not the pickers.
I sat back and enjoyed the
love of the sun a little longer,
excited the gourds would be going to new homes
today, knowing they would love
being bird houses and decorations
Feeling sad for the ones who
would be turned into tobacco pipes
They are all my children, 
I want them all to
breathe and enjoy
the sun...

by Eve Roper |
Categories: family, women,

Women In My Family

Women in my family 
are very strong will women.
They came into the fullness of their grace
from their partnership with God and spiritual belief.
Their homes always filled with a great deal of hugs and kisses,
and space to raise each angel with frayed wings.

Women in my family,
their hearts always compassionate,
listening, and understanding without judging.

The women in my family have always supplied
and endless flow of unconditional love,
trusting on the power of collaboration
with their husband, and children.


Women In My Family Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Sotto Poet

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: love, proposal,

Love In a Lane

A friend of mine took our photo
So many years ago.
There we were sitting on a running board,
Sitting side by side,
Loving each other and promising fidelity.

We were parked in a lonely lane,
Hid from watchers as we cared not to be seen
Losing count of love as emotions thrilled.
Until sunset meant time up,
We left and returned to our homes.
Until the day I proposed
And what a wedding did we have.

by Evelyn Judy Buehler |
Categories: christmas, fun, jesus, joy, love, magic, song,

Joy and Magic At Christmas






Written on 12/4/2022
For: Christmas Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Bobby May

by Christy Edgley |
Categories: anxiety, betrayal, blessing, christian, god, jesus, love hurts,

Just Gods Love

Only Gods love is real
A love of a man is not real
If there is love 
Man don’t know how
Coming from broken homes
Still single and alone 
But ok
Another peaceful day
Another day without having to worry about a man
Wondering if he really love me
Wondering if he thinking about me
Wondering if he trust me
In Jesus I believe
I depend on God
And he loves me

To trust a man, Never
I trust God
His love is forever

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: america,

The World Has Turned Angry

The world has turned angry.
Families have been replaced with technology.
Swiping and dinging has replaced listening and learning.

Drivers are enraged; impatient, unkind.
They plow over each other, like angry puppies
Because they must wait their turn.

Instant gratification has become the go-to now.
We want it immediately – information, food, attention.
The world has turned angry. The families are gone.

Technology has replaced love and kindness.
People spend more time in cars driving frantically
Than they spend in homes.

No one is listening to our children.
They sit in front of a tablet poking buttons
Wishing someone cared.
The world is sad.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: fire,

Pray For Australia

Houses built with love and thought gone in seconds.  Poof!
Koalas who have lived in a territory for generations running
to gulp air
to find water
but alas many die any way

Trees gone. Grass blackened. Earth crying. Australia disappearing.
Hopelessness felt around the world, as we watch the inferno 
Taking lives
Taking homes
Taking safety and freedom

Kangaroos and koalas falling by the thousands never to get up
Destruction devouring Australia
Destruction of houses
Destruction of millions of animals
Devastating destruction

Everything disappearing in an apocalyptic inferno.
Climate change nightmare
Climate change reality
Pray for Australia

by Ninette Carey |
Categories: destiny, earth, love, prayer, rose, spoken word, world,


We open our homes

We open our hearts

We bring kindness

We bring knowledge 
We Pray to the Heavens for Peace

You will be asked to choose

The time will come

Fear will be used as the weapon of choice

Masked with a loyalty of Religion  

This day will come

Together Love can conquer all darkness

  Believe in Love 
  Believe in Peace
  Believe in Us.........

by Layla Elkoulily |
Categories: adventure, allegory, angst, beautiful, boyfriend, brother, child, dad, daughter, death, depression, devotion, faith, father, fear, forgiveness, freedom, funeral, girl, grandfather, grandmother, growing up, happiness, hope, introspection, life, loss, love, miracle, mom, mother, mystery, places, sister, soldier, sorry, sympathy, uplifting, war, wife, woman, women,

What People Were and What People Are

People were
Many things.
Strange or not

People were
Different and
Odd and fun.

People were
Monsters but…
That’s not all

People were
And still are
Strange and odd.

People are
People. For
life is life. 

Yet not.
Not is lies.
Truth seeps from

Every mouth
Lies, lies, lies
Move, move, move

But somehow
Lies prevail.
Lies are life.

Lies are death.
Lies are homes.
Lies are pain.

Lies are truth.
Yet somehow.
Truth prevails.

Truth is life.
Truth is death.
Truth is home.

Truth is pain.
Truth is lie.
Truth is that.

Lies will die.
Lies will cease.

