Love Poems About Gazelle or Gazelle Love Poems
by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: blessing, butterfly, poets, prayer,

The Blessings of Prayer

Like a gazelle springing from left to right 
Your prayers come winging through perilous night

Making swift haste to my ill beating heart.
I was amazed at how many took part,

So deeply moved, there are tears in my eyes.
Dark thunderous clouds have moved to clear skies.

My gratitude floods to poetry friends
I’m humbled by your love as my heart mends.


*Dedicated to my loving poetry friends

~10th Place Premiere Contest~
2022 Poetry Marathon Mile 7 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Mark Toney 

by Cynthia Vipond |
Categories: baptism, beautiful, drink, friendship,


Incandescent emotion
Spills and
Tumbles from pen to page 
Iridescent love
Leaps gracefully 
Like a gazelle from the
Lion's claws, as the safest
Oasis rises into
Expectation of inspiration 
Eradicates those dark emotions
Vividly transforming
The world of things
Haunts the proposed
Innocence of these words.
Eclipse the bright
Sunshine of some of the
Happiest refreshing moments.
Alone with my thoughts, but still
Raptured and ever grateful for
Every beautiful spirit-filled 
Drink to dissolve the driest darkness 

3rd December 2023

by Khayelihle Bongiswa Gamedze |
Categories: football, soccer,

Leo Messi

I love a person small,
He sprints alike a young gazelle.
And when he turns afront the goal;
He does is so very well.

He's got seven ballond'ors,
And he's got six golden boots.
He's counting seven hundred and more
Of goals scored with his left foot.

He won hearts of generations
That have seen his two feet run.
He won the World Cup for a Nation
That has been dreaming for the sun.

He's a poet that runs in the field,
And the green grass kepps him through.
His courage is the only shield
That helped him go through.

All hail the king of football,
All hail heroes of the globe!
All hail the football GOAT
That wears the golden robe!

by Abdul Malik |
Categories: beautiful,

Gazelle Eyes

My love, my world revolves around your mystifying gazelle eyes-- When you look at me My day begins, When you lower them My sun sets!
~Visual 3 / Words 25 Abdul Malik 06/12/15 "Through Your Eyes" contest by nette Onclaud

by Victor Okechukwu |
Categories: angel, baby, beautiful, beauty, best friend, black african american, blessing,

To My Lovely

I am under a spell.
Your love is sweeter than I could tell.
Your name rings a bell.
You are graceful like a gazelle.
Whenever you are in danger,
I will fight for you as a ranger,
Cos in my heart you are no stranger.
You have become my heart manager.
I'm familiar with your fragrance.
I noticed you in one glance.
Am lost in a trance.
Knowing you was not by chance.
We are made for one another.
We are a good mixture, we can lather.
I would leave my mother and father
And all my love to you I will render.
...I realy do love you.

by Ken Carroll |
Categories: inspirational, love, truth,

O Love Where Art Thou

O love where art thou?
bright eyes that gleam
searching infinity for you
astride silver moonbeam...

Orion faces Taurus
with pointed horns ahead
through quarks and photons
bright nebula I am led...

Upon tail of comet
light speed gazelle
drawn towards a voice
like a soft lute's swell...

O love where art thou?
come forward and bless
this lonely galactic hunter
drooping with weariness...

Warping to planes far away
towards measure of comfort
the spoils of the chase
at thy feet I lay...

Off to places yet unknown
led by stars flickering tone
love I grasp thy hand
and call you my own...
~ ~ ~

Not sure if this is my last post...If so I appreciate the few that supported my writes..

by Kingsley Awoh |
Categories: nature,


As i retired home from hunting
I stood before my shrine,
Forgive me for murdering nature
It was the gun that killed not me
I toil in tears just for my love, at least the bush meat will win her heart...
Hunting has being my grandpa's cult
Tonight, sleeplessness capsize my dreams
I split its blood as tears dropped from its eyes
Saying, 'merci, merci'
But the greed in my hands squash its plead
It was the innocent Gazelle

awoh awoh

by Danielle Brooks |
Categories: beautiful, black african american, black love, discrimination, little sister, society, uplifting,


To my sisters who will never realize how much I love them,
Who I hope will never have to know the world hates them-
Because their skin is caramel.

To my sisters who look up at me with eyes that sparkle like diamonds, 
Whose innocence is bliss beyond compare, 
But will soon not be, like a gazelle attacked by a lion. 

To my sisters who are beautiful like a summer sunset, 
And I who will make sure they know and never forget, 
You are beautiful because your skin is caramel.

by R.A. Marschall |
Categories: beautiful, daughter, tribute,


Her confidence stilled us as she sailed through the air;
The grace of a gazelle, with the wind in her hair.
Our little ballerina, the cynosure of our eyes,
Breaking dawn, to an illustrious sunrise.

Ten times one, her young tender age,
An ageless wonder on life's center stage.
Choreography was stunning, although second best;
In our minds, we knew, we'd been truly blessed.

She danced all that evening in glorious array;
Shining like the stars in Heaven's bouquet.
The light of our eyes, the love of our hearts;
An endless performance, forever in our thoughts.

by Ad. Andrew Joseph |
Categories: lonely,

Good Night

As radiant as the Sun... 
Pleasant as the touch of rain. 
Gentle as the moon light... 
Wonderful like the stars at night.. 

