Love Poems About Fox or Fox Love Poems
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: children, color, fun, nursery rhyme,

- Build Play and Learn With Lego -

                                    Lego in many fresh colours
                                    they belong to my brothers

                                 Hocus pocus, endless adventure
                                    turning up the temperature

                                  They love these building blocks
                             driven by imagination, create a red fox

                             There are no limits to what you can build
                        The Eiffel Tower probably 300 meters, so thrilled
                                       The world's best playtime
                                         ... evening or daytime

by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
Categories: angst, love, peace

Non-Toxic Love

Non-Toxic Love

Pecking order glances
Destroys friendship chances
Dissolves love, annuls romances.

Surviving smart as a fox…
Smooths that road of hard knocks…
So step out of the box.

Live above mental kicks.
Care, without verbal pricks,
Strengthen homes made of sticks.

Avoid hot gossiping lips
Prevent ill judger's grips.
Watch the evil one do flips.

Find peace with the white dove.
Be sheltered by God above.
Receive His gift… non-toxic love.

© Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
January 22, 2010

Poetic form: Rhyme

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: introspection

Sly Fox

slinking through the woods
finding camaraderie only from wolves

heartless, relentless, self-absorbed
predator of the vulnerable

devouring her soul
crushing her hopes
devastating dreams
finding satisfaction when she succumbs

the fox knows nothing of love
seeks but conquest
revels in despair of victims

takes her carcass down to the river
washes purity from her tormented soul

she saw feigned promise in his eyes
the fox, the wolf, the demon

who devastates
while grinning with satisfaction

by Wandering Butterfly |
Categories: happiness, husband, imagination, love, mystery, passion, romanceme, me,


Let me express my feelings
Let me tell you a true tale
So, my husband has a "gift"
One I can't quite tell

He has his sly fox ways
Of getting what he wants
For if it isn't his way
His ways are full of taunts

He begs and begs and pleads
Honey, baby, dear
I want to hold you close tonight
I want to feel you near

Sometimes I say ok
But others it's too hot
But before the night is over
I end up in his spot

How is that he could argue
with me after such a night
Over a piece of paper
That was strictly in HIS sight

I know he has bad days
Trust me, I have mine too
I guess he can make it up to me
"Somehow" we'll make it through

-Miranda Lambert-

by John Lawless |
Categories: lost, love, spring,

Spring - You Sly Fox

Would that love’s touch return on the morrow
ease the coldness of such separation
soft kisses adrift on sunsets aglow
reflect the light of iced desperation.

Temptress or tyrant - lover’s decision
hot tempered vixen – cool, distant player
love in the distance - lust in rescission
hornswoggled by smooth, fast talking soothsayer.

Spring, you sly fox, you two timing cheat
melting the frozen, fueling sun’s blaze
announcing the offspring before lover’s meet         
writing love letters in wordless essays.

Sadly the lovers cannot comprehend
Spring’s but a means – to a flowering end.


Submitted to – Spring Is In The Air – Poetry Contest
sponsor – Emile Pinet

by Nick Puopolo |
Categories: betrayal, desire, love hurts, power, sexy,

Fox Trot

Though I'll tell you what you want to hear
I'm not a prophet or a seer
My lies tap dance upon your soul
As your Cinderella dreams unfold

Bullshit woven to the letter
Assuring you there's no one better
Than me, to fulfill your need
Your virgin ears begin to bleed

One more drink we do the dance
Another ruse into your pants
Crafted words depth with skill
Now closing fast in for the kill

It's always just about my pleasure
Silk smooth lines cut to the measure 
Crystal clear what was my aim
Reflecting on your walk of shame

by Melissa Fox |
Categories: happiness, love,

Your Company, I Want To Keep

July 14
Melissa Fox

Your The Company I Want To Keep.

Rested in your arms,
 Lost in your eyes, 
The world disapears
 When it's just you and I.
 Your caress on my body
 The way you take it in,
 It's as if your an artist 
Your canvas, my skin. 
The trace of your finger, 
Like a paint brush of means
 Filling in the darkness 
Where my soul used to be.
 Replacing it with light, 
And Color with Care
 Creating a sparkle
 that once was a blank stare.

