Love Poems About Dragonfly or Dragonfly Love Poems
by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 12th grade, beautiful, character, feelings, how i feel, imagery, imagination,

The Color of My Heart

Sketch tomorrow leaving today behind, following the footsteps of yesterday. And feel the ripple of all life combined; empty your thoughts; take all but love away. Emblazon upon your mind a blue sky gilded by the golden hue of sunrise. And ponder a dragonfly zipping by, watching its beauty materialize. Blend the yellow of a buttercup's glow with flashes of flickering firefly lights. And walk the Earth, yet, let no footprint show, respecting life by honoring its rights. Mix well until presumptions fall apart; and thus reveal the color of my heart.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, flower, garden,

Pretty Dragonfly Spreads Love

In a gorgeous meadow chock full of butterflies and daylilies there lived a 
sassy happy beautiful dragonfly.  She was loved by the tulips, roses, and coneflowers. The monarchs revered her, seeing the joy she brought to the meadow.  This little dragonfly did her best to fit in, nurturing each aspect of the meadow as was her right.

		           pretty dragonfly
                 spreading love to the flowers
                          expecting nothing

by Tom Wright |
Categories: god, love, nature,


Potpourri By: Tom Wright 7/16/03 God gave me Passion of Heart when discovering first love, A prayer for Love and Peace as symbolized by His Dove. I have the Confidence of an Oak, deep rooted and unbending, I glimpsed the Joy of a Dragonfly ere midsummer's day ending. I've the Enthusiasm of a Butterfly, as it nectars a flower, and the Patience to accept Life, hour by hour.

by Nakym Sheffield |
Categories: cute love, for her, love,

Japanese Butterfly

Japanese Butterfly
Sole proprietor of my eye
Sole proprietor of my sky
Canary, strawberry
Colors extraordinary
She lives in an orangery
In a hole under an orange tree
Her kisses are of lemon-lime
Citrus, overwhelmingly delicious
Captivating submissive I’ve made
A solicitous conscious decision
To explore, desire, love-n-adore
Till I die 
My Japanese Butterfly
Your Puffy-eyed Chinese Dragonfly

by M Asim Nehal |
Categories: desire, destiny, dream, life, loneliness, longing, love,

Broken Wings - a Haiku Series of 3

The broken wings of
an emperor dragonfly.
Surprise feast for ants.

Fallen from his dreams
reached realities, 
now working harder.

with shattered love life, 
she took human services, 
many lives salvaged.

by Robert Trezise Jr. |
Categories: adventure, angel, child, creation, longing, loss, love,

Off To College In a Kayak

Tip of her kayak
At the tissue of Torch Lake
In its morning middle

New sun floating blurry
A half-deflated balloon
Struggling on a string above the hills

Fists of fog like marble hands
Warming themselves in the steam
From the night-chilled water

I can barely see our daughter
Out there
Like a dragonfly
On the petal of a blue flower

The ends of her pink paddles
Beating up and down
Along her sides

Testing the delicate air
Making her way to the other shore.

I put my binoculars down.

Next week she leaves for Marketing school in college.

by Stephen Allen |
Categories: creation, introspection, love, truth,

I Am

For we are love,
anything I do must be of,
from, for, and is born of this,
Unless this child is lost.
If by chance this fool does anything,
from some smaller place,
the suffering is truly mine,
against my true nature,
from the mind steeped and chained,
mans machine of pain and poverty.
So far from the deep wood mist
Scarlet dawn flared dragonfly wings
The rising miracle of all things
As I sit, sunlight on my face gently kissed.

by Roanne Q |
Categories: lost love, love, nostalgia,

Lentement, Doucement, Discretement

This is not an accident. I used to call him
a lazy criminal. Scooping hearts and spilling blood,
leaving footprints, fingerprints. Stains.
Eyes folding over -- the blindman or the beggar? 
Lips that blossomed into blueprints. 
Hands that rhymed with dreams, instead.

The weeknights, dark and warm 
in a season of curled paper.
No speaking -- guilt only follows
past the second trip through the door.  
And then the mornings. 
More sun in him than the greenhouse 
where we watched dragonfly wings. 
A pattern about him
like dragonfly wings. 