An oasis in the desert.. 
The sunrise in my heart.. 
Love like a morning star.. 
Eyes like saphire.... 

Teeth like a flock of sheep... 
That are shining evenly... 
Graceful as a gazelle... 
Spotless as a white ***.. 

Her lips tasted like honey,
at dawn....
It drops as the honeycomb
At night, with a milky tongue.. 

And, as it began to rain... 
In  cloudy climes... 
She slowly kissed good night, 
To the emptyness of my heart! 

Dedicated to those whose heart have been broken by their most cherished on

by Anil Deo |
Categories: analogy, bible, creation, cute love, love,

Love and Odd Similes From Song of Songs

Your name is like perfume poured out
Take me away with you - let us hurry
I liken you my darling to a mare
Harnessed to one of pharaoh's chariots

My lover is to me a sachet of myrhh
Resting between my breasts
How beautiful you are, my darling!
Your eyes are doves
How handsome you are, my lover
And our bed is verdant

I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valley
Like a lily among thorns
Is my darling among the maidens
Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest
Is my lover among the young men
My lover is like a gazelle or a young stag

Source: Bible (NIV) CHAPTERS 1&2

by Danielle Brooks |
Categories: beautiful, black african american, black love, discrimination, little sister, society, uplifting,


To my sisters who will never realize how much I love them,
Who I hope will never have to know the world hates them-
Because their skin is caramel.

To my sisters who look up at me with eyes that sparkle like diamonds, 
Whose innocence is bliss beyond compare, 
But will soon not be, like a gazelle attacked by a lion. 

To my sisters who are beautiful like a summer sunset, 
And I who will make sure they know and never forget, 
You are beautiful because your skin is caramel.

by Steven Ilott |
Categories: romantic love, sad,

The Real Tears

Those melancholic eyes and downturned lip,
Resembling not so much a whining dog
As sorrow crafted with a stagehand’s whip
Or acted by some theatre’s thespian cog,
Did glisten once with tears of salt and truth,
Conveying more the fear of a gazelle
Than mocking looks of crocodiles uncouth;
And thus protective instincts came to swell.
With words of consolation and replies
Of wordless love addressed upon the ear,
I tried to tease out sweet chirrups and sighs,
And out the pores the flaming fever steer. 
Ebullience half-drowned by th’urge to weep
Recalled the duty love had made us keep.

by Peggy Bertrand |
Categories: love, love, me,

Confession An Aftermath

You spoke my name as no other,
each syllable tumbling from your lips.
In a prelude with a reference of love,
with such a loving attitude.
You say you love me but will you
ever forget this confession?

I put up a fight not allowing
my soul to be touched.
With the stride of a gazelle
hind's feet I fled to the high

Is my heart deceiving me though?
I left you on the low foothills path.
A beauty starts to blossom
your footprints are engraved on
my heart.
Awakening of your love confession
an aftermath.

by Abdul Malik |
Categories: love,

I Love You

Your lustrous eyes sparkle like the glint of the rising sun 
caught by the morning dew on leaves of grass.

My world revolves around
your mystifying gazelle eyes--
When you look at me, my love
My day dawns…
I blossom like countless flowers in spring;
When you lower them
My sun sets…
I die a thousand deaths like leaves in fall.

I love you in many ways
like myriad shimmering stars in the firmament—
Heavenly, ethereal, undying!

~Contest: I Love You
~Sponsor: Eve Roper

by Jideofor Obidike |
Categories: appreciation, fantasy, i love you, love, motivation, sweet love,

The Gazelle

The Gazelle!!!

The morning **** crows
And the feeling grows
Towards the daedal damsel
With the gaze of a gazelle

She is an enigma
A portrait with dimples
The opera of the steeples
And with an accolade for charisma

In the center of my fantasy
She gives me a frenzied insomnia
The feeling of euphoria
And the smooth warmth of ecstasy

as "The Plantagenet"

by Adeyemi Joshua |
Categories: wisdom,

Reserata Carcerem Viii

trade not lanky love with worn whore
even if innovation to felon fame crawls
that airy asset yearns yanking yawn
she'll idolize bruised bankruptcy forlorn

if you nurse gaunt grudge 'gainst faith
that like gored gazelle, damp doubt you trail
felon fate had admitted your ailment -
haggard helium fostered feelings ferment

observe the callous calls of cloned clouds
that lusty lightening heeds shrewd shout
if lightening feigns ignorance seeped'n strains
dark doors prune pulpy yawn for rustic rain

take a drop and make it into a pool
the more you take, to use the confused.

Note: of rustic reserata.

by James Edward Lee Sr. |
Categories: analogy, beautiful, love, nostalgia, romantic love, summer,

Picturesque Silhouette Summer Love

O! Summer Love there you stand at the lake Aqua waters flow between your feet All such gentle movements you make As a gazelle a deer Dancing ever still So amazingly Shadow so sweet Upon the dawn sparkle greets Standing soul so aware Grains of sand in your hair Young bronze Summer Love Come here closer to me my love Fondly my picturesque silhouette Summer Love
6/23/21 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr © 2021