by James Christian |
Categories: adventurelove, me,

Every Day Life

i sit in my deckchair  
lisning to the birds  and bees
i love the way the tweet and get hunny for me 
i love all animales  from the fox to the wosp 
thear is nothing than upsets me 
when im out and about with all you 

by james christian

by Johnny Sumler |
Categories: lost love, sorry,

She Still Cries

The woman
That I have loved with lust
But she
Has loved me with heart and soul
Can say
That I have made our trust a maze
Like the fox that cried wolf
I played a game to gamble truth
And now
I've taken steps to clean my feet
Which gathered debris of solicited lies on and so
The nights we try to communicate
Baffled and confused I wonder why
She still cries

by Paul Callus |
Categories: fun, math, money,

What Does the Fox Say

wrong calculations
bought my love new coats to wear
        found I broke the bank


is my favourite sound.
Dedicated to my host Skat A.
Author: Paul Callus ~ Feb 2014
Contest: What Does The Fox Say?

Placed 2nd

by Anthony Williams |
Categories: 12th grade, cheer up, dream, fun, silly, true love, uplifting,


Imagine a pig
In a big purple wig
Imagine a car
In the shape of a star 
Imagine a bear
Wearing a pink underwear
Imagine a fox
Wearing red,fluffy socks
Imagine a shoe 
That always stayed new 
Just imagine!

by Daver Austin |
Categories: devotion, faith, peace

Christmas Miracles (Five Haiku

nearly twelve o’clock
our tabby opens one eye
distant   “Oh  ho  ho!”

this one special night
the hen house door stands open
wily fox retreats

some little green men
from God knows where    see the light
       bow in silent prayer

meanest man on Earth
on his camel    hears the babe
vows eternal love

he trusted the Star
when the shepherd left his flock
wolves    by Star    transfixed

by Grant Baker |
Categories: boyfriend, dedication, friendship, happy, me,


Someone to hold me 
Somebody to share their life with me...
Cry with me, laugh with me, love me and cherish me...
I want to soul-mate to share life's journey with me...
Through the good times and bad...
So make him strong as an Ox & smart as a Fox...
That the man for me...

by Haiku Dragon |
Categories: bird, humor,

What Does the Fox Say

facebook and twitter 
we love social media-
little bird goes tweet

by Dan Keir |
Categories: absence, addiction, adventure, age, allegory, analogy, anger, angst, animal, art, betrayal, bible, body, change, conflict, courage, death, dedication, depression, desire, devotion, discrimination, dream, emotions, eulogy, evil, faith, family, fantasy, farewell, fear, feelings, forgiveness, freedom, friend, giving, god,


The fox gnaws flaking muscle
From speechless rabbit, cold
In mind and body. Men shiver
As bodies dry, spat from river.

Rings of globes circle hands
Of the thoughtless, so beaten
From paths to be told of Him, 
Waiting until eyes grow dim.

Walking among us is plague,
Standing above us is but love,
These winds will claw our youth
While faith entraps this truth.

Winter comes but we survive,
Breath and bones, colonies thrive.

by Hidden Sister |
Categories: nature,

Snow Prints

I love when fresh snow 
tells its many tales,
nature on my walk. 
Small toes,animals 
Mark each tiny spot.

I wonder what made
The mark in the snow? 
They came so close,
Walked on my porch.
A print they left me.

Was it a kitty,
A tiny squirrel, 
A fox on the run? 
I must examine
Each print so distinct.

We're they hungry
Cold and wet,tired
Or just having fun
Running,romping there
Searching for some crumbs.

Was it warmer there
Under the wicker,
Couch on my front porch? 
Did it keep you warm?
The trails lead to there.

Some day I will copy
The marks in the snow.
I'm determined to
See what leaves patterns
I just want to know.

by Beata Agustin |
Categories: appreciation, blessing, children, christian, daughter, friendship, friendship love,

Hannah and Grace

Hannah Rayburn* shared virtues she did learn blest in her growing-up endeavor inspired by Dad, a Holocaust survivor. Emma 'Grace' McKee showed values of spirited glee along joyously functional friendship** midst socialite Mom’s absentee-partnership.
*Hannah and Grace are the main characters in “State of Grace” which is an American comedy-drama series that ran for two seasons on the Fox Family Channel later ABC Family during 2001 and 2002. ** Proverbs 17:17 A friend loveth at all times… October 28, 2021 1st place, "A STRAND (1066)" Poetry Writing Contest Sponsored by Brian Strand; judged on 2/5/2022.

by Frances King |
Categories: animals, children, funny

Cosmo Politan

The Urban Fox has come to town … 
Back gardens now he roams.

Away from fools in scarlet coats,
He’s feeling right at home!

