Love Poems About Crab or Crab Love Poems
by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: life, nature,

Fiddler's Love Song

The fiddler crab plays as he eats
A high pitched tune, around the dunes
A fast rhythm most can repeat
The fiddler crab plays as he eats
All can play a song so sweet
Fiddling to their love songs at noon  
The fiddler crab plays as he eats
A high pitched tune, around the dunes

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: funny, introspection, life, love, mother, on work and working

Her Voice Say


                     When tired from sweeping with the storebought broom
                                  I'd lean against not wanting to resume
                                       Momma said, "Nusing your bab?"
                                     I would sweep, under breath crab
                        Now would love to hear her say,  "Clean your room!"

(Momma would say nusing not nursing..Bab is instead of baby..)

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: cancer,

Moon Children

Once a flower child
Always a Moon Child
Generations of Cancerians
Have aped the crab with tenacity
Large eyes and agility
Moving side-to-side silently
Moody on mournful days
Joyful in the sunlight
Giver of love
Taker of wise advice
Domestic yet athletic
Contraditions abound
For crazed moon children
Who beam and fade periodically

*July 13, 2014 (one day before this Moon Child’s birthday)

by Charlie Knowlton |
Categories: break up, love, marriage,

Honeymoon Haiku

hermit crab
                            and recluse spider
                            i give it a week

by Liza Mayfield |
Categories: beach, child,


I sit on the sand bathing in the sun
Watching my boy have loads of fun.

A shovel with sand held in his grip
My son enjoying his first beach trip.

He is loving the ocean wave after wave
His sand castle he jumps on only to cave.

He is covered in sand head to toe
And runs back to me and says let's go.

We run towards big waves and jump into the water
He and I laughing and then finding a quarter.

We are having fun in the ocean and then we see
A dolphin, some fish and a crab that is attacking me.

We go walk the beach when he stops to draw
A heart in the sand with I love you mommy done with his straw.

by Rick Parise |
Categories: food, love

Seafood Chowder


A bowl of seafood chowder,
hot butter afloat
with fresh halibut, crab meat
salty clams and prawns
a deep sea delight
bliss!                        .

by Jack Horne |
Categories: love, cancer,

Signs of Love

and crab
and cancer sign
was the death of our affair in the stars?

was our successful marriage in the stars?
Piscean and
fish and

For Nette's Zodiac contest
Jack Horne

by Dimitrios Raptis |
Categories: depression, faith, hope, imagination, introspection, love,

The Crab

Take some time to reflect on the things you love and enjoy
A heartfelt wish will come true believe in yourself and achieve
Set yourself a goal and proceed to succeed
At the apex of your struggles you will see a light
To delight in a broken heart is unfair
Repair is a must, you must trust the protective arm of love and hope
You must change to break the pattern of confusion
To do this you must search your innerself
Peace and harmony will come in time
Unhappy and mad is the crab with his lot in life
To succeed what must he do?

by Francis Brown |
Categories: boyfriend, friendship, girlfriend, loneliness, love,

Crab Fest

The nights I sleep are the nights I stopped 
dreaming, so I stayed up and watched him.
His lips fluttering to get rid of nuisances 
from his lungs. I prayed for him and prayed
he'll appreciate me telling him to rinse mouth 
after Crab Fest. He stirred, reached for me,
he cracked a nut, went back to sleep,
and I remember saying, "God help our son."

by Ken Allan Dronsfield |
Categories: 11th grade, bird, flying, seasons, sorrow,

Sonnet 105, Feathers On the Water

Dear shorebirds, my quills inspiration. I love the way you're chased by the ripples Ceasing my days and nights isolation Dreams of the coast; I smile just a little. Let me watch you as you bob and wiggle You're much quieter during winters chill The sea fogs hide the highest tides tickle you take flight along the coast with a shrill. Winter shows her winds upon crab and krill. Strolling windswept dunes; the sands rise higher. Wing beating echoes; those thoughts do fulfill, but leaves lone feathers upon still waters. I walk away with a chill in my heart, Remember this sonnet whilst far apart.

by Linda Alice Fowler |
Categories: animal, beach, bird, environment, love, nature, relationship,

Relax In Love

Take a walk where the bluebird sings.
Fill a glass with sweet red wine.
Try to follow the hummingbird’s wings.
Drink your fill of this love of mine.

Listen in awe of the coyotes’ song.
Note the colors of the dawning skies.
Know that this is where you belong.
Share the dreams you see in my eyes. 

Moisten your lips with sweet honeysuckle.
Dance with the raindrops as they fall.
Watch the chipmunks play, and chuckle.
Answer with love to my flirtatious call.

