Love Poems About Dolphin or Dolphin Love Poems
by Julie Grenness |
Categories: beautiful, environment, fish, fishing, friendship, fun, sea,

Ballad of the Dolphin


Here's a ballad to the dolphin's laugh,
Thinking the sea's a bubbly bath,
Always laughing, always smiling,
Through the deep sea gliding.

Fishing the dolphin does love,
Smiling at the sun above,
Always laughing, always smiling,
Through the deep sea gliding.

Schools of dolphins smiling,
Leaping, splashing and sliding,
Always laughing, always smiling,
Through the deep sea gliding.

That's the ballad of the dolphin's smile,
Laugh and gently beguile,
Always laughing, always smiling,
Through the deep sea gliding.

by Nalanti Goosen |
Categories: animals, nature, sea, world, love,

Song of the Dolphin

A world enchanted with blue and green
 Secrets that are untold by human eyes
 A place where some relics can never be found

 Soft voices flowing through an Orphic world
 Moving along great ocean currents
 The song of a dolphin that never ends
 Creatures of amity and peace

 Eyes that show only perfect love and care
 Love deeper than any known ocean
 A spirit that lives in all tranquility
 Sharing their love with a peaceful song

 Tenderness of creatures so gentle
 That it can never be forsaken
 Like dream of dolphins sleeping
 In a world enclosed by water

 Nalanti Goosen©2012 
 All rights reserved

by Asiimwe Simon |
Categories: boyfriend, cute love,

My True Love

Dirty and helpless,
You found me.
Wandering and homeless,
You became my home.
Cold and shivering,
You gathered me.
You built me a city strong than Rome,
Feared and avoided like a skin disease.
Thirsty and hungry, 
You took me in.
And made me the dolphin, you the sea.
Standing a lone like a desert tree,
Swaying and bending to the passing winds.
You let me rode over your spreading wing,
Far we went ,you still carried me.
Tired you became, you moved on your knees,
And I on your back I grew to be free.
My heart, your room you paid your fee,
From your pain I made you this golden key,
But for your callused feet, I will be the shoe.

by A.E. Rivenbark |
Categories: love hurts, lust,


She was warm to the touch
Cold to the bone
A sheepskin clutch
With a heart of stone
Her gentle webbed hands pulling, she drowns him
And he’s seeking solace as she comes up for air
A Benedict Arnold over easy, she confounds him
He comes with a start and she with a stare
Deciphering what truth, if any human remains
She’ll speak dolphin, he’ll just wail
White squid ink on her nightie stains
Her love scribbled on a platypus bill of sale

by Crystal Wilkins |
Categories: animalsgiving,

Born Free

Born free
caught in love that your giving me
Born free
Locked away from nearly everyone

Trapped and broken
The waters just too low
My feelings you do not know
To world I'm just a show

I need to swim and hunt
Not perform these silly stunts
Born free trapped between concrete land
Instead of playing in the ocean, flicking the sand

Am I worth nothing at all to you?
I need freedom too
Instead of going through your human motion
I should be in the wild of the ocean

Born free
I need more than your giving me
Born free
Will I ever just be free?
Stand against Captive Dolphin abuse

by James Edward Lee Sr. |
Categories: analogy, appreciation, endurance, i love you, imagery,

Dolphin a Love Sonnet That I May Walk--

the Dolphin a love Sonnet That I May Walk--

My blue dolphin, you inspire me to write.
How I love the way you DANCE, WALK and prowl,
Invading my mind day and through the night,
Always dreaming about the great gray owl.

Let me compare you to a good sawdust?
You are more unreal, gentle and pleasant.
Clear heat toasts the light frolics of August,
And summertime has the argus pheasant.

How do I love you? Let me count the ways.
I love your legs and personality.
Thinking of your shiny smile fills my days.
My love for you is the morality.

Now I must away with an active heart,
Remember my bright words whilst we're apart.


Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. ©2019

by Liza Mayfield |
Categories: beach, child,


I sit on the sand bathing in the sun
Watching my boy have loads of fun.

A shovel with sand held in his grip
My son enjoying his first beach trip.

He is loving the ocean wave after wave
His sand castle he jumps on only to cave.

He is covered in sand head to toe
And runs back to me and says let's go.

We run towards big waves and jump into the water
He and I laughing and then finding a quarter.

We are having fun in the ocean and then we see
A dolphin, some fish and a crab that is attacking me.