(Here in England, fox-hunters wear red - or "pink!" coats and chase the fox on horses, with a 
pack of hounds. Hunting with hounds is now illegal, but most of the foxes have moved away 
from the country into the towns. They love McDonald's ...)

Cosmopolitan is a man about Town.

by Mike Martin |
Categories: conflict, daughter, destiny, emotions, goodbye, leaving, life,

Let It Go

Show your love and let it go
Show your ego and confine it
For your love it shall return
For the latter not so likely

Like the falcon on my arm
The swing out in the park
Just like a sailing boomerang
Or a cradle in the dark

When the hare outruns the fox
The cubs don't get to feed
Like a fortune to a fool
Driven only by his greed

Like the clouds release the rain
Like the tree, its seed to grow
Like the bird on fallen wing
Show your love and let it go

by Bradley Cox |
Categories: adventure, confusion, depression, fantasy, fear, imagination, life, me, me,

Satan's Friend

Satan released my mind from it's cage
i sold my soul for a beautiful fox named Amy
Satan showed me some love gave me a 
tricked out ride Amy was driving Satan seating 
shotgun we were at the club drinking and 
dancing the night away we went for a drive 
Satan had a wicked smile he said trust me
let's drive like hell i felt i was flying and on top 
of the world nothing could go wrong we 
stopped for 6 hit the gas got it real fast
Amy got a text dropped her phone she looked down
crashed and smashed the under taker gave me
a dirt bath now i am in Hell Satan wisdom
fooled me what the hell alarm clock went 
off i was awakened it was only a dream
Please Don;t Scream

by Balveen Cheema |
Categories: autumn, confusion, heart, love, storm, winter,

One Liners-6,7,8,9,10

One Liners

Confusion is rIpping apart fusion to confound a muddlehead.

Inflated Ego
Inflated Ego is an overblown gas balloon.

Battle of Sexes 
Battle Of Sexes ends in the hibernation of a fused fox by a diffused vixen.
In the history of love one has to walk precariously along the quick sands of hearts.

Lulled winter romances before stormy autumn wails

December 12, 2015
Contest: One Liners-6,7,8,9,10
Sponsor: Bev Smith

by Solomon Ochwo-Oburu |
Categories: adventure, africa, analogy, betrayal, cute love, humor, lost love,

Loving a Tall Guy

Loving a tall guy

Loving a tall guy is not easy
It is as hard as chasing a fox 
When you want to kiss the mouth
It is just the neck you can reach

When you want to see the head 
The clouds laugh at you mockingly
And when you move a bit far away
The wind blows dust into your eyes

by Mintra Mankasingh |
Categories: 12th grade, love, spiritual,

Spiritual Love

Your beauty is like my passion for you
Succulent as a blossom from a buttercup tree in spring
My longing heart rises to the drums of  your voice
And leaps like a fox at the whisper of the breeze
My life ascends in on an astro trip
And I am taken in by the memories
That I hold next to my heart
I am in hopes of making our love sweet nectar
As my heated love melts away with spring
And I will wait for the crystal moonlight
So that we may become sultry 
Eyes to eyes;
In search of the glorious and spiritual light of love

Written by MJM June 26th 2018

by White Sage |
Categories: allusion,

Time Will Wail

Time will wail
As love trips away
And the sky won't stay
Time will wail
On the big ocean where seasons sail
And in words written in the grail
Time will wail
By the green oak so pale
By the fish without any scale
Time will wail
And the world won't say
And experiences will decay
Time will wail
In futures veil
And in the luxurious vain
Time will wail
For those who fail
And by the innocence of jail
Life will wail
On jeopardy's rail
On Doom's trail
Life will wail
And it won't wait
 When the clock is tamed on a fox tail
Life will wail.

by Johnny Rhinem |
Categories: angel, baby, love,

Hark the Herald Angels Sing

Saying, My name is Gabriel, I stand in the presence of 'God....
Whom seekest thou, Mary ? My Lord, while tears caressed her cheeks
His Majesty is not here, but has risen: tell the others He shall go before them
Into Babylon with Our Father's mighty Angels; and tell that fox, We cast out demons ?
There's a little black spot on the sun, today; tis the same old thing as, yesteryear
I have stood here before amid their nuclear rain; with her world turning circles at his edge
Of they've gone insane ? Martin my man, we have a dream too: Ask not what your country can do 
For you rather, what you can do for your world ? This candle in the wind, never knowing whom to turn unto.