In those days we knew
what it meant to point
without wounding.
We knew how to need someone
without wanting,
without loving.

by Edward Ibeh |
Categories: flying, insect, nature,

The Dragonfly Nymph

The dragonfly nymph
An aerial acrobat; speed
On the wing, unmatched

Haiku, I Love U 2 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by James Edward Lee Sr. (Winner: 3rd Place)
Date written and posted: 02/24/2019

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: seasons,

Spring Summer Haikus

Intricate spring life,
Nature's bounty overflow:
Bees love luscious blooms.

Little lotus bloom
On the surface of the pond,
Dragonfly resting.

Basking in summer 
No hot sun cream protection
Red skin many days.

Regal red crowns of
Fragrant spicy dianthus:
Hot summer is near.

Vivid butterfly
Pollen in the heavy air –
Deadly spider's web.

Late-night kiss of love,
Guitars flutter in the night:
Midsummer madness.

by Wendy Watson |
Categories: blue, color, encouraging, nature,

A Touch of the Blues

A brooding mood seeks to engulf my soul
but on the cusp of conquest,
is deflected by memories of nature’s rarest hue...
The sudden glimpse of stunning sapphire in a field of flaxen corn
and soothing balm of lavender’s luxurious scent.
Dragonfly and Kingfisher in burst of aqua flight
darting across the stunned palette of serene summer skies
and azure mirrors of the soul echoing my love.
Sorrow slowly surrenders.

by Holly Schwartztol |
Categories: weddingwedding, wedding,

Beach Wedding At Dawn

Beach Wedding at Dawn
				© Holly W. Schwartztol

On this wedding morning
The gentle air
Of sunlight dawning

Celebrates this moment
So pristinely clear
Awakening us all

To the promise
Of love’s golden

From the diaphanous
Wings of the dragonfly
Comes the message

That the two of you
Are meant to be
For all eternity

From two
Separate souls
A new family

And we come
Too to
Inhale the salty air

Amid nature’s
Shining gift
At Daybreak

To witness
Your commitment
To new beginnings

And continued
Tenderness and love
Through many pages

Of your story
Still to unfold
Of love’s blossoming

by Richard Lee Cook |
Categories: father, lovelove,

Cradled Love

Cradled in the palms of my hands
Child of dreams I hold upon this land
Reach for the stars your delivered to me
And there is nothing greater than thee

Life made in love a water lily pink
Dragonfly wings and puppy dog winks
Honey beigh thoughts a starry starry night
Safe in my arms angels take flight

Wonder of wonders  holding this life
Not to loose and never to tight
Daddy's little girl now and forever
Cradled in love nothing will harm you  never

by Kristen Bruni |
Categories: visionary


"I heard an angel speak last night and he said,
"We are only here to comfort, inspire and give you hope."
Winged messengers, of all variety, we hover over
and protect to help you cope. 

Maybe in form of a dragonfly 
representing lightness, elegance and speed.
Symbolizing regeneration, we're beneficial 
and help you succeed. 

Cherubs adorning children's graves
so the precious ones are at peace.
Cultivating a sense of calm
so that pure love will increase. 

So if you happen to feel the wind
or shiver out of the blue.
Please don't fear, just realize
its souls we like to renew. 

(By Kristen Bruni for Angels in Cemeteries Contest 6-17-11)

by Kash Poet |
Categories: love,

A Love Affair

~'My dreams fly on the gossamer wings of a butterfly'~ A swaying tube rose denying a dragonfly to sit and kiss it, a butterfly arrives there tube rose stoops and embraces. ======================== By:kashinath karmakar Contest:Six Lines of Poetry,Please Date:11th Sept.2011 Sponsor:Constance La France

by Russell Sivey |
Categories: life, love,

Dragonfly Tattoo

Dragonfly tattoo I have seen flying on you Dove into nether
Russell Sivey

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade,

Delighted By a Dragonfly Today

how you delight and dazzle me dragonfly
you have kept me from my garden work, 
made me forget I have lunch to fix or clothes to clean
I am enthralled and mesmerized by your beauty
honored that you have landed on me twice today
you are keeping me from other things, and I love you for it.

