Love Poems About Caterpillar or Caterpillar Love Poems
by Silent One |
Categories: analogy, lost love, love hurts,


she was a caterpillar, i her cocoon she was the music i her dance she was the rose i her thorns she was lost among the stars i showed her the moon i drifted like a tepid breeze but she was lost in the storm she was right i was not wrong she lit the fire i burned like hell

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: inspirational, planet, power,

Soul Power

Soul Power

That's what we need

A smell of flowers

Love's the air we breathe

A Natural Being

As a river flows

Down the stream

Into the sea we go

A Soul Heart

That laughs and cries

One that bleeds

Yet for love survives

A Sun Smile

Shining thru your eyes

A new beginning

Beyond this earth and sky

A Soul YOU

Perfect in every way

From a caterpillar 

To a butterfly someday 

A Soul ME

With natural energy 

To dance and play

I need Soul Power today

by Mary Thompson |
Categories: animal, beauty, butterfly, change,

My Butterfly

My Butterfly

Furry little caterpillar in
your coat of black and brown

It's so very hard to tell
if you are up or down

From your lofty branch
you fall onto a leaf below

Only to decide again 
that's not the way to go

you are so steadfast 
in your flight

I have such sympathy 
for your plight

As you inch about to and fro
I wonder why I love you so

Then as the miracle
of life's performed

With golden wings 
you are transformed

Your former self left stiffly dried,
no more a furry coat inside

Now as you glide on currents high
I need not wonder ,why I sigh...

Tis you I love, my Butterfly!

Author Mary Thompson

by Clifford Villalon |
Categories: adventure, body, devotion, life, love, soulmate, together,

Roller Coaster

rolling, shaking my heart in red
out of the blue you're soaked and fed
loving hearts that feed on rails
leaping souls that heed, not wails
eaves of heart-shaped leaves overflowing
reign of adoration outlying
couches or bench seats of hearts that drift
over your body levitate, not sift
a heart rolling over like wave
sauntering caterpillar so brave
tis immortal soul that roar and dwell
easterly winds will blow and tell
rollercoaster of hearts made in heaven, not hell

by Brenda Victoria Northeast |
Categories: faith, hope, life, love, nature, seasons, visionary,

The Metamorphosis of Change

The thunder makes way for 
the lightning
As does the caterpillar make way
For the Butterfly
So too do I make way for 
The changes of 
Christ in me

© Brenda V Northeast 27th April 2012

by Gert Wewege |
Categories: daughter,

A Note To My Daughter

From playing with Caterpillar to Butterfly 
I'd always be on standby 
A little rough around the end 
You are everyone's best friend 

You're daddy's little girl 
My precious precious pearl 
Your lovely cheerful smile 
Makes everyday worthwhile 

From singing to ballet 
You'll be entertainment's attache 
Your soul is so kind 
You are the rarest find 

People will be with you 
From Cape Town to Timbuktu 
But i wont be to far away 
When love has just betray.

by Amanda Welsh |
Categories: life

The Majestic Butterfly

The sun comes up early in the morning
Green leaves turn to bathe in the sun
Flower petals open widely and stand proud
As the caterpillar slowly begins to wake.

She begins
Inching along
Absorbing her surroundings
Soaking in what it means to be "me".

She grows
In stature, in knowledge
In love, in understanding, and grace
Painfully she grows through cheers and jeers.

She changes
Not who she is, but
Rather what she is turning into
A young, thriving, vibrant butterfly.

She blossoms
Like a flower's petals
She is colorful, majestic, and strong
Her beauty will captivate and mystify for ages.

by Samuel O. E. D'Phoenix |
Categories: beauty, fantasy, girlfriend, love, youth,

The Phantom

Needless of your seduction I have fallen; 
Deep in the ocean of love; I awaken.
Do you know this feeling you have arisen?
Coming forth like a caterpillar from its cocoon

Such, is my sweet sorrow story, 
Told even by the cowry, 
Engendered by love’s mystery; 
Played to the gallery of misery