Cup a sand crab in your hands.
Hum a prayerful psalm or two.
Wiggle your toes in the summer sands.
Know that I will always love you.

by Cs Parker |
Categories: appreciation, love,

Beaches of Wonder

Beaches of wonder
Upon the seaside placidness
of white sands 
scattered clumps of seaweed
resting place of driftwood
to be uncovered, discovered 
as secrets to a child

a lone figure, lean
luscious upon the serene
soft fog surroundings
paces the places
longing for a lovers touch

in the seaweed surroundings
this sea crab she found
and installed her love
can but hope for one soft touch
to transform the dream
into seaside kisses that last forever

by Michelle Morningstar |
Categories: beach,

Happy Place

The most base and magical place on Earth.
inspiration strikes in the most unlikely of places.
On this grand planet there are only a few select spaces, I am at total peace.
A crab by zodiac, 
Water bearer at birth;
Where sand meets sea,
The most base and magical place on Earth.
Danger and excitement come with every swell.
A Perfect mix.
Watching the waves, the tide flows.
my greatest anxieties, quell.
Majestic sea gulls fly overhead in search of their next landing place,
But I am at peace on this perfect space.
My true love by my side, 
the babe frolics and plays in the surf,
The most base and magical place on Earth.

by Jagdish Bajantri |
Categories: for her, freedom,

Dancing Wind

Dancing wind 

Dancing wind dancing wind 
With my beat best of steps 
With the rainbow light holding 
Your breath wellcome your 
Soul soup of crab cakes for 
Love with a hight of clouds 
Caly of floor floop of dirt with 
The magic of sound wank of 
Tail horn of devil eyes of drak 
Shadow of dream dancing wind 
With your sleep 

With love all 
Jagdish bajantri

by David Smalling |
Categories: lost love


Dothnie, if you go to Montego Bay
 Walk by the sea some day
 Look how the waves are breaking
 The way my heart is aching
 Since the day we past by
 Those shores under  a tearless sky

 Dothnie, if you ponder your gifts
 O recall you taught me
 To of Omar to see the Arab lifts
 His finger by a degree
 Upon a page like a crab in flight
 The moving finger gone from light.

 O Dothnie, if you go to Montego Bay
 Where once I stood and stare
 Towards the horizon, far away
 I went and found nothing there.
 For all that ever was in you too late
 To find, I lived contrary to my fate.

by Mahtab Bangalee |
Categories: addiction, loneliness, love, poetry, writing,

The Addiction

gathered here
on the ether

rains are
getting ready
to fall down

storms are
in frolicsome mood
with dusty wind

my love
in happiest movement
of facebook gossiping

i'm and my pen
how wonderful alone
by seeing far dark-blue barking sky

words after words
monotonous to pleasant
as rosary beads showers my sight

pebbles with surfing waves
calls me with night beauty
darkish moon-lit beach writes inert life 

cast away the snail
the crab crawling on sandy 
entwine the whole nerve of my pen

clouds, rains, storms
envelop a letter for my love and me
“she addicted to facebook and me to poetry!”

-December 14, 2018 Chattogram

by Krish Radhakrishna |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, inspirational love, love, marriage, metaphor,


Lazy content smile,
That you flash at me in bed,
Speaks our depthless love unsaid.
Soft anemone,
entwined to a hermit crab,
Symbiotic souls are wed!

Sedoka contest
08/April 2020
Sponsor Edward Ibeh

Sedoka 5,7,7 5,7,7

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: food,

I Love Chinese Food She Told Her Date

Sweet and sour pork or chicken?
Hard to figure out which one she liked best last time.
Which one had she ordered?
She wracked her brain, but it was not helping.

Crab ragu is delicious at this restaurant.
Not so great at the other one.
She was glad they stopped here.
You must have read my mind she told her date.

My parents own the other restaurant, he told her.
I was not about to take you there on a first date.
Oh, wow, they owned the one with the bad Chinese food.
She was not sure what to talk about now.

by Isaac Hester |
Categories: depression, lonely,

The Iron Shelled Crab

The crab is lonely in the sea
Of regret and melancholy,
He watches idly, in silent plea
Of someone to embrace him.

He wishes daily for a heart
To share his longing, when apart,
But terrified to make the start,
Allows no one to face him.

"Stay away," his bitter cry,
"My claws are sharp and my tongue is sly,
I'll cut you up if you come close by"
And so no one comes near.

Whenever close by others come,
He flees back to his spacious home,
A shell of iron, that saddens some 
And brings the others fear.

A wholly cursed creature is he,
Who cannot love or trust with glee,
Or ride the free waves of the sea
To happiness beyond.