by Taryn Thompson |
Categories: faith, love,

Ancient Waters

I saw GOD with a blue, vast backdrop and moving skies
I see you with my eyes, my LOVE be with you all
AMAZING, my heart blooms as the wind blows you gently
I look deeper at your dynamics yet you are intertwined
Belonging together as one, flying like a dragonfly
I want to climb you and rest myself gently on your arm
May I?
My LOVE, my breathe
Our spirits touch
Trusting GODS purpose for life
Surrender to patience, purpose, process, success, nature
Yet nurture, such beauty 
Exotic emerald is what I see
Topaz is what I feel
It is GODS LOVE that surrounds the winds of time 
The ancient waters

Taryn Thompson email

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade,

His Lovely Nap

Little blue dragonfly guy
Did not want to take a nap.
Why Mama Why?

She did not take no for an answer,
So he snuggled up on her lap.
Before he knew it, he was asleep with a clap.

His dreams were all marvelous.
Angels gave him a song from above.
He was on his mama’s lap, feeling all sorts of love.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade,

Little Blue Dragonfly Guy

Little blue dragonfly guy
Did not want to take a nap.
Why Mama Why?

She did not take no for an answer,
So he snuggled up on her lap.
Before he knew it, he was asleep with a clap.

His dreams were all marvelous.
Angels gave him a song from above.
He was on his mama’s lap, feeling all sorts of love.

by Jimmy Anderson |
Categories: fantasy, inspirational, love, science fictionwife, love,

Kevin Costners' - Dragonfy

It was a love so profound
Even the death of his wife could not keep her spirit bound
       She did everything she could to contact him from the other side
So across the world he traveled with her as his spiritual guide
       He held fast to his intuition even when he could have died
And with tears in his eye
       He discovered he had a baby girl with a birthmark on her ankle of a dragonfly!

       A man can't help but to wonder about the love his wife had for him;
If only I could find the love they shared between them!

*Dragonfly starring Kevin Costner is one of my favorite movies!  I urge everyone to go 
watch it. Get the DVD.

For Frank Herreras contest

by Matthew Brackley |
Categories: love, nature, uplifting, visionary, blue,

Dragonflies and Hearts





by Bobby May |
Categories: friendship love,

Running Out of Time

This clock I built for a friend of mine
She loves Dragonfly’s 
I worked so slow I was running out of time
I had to create a clock about the dragonfly

I study about them and looked at pictures
To create a dragonfly clock
This was not an easy task
But I got it done in time and now

She can tell the time

by M. L. Kiser |
Categories: appreciation, earth, nature, peace, poems, poetry, water,

The Peace of a Mountain Lakeside

In tranquility of a silver mountain lake, dance the chlorophyll offspring of the trees upon a exhilarating springtime breeze. white and pink cirrus travels the stratosphere, what it sees I would love to know; perhaps all that the birds see, maybe more. A bullfrog greets me as I wade into the aqua and I laugh at the playfulness of a dragonfly as it happily teases him. My soul gently embraces the transition that is springtime to summer’s grace.
7-21-2021 A BRIAN STRAND JULY 22 Poetry Contest Brian Strand

by Charles Hice |
Categories: friendship, happiness, hope, imagination, god, me, god, love, me,

Depression(I Won)

Depression(I Won) 
it is a nameless serpente 
that botheres me 
it is a substance that i can not see, 
a devile, 
hiding out of sight stealing all my might, 
and taking all my happy away from me. 
Oh GOD take this THING away from me, 
so I might live,take this awefule FEELING 
just let me live again, 
for thy devile it seems has won, but wait, 
I see the SON, he did HIS thing upon the CROSS, 
and he is LORD,and there is now anothere one, 
i see a VIOLET flower,and that is LOVE. 
the love GOD has for me is in his SON, 
the love i have for a woman, 
is back in me, 
a dragonfly can nevere lie, 
OH MY (I Won).