Truth will live.
Truth will be.

by Emily Forsman |
Categories: cute love, fairy, garden, nature, nice,

A Fairy Kiss

A fairy kiss of cherished love
is frequently forgotten of,
for fairies hide in secret grounds
where no one thinks to run around.
Their elfin homes are found above

the earth on which the humans love.
The fairies frolic with the doves
on Mother Nature’s holy bounds.
	A fairy kiss

is nothing like a puppy love,
for when their love is not enough
they only beg for your rebound.
The fairies make the best propounds
of worships for the feelings of
	a fairy kiss.

by Stanley Copley |
Categories: on work and working, on writing and words, work, pride,

The Printing Press Operator

The sound of the presses
   While they run at high speed
      The reporters and editor
         Trying to fill a town's need

The feel of fresh newsprint
   And the smell of the ink
      Working on broken machinery
         Sometimes old and extinct

Trying to meet deadlines
   Proofreading as i go
      A fast-paced stressful job
         But it's work i love so

To see the newspaper
   As it comes hot off the press
      Taking pride in my printing
         For in so many homes it will rest

To leave at days end
   And feel pride in my chest
      Now the town's got their news
         I can go home, get some rest.

by Ashley Chanel |
Categories: conflict, corruption, family, friendship, humanity, money, vanity,

Priority Disorder

Keeping up with the Joneses
Tit for tat
Caught up in competition
"You got this? I'll get that"

Let me 1up you
Everything an attack
"Whatever you do,
I have to fight back"

Destroying ourselves
Breaking up our homes
Pride over love
Ending up alone

The things that define us
Are the things that we own
The the things that we've done
And the things that we've shown

Driven by jealousy
Feeding our greed
Filled with envy
Eyes glow green

Superficial materialism
Behavior obscene
Prioritizing what we want
Above what we need

by Kim Morrison |
Categories: poems, thanks, writing,

One Souper's Simple Rhyme

Many people have kindly said
my writings must be read.	

Most can tell from the very start
that my renderings are directly from the heart.

They say I write of beauty and love
as if my hands were kissed by a dove.

They say my soulful song is one you must hear
knowing it will often cause one to shed a tear.

Some have asked why not take the time
to put your words in meter and Rhyme.

I say the stirring echoes of my rambling expression
often stands naked in the face of poetic compression.

Dear Soupers I not only thank you all for reading my poems,
but for giving my once solitary voice the very best of all homes.

Soupers this one was right off the top of my head which is very unlike me.

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: america, beautiful, history, love,

Southern Plantations - the Tanka Style

~Southern Plantations~ ( Tanka Duo) Magnificent great homes Fill'd of much history and beauty Majestic jewels Fill with many memories Some so good some so bad Sun is going down Ancient walls show amidst oak trees Many stand so tall Surviving time many wars Elegant homes exuding such grace. Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 Copyright@2011
January.22.2017 ~Author's Notes: "The Tanka" is a classic Japanese poetry form or style that's related to the Haiku.

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: happiness, love,

Home Sweet Home

Houses aren't homes unless they are full
of love in tremendous amount.
Mothers are usually the heart of the home
expressing their love extravagantly.

Such homes are not easily forgotten,
when the time comes to make your own home.
Each child takes his or her happy memories 
easily along wherever the trail leads.
Traveling is easy with love and happiness.

How lucky I, that my childhood home
of love and contentment had plenty.
My mother and father had no trouble at all
expressing love to my siblings and me.

Written:  February 1, 2016

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: america, beautiful, history, love,

Southern Plantations - the Tanka Style

~Southern Plantations~ ( Tanka Duo) Magnificent great homes Fill'd of much history and beauty Majestic jewels Fill with many memories Some so good some so bad Sun is going down Ancient walls show amidt oak trees Many stand so tall Surviving time many wars Elegant homes exuding such grace. Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 Copyright@2011
November. 03.2016 ~Author's Notes: "The Tanka" is a classic Japanese poetry form or style that's related to the Haiku.

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: america, beautiful, history, love,

Southern Plantations - the Tanka Style

~Southern Plantations~ ( Double Tanka) Magnificent great homes Fill'd of much history and beauty Majestic jewels Fill with many memories Some so good some so bad Sun is going down Ancient walls show amidt oak trees Many stand so tall Surviving time many wars Elegant homes exuding such grace. Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 Copyright@2011
August. 25.2016 ~Author's Notes: "The Tanka" is a classic Japanese poetry form or style related to the Haiku.

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: america, beautiful, history, love,

Southern Plantations - the Tanka Style

~ Southern Plantations ~ (Tanka) Magnificent great homes Fill'd of history beauty Majestic jewels Fill with many memories Some so good some so bad ~0~ Sun is going down Ancient walls show amidt oak trees Many stand so tall Surviving time many wars Elegant homes exuding such grace Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 Copyright@2011
September.18.2018 -'Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.' - Mark Twain - ~Author's Notes: Tanka is a Japanese poetry form or style.