How I wished this was not a phantom
Already, it would have blossom
Never to be obstructed by the storm
Yes! I would cherish it to doom

by Gracie Bawden |
Categories: freedom, love, war,

Bedroom War

She wears peace signs

But screws like bombs erupting

Hips rocking like caterpillar tracks

Rolling over boulders

‘It’s a war in there, baby

And I wanna fight’

by Joanmarie Peranteau |
Categories: friendship, lonely, loss, lost love,

With Out You Revised

Just as
The flowers wither
without the sunshine and rain
and without the winter cold
the snowman melts away

Just as
Without more wood
the fire will surely die
and without a cocoon
the caterpillar
will not become a butterfly

Just as
The trees loose their leaves
when summer turns to fall
And ears that turn deaf
cannot hear the birds morning song

Just as
The electric lamp shines no light 
when from its power source 
it has been unplugged
And without your dear friendship
without your precious love
Alas, oh my darling,
I am like all of the above

by Lala Merx |
Categories: love,

Thank You

I never wanted to be me, in the first place,
to be the root of chaos and disgrace
Like an always left alone phrase,
Like a sea of gray, like an empty space.

But I never thought that you would find me,
In a place no one dared go and see
Where dwells only the filthy,
Where dwells on the unworthy. 

You gave me tender and care despite who I was
Like making gold from a molten brass,
Like how you pick a caterpillar from a grass.
I am thankful for God has given me a gift so vast.

You then loved me with passion and pride,
For having a gold like me by your side
Now, this is a short story, 
From my long happy memory.

by Chadwick Vincent |
Categories: imagination, life,

The River of Life

Life is like a

River of Love

Flowing with Experiences,

A Cosmos full of Possibilities

And an Intersection of

Imagination and Illumination.

Life is like a Caterpillar

Until its Metamorphosis

Reaching Adulthood and Beyond.

The Childhood Race has Ended.

Adulthood is Now Here.

by Pj Gongora |
Categories: appreciation, beauty, emotions, heart, love, rainbow, relationship,

My Pink Butterfly

From a caterpillar you are morphed
A beautiful creature you become
The old you is just a corpse
You are now a priceless sum..

You are my new beginning
After the storm you are a silver lining
Bringing color to my pale phase
The kind of good luck I cannot waste..

Short-lived, yes you certainly are
But in your lifetime you transformed
The passing hours you raised the bar
In my soul a secret garden you formed..

I am a reflection of your hue
When your wings failed you have me in lieu
Your charm is an eternal effect to aid
In my heart your beauty never fades..

by Jo Chamberlain |
Categories: abuse, addiction, love hurts, pain, passion, romance,


His words tell her she's not enough, his love shows her, she likes it rough ~ his touch couldn't come too soon, she is a caterpillar, in his cocoon

by Dave Collins |
Categories: adventure, beautiful, birth, blessing, environment, nature, peace,


My rendezvous birth
caterpillar evolution 
butterfly winged love

by John Howard |
Categories: appreciation, bible, birth, change, christian, faith, inspirational love,

Evolution AD

Above the skies, below the seas,
   a universe beyond what’s seen.

A caterpillar learns to fly,
   two cells unite to form an “I”.

Uncountable seeds to clothe the earth,
   feeding life, expecting birth.

My each day examination,
   adjusting to His explanation:

Myself evolving to become
   closer to the Master’s plumb.

by Adejumoke Adewuyi |
Categories: birthday, flower, friend,

The Flowers' Ally

Alamandas are green,
Violets are purple,
Holly-hocks are pink,
Mari-golds are yellow,
Sun flowers,yellow too,
all in beautiful colours of nature.
There goes the wasp out to suck up the nectar.
The caterpillar clench on beneath,in its cocoon,
in a bid to mature.
Ranging hovering flies perch on to suck up juice.
The social insects, termites eat up the stems as lunch.
Sly fox walk by with its razor sharp teeth,
bite out the petals.
Billy goat bleats for joy seeing the mari-golds,
as its dinner is sure.
And the badly labelled of all creatures,man,
in awe at the sight of the sumptuous red rose.
He uproots but tends in a garden.
He plucks but dishes out as a show of love.