We go walk the beach when he stops to draw
A heart in the sand with I love you mommy done with his straw.

by Dave Collins |
Categories: adventure, body, creation, cute love, future, woman,

Entr Acte

interstellar void
dolphin dancing in your arms
Bliss point Niagara

by Mary Steffen |
Categories: angel, love,

Dolphin Plays

Dolphins play
Blue horizon
Finding love
Within the sea
Singing songs
Love will take you anywhere

by Tabitha Mathis |
Categories: absence, death, first love, friendship, how i feel, i miss you, romance,

Where Are You

Where Are You
I've looked through the waters,
Watched the sun as it goes down,
Sat on the rock for days,
Nothing but beautiful sounds,

The ocean calm as it can be,
Not a dolphin in site,
A whale nor a shark,
Just a beautiful sun light,

I miss you so much,
What shall I do?
I'm in my feelings now,
Where are you?

By: Author Tabitha R Mathis

by Jackie Lines |
Categories: love

The Right Kind of Lonely

The absence of your voice
Kind words, kinder deeds
The radio can continue playing the lovers tune.

The emotions yawn like a tiny stop gap
You reached me, dolphin kisses we shared, eyes locked in our own embrace, every inch of 
your face.
 Otters ottering about in the pod sharing a snog. Holding hands in the flat as we cooked the 
tea, I know you never kissed another as many times as me, In the supermarket, in the car,  
cycling, showering, kisses, kisses, kissing me.

I wait for when I;m lonely and it's just me.

by Anindya Mohan Tagore |
Categories: life, nature, sea,


sea sees a lot
from the deep blue depth
where shall I hide myself?

wavy beauty
never gets tired
when do you go to sleep?

search continues
pearls from the sea shells
where does true love reside?

waves made me float
surfing on your love
when do I reach the shore?

dolphin whistles
sharks are coming by
now, what to do, my god?

sea smiles a lot
they are not humans
why are you so afraid?

(C) Anindya Mohan Tagore (Bobby)

For contest :Trashed # 3
Sponsor : Broken Wings

by Corinne Curcio |
Categories: love, sensual,

Coney Island Baby

Coney Island
And your windswept hair
Reminds me
Of Aphrodite
Rising from the platinum waves

Love is flowering
In my anemone heart 
Do you suppose it 
Mere folly
To think this mere mortal could:

Kiss your sensual dolphin lips?
Nibble here and there
On your adorable scallop ears?
Sample the rapturous flavor
Of your salty sea favors?

Seagulls circling overhead
Laugh and taunt
"You think you can have her?" 

I cast my elliptical net
Around you
A ring of protection
Ensnares you, my treasure

I know you are not 
Easily contained
But for the moment
You are mine
Glistening in the sunshine

by Yonah Jeong |
Categories: love,

For You 1

We are traveling the safari zoo
with loved ones
there are several the families
we ask them quietly
"don't know what love is?"
they yelled at us
"why are we here".

by Kai Michael Neumann |
Categories: poetry,


Nectar flows from scent of tender embrace

Seeds caress flustered butterfly tattoo

Enchant dolphin piercing with gracious face

Musk settles to whiffs in pheromones’ hue

Lavender perfume saps sandalwood dreams

Engulfs curvaceous lure’s amber delight

Cinnamon flirts with sweet soft wick’s gleam

As nature unfolds true love at first sight

Suspense awaits harmonious free flow

Angels sound oboes in couplets of love

As lips taste crescendo and lovers’ glow

Requited passion from heavens above

When the serpent peaks inside the mountain

The poet’s pen squirts ink spells from the fountain

31st January 2020

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: child,

Bedtime Used To Be a Battle

There is no puzzle in Merry’s keen three-year-old mind
No confusion about whether or not Pinkie will show tonight
Pinkie is her dolphin, who helps her find her way nightly….
to slumberland and worlds her siblings do not remember
Merry is sure they used to know it, but they are older now.

“Time for bed” used to be a battle, but not anymore.
She welcomes the bath, and the book reading now.
Understanding that it leads to her dream sleep
Where Pinkie is waiting to show her back to slumberland,
the world of pixies, faeries, mermaids and angels who love her the best.

by Cj Krieger |
Categories: lost love,

What the Sea Has Taken

When the northern winds 
Blow cold and still
And St. Elmo’s fire 
Blazes in the night sky

When flying fish
Scurry about the darkness 
Over the cold North Sea
Casting dolphin shadows
On the icy waters

I think of you
Thinking of me
And wonder
Why the sea
Has taken you

by Chinedum Ekwobi |
Categories: animal, care, celebration, love,

Penguin and Dolphin

What think you about Penguin 
How as a bird quite genuine?
Yes, it’s a sea bird: penguin?
About future flights sanguine?