by Frances Schiavina |
Categories: inspirational,

Wings of Wonder

Does a seed see the sprout
as it changes underground
or a creeping caterpillar 
know it will fly above the cloud?
Pregnant clouds mist the sprout
cracking earth into a smile
feeding bees and butterflies
as it blooms and when it ripens
dropping seeds again to sprout
in perennial circle cycle.
Fear keeps love bud in hide
both from tears and sunny smiles
clipping wings of wonder's flight
with foreboding crafty lies.
Love’s riches grow unwatched
from unlocked heart depart
coming in and going out
bruised to tears 
or touched to smiles
from the cave of love unlocked
life’s river flows uncharted

Frist Place Winner: Brian Strand-All Yours-5/11/21

by Lisa Ricci |
Categories: love, romance,

New Whispers

"new whispers"

with a twist of spoken words
like sunrise its a new affair
with anything and everything

its not to say why or why not
simply we say why and why not
for the time is right and now

with the turn of new whispers
come glances of loving stares
lingering safely in our minds

as seasons mystically transform
from a caterpillar to a butterfly
no regret are these rising words

from one fine day to one great day
sun and moon have guided with light
gracing what was into new whispers


by Carol Ryan |
Categories: appreciation, butterfly, happy, inspirational, love, silly,


I am a silly caterpillar 
By the fumes of Grace. 

Look my way 
My wings are blue  
I am a light hearted butterfly sailing on the drafts of love.

I am a laughing baby your serious faces 
So funny to me 
I am an attitude of gratitude

by Joy Spoerndli |
Categories: adventure, child, how i feel, imagery, joy,

Wake Up the Child In You

Splash in a mirror of glistening mud puddles
Take time to make mud pies, do a caterpillar cuddle
Then stand still, listen well, let the wind tickle your ears
Breathe in deep, then exhale, let go of all your fears
Sing a new song to the moon as it wakes up the night
Wave to the stars glimmering in their brilliant light
Stretch your imagination to delight the child in you
Finger painting in the sand with natures golden hue
Mix your day together with smiles, love and laughter
Be true to your dreams, live a life happy ever after

by Karen Jones |
Categories: butterfly, love,


I am the product of growth and change
I shed past hopes for future gains
Like a caterpillar free of cocoon
Spreading wings flight set for noon

Farewell my fears and welcome fate
Embracing good cheer and fuchsia faith
I am saying goodbye to hate
And welcoming pride love and grace.

Farewell Rhyming Poetry Contest
Sponsor Lisa YY

by Christina Hons |
Categories: cinderella, friendship love, humanity, universe,

Wonderland and Neverland

Separated by silence the tensions fill the room.
What was once one world has divided into two.
Cinderella lost in Wonderland trying to find her way home. 
Peter Pan in Neverland fighting the urge to grow.
Two souls who ran and hid away together in hopes of escaping reality.
One content in idle. The other losing their sanity. 
Peter Pan does not see the beauty that lays in disguise.
No need for a looking glass in Neverland when everyone who sees is blind.
Cinderella sits at the crossroads, undecided with what to do.
Waiting on the caterpillar she heard so much about. Maybe he has a clue.

by Chelci Biggs |
Categories: beautiful, butterfly,

Like a Butterfly

True love grows like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.
Starting off slow inching as it goes by.
Soon your wrapped up in love
Like a caccoon patiently waiting undisturbed.
Getting ready to spread new wings
Each pattern created perfectly.
You together make one whole complete
While flying to the rhythm of eachothers heart beat.

by Angelika Stanczyk |
Categories: time,


Flowing waters, seeping threw creaks
Always heading towards a destination...

My destination?
God is my deatiny
I flow towards him as gravity guides me...
Faith as transparent as water, sustains my being.

Yet why am i lost?
Lost in a desert...

Where has my river gone to?
No trees for shade...
No breeze of comfort.
Scorched and burnt, tired and weak, lost am i.

Knowledge of his love is the only compass which ushers me.
Though i am lost, hungry and inneed,
I surrender myself unto his will, 
For i knw my suffering is with purpose.

Like a caterpillar in mourning, i will die and be reborn..
New, Strong, Beautiful and once again Alive.  