Chatting up was I Edwin,
Who really seemed set to win 
Both a fair Mr. Godwin 
And fairer me on Penguin 
Being like Idolized Dolphin:
To man no less The Friendly;
Hence, needs less The Unfriendly…
A face you’d have named florid 
Like lightning flashed The Livid 
And breaths once much calm full flares, 
That could ignite a race: hare’s 
“A bird pretending a fish
Don’t match with man made a fish…

As you do gods shall bless you 
And the next Elijah – you”

by Lonna Blodgett |
Categories: faith, how i feel, inspiration, inspirational love,

The Prodigal Dolphin

Lofting above the murky waters and darkness of our desperation
Guardians of clarity and protector of heart's and inner healing
Sentinel of our seas of strife to cure us with felicity and elation
Leaping from waves breaking boundaries that withhold our breathe revealing
Gifting us their secret exhalation of divine renewal and revelation
Genial healer raises us in our faith as Corona robs us, stealing our souls meaning

April 26, 2020
A Poem Honoring Spirituality Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Caren Krutsinger

by Christopher Morales |
Categories: life, love, time,

Love For Her

Every time I see you, I fall in love again. I feel free, free as a dolphin. Swimming in 
the deep blue sea, watching, roaming looking for my partner to be. Everything 
else is a blur, except for me and her. My heart swells every time I think of us 
being together, wanting pleading to be with you forever. I touch your face and it’s 
as smooth as suede, I need you like a fiend needs cain. Can you hear my plead, 
I’m telling you your what I need… Holding you is pleasant, kissing you is heaven, 
hoping; praying that you feel the same way. Now look into my eyes, close yours 
and hear what I have to say…

by Melani Udaeta |
Categories: political

More Than Money

Some things are more than 
Some stuff sparkles more than 

A joyous dolphin in  a clean 
the sight of a cougar, 
thought to be extinct

the thunder of peace
invading the  anger of war

A patient in pain and ill
getting better fast;
They don't fear a bill

Two people making a 
commitment to one another, 
And all that matters is their 
love for each other 

 Some stuff sparkles more than 
Some things are more than 

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade,

Dougie the Dinosaur Catcher

Dougie the dinosaur catcher is a magnet for owls and dolphins too.
He has two dwellings – one in the forest, and one in the ocean blue.
He has caught sixty-eight dinosaurs, who refuse to shoo.
They live in his houses though their dismissal is long overdue. 

They love him so much. He is like animal magnet glue.
They have moved in an owl, a cat, and a dolphin named Lou.
He has stopped catching dinosaurs, but now has a cow named Moo.
What do you bet that bovine will refuse to leave too?

by Jerry Hackett |
Categories: crush, devotion, longing, love, romance,

Ellen and the Naples Pier

With the surprise arrival of the stormy might
Came to pass the long-feared fight
First standing proud and quietly brave
Then bled white by wind and wave

The ocean rose, there was no lee
Her trusted timbers stole by the sea
And as their initials floated away
Pained authors huddled ashore to stay

Her planks once were the open hand
That invited us to relief from the land 
A bench to rest, a rail to lean
The simplest wonders, untold serene

She gifted the site of dolphin or two
And delivered each day her readied view
Our walk upon it was one of a kind
That pier, that day, and you entwined

by Sayeed Abubakar |
Categories: love,

Perfume To Soothe Heart

When mind runs like a race horse, like a kite
Floats in the vast blank sky and swims alone
Like a dolphin in the sea of despair,
Then only one thing I have to do is

To remember your name, my Love, your sweet
Rose-name which has the perfume to soothe heart.

by Kai Bredwell |
Categories: childhood, firework, july, memory,

Fourth of July

A dolphin ride in a lake that's green
While covered in a greasy sheen
Cooking under my sunscreen
My father throws me high

Hungry now and out of breath
Underwater I go deaf
Splashing up to see what's left
Of sandwiches to try

Fireworks explode above
Mother hugs me, full of love
And I fit just like a glove
Oh, Fourth of July