Love Poems About Barb or Barb Love Poems
by Michael Byte |
Categories: happiness,

Lost Herd

As the sun rises
a young pioneer saddles his ride.
Mounting his horse
his young bride
his love as he rides
Off to find his herd.
 His proud mare  
goes through the prairie
next to his barb wire.
He wonders in his mind
how far have they strayed.
How many day
must I ride. 
He sings aloud
a song his herd
has heard 
as he rode.
On yonder hill he sees
two cows grazing along
next to their side two young calves.
He hears their cries
as he tops the hillside. 
In the green valley below
he sees his lost herd.

By michael Byte 10-9-2013

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: dedication,

Barb's Delights

Let's go to Barb's Place
Have something to eat
Her perogies and cabbage rolls 
Are really hard to beat

If that's not enough
You should try out her ribs
Gooey and delicious
You better bring a bib

When it comes to cooking
Barb's food is like art
She prepares every morsel
With love from the start

Welcome to Poetry Soup Barb, what better person to contribute to the soup than a Chef Extrodinare. I am sure you will add your own special flavours.

by Ken Carroll |
Categories: desire, love, lust,


You doesn't know what it's like
to dream of her godly shape
an impetuous fiery desire
like a barb nail to my forehead..

And her smell?
when the world becomes spring
dead leaves recover from snow
there is her an eternal smelling rose...

You doesn't know what it's like
to dream of her lovely dark skin
as I squirm alone in my lonely bed
with insomnia and silver shaped spikes..

My soul a concert with arms outstretched
to a light breeze with green groves
I wish to bite her lip
and to touch her warm dark shoulders..

by Franco Gonza |
Categories: betrayal, dark, heartbreak,

Stabbed--Picture 3

And when soaked with an overpowering damp of coldness, he wails and asks, “ what is love when secrets betray the light? A lonely man seeks some respite tender yet, still black, so so black-- on to the pavement of anger, living only to hiss and piss flames of claw's bitterness, if only to shield the wretchedness of rejection again, again--- he slaps a tired wrist on a barb of thorns --- empty---furious---prickly stabbing hands on a night without stars. April 8, 2016 Contest: Images that make you think--# 3 For Silent One

by Franklin Price |
Categories: i miss you, loss, love,

A Year and a Month

A Year and a Month
(With love for Barb)
By Franklin Price

A year and month have gone by
Since God took you from my care
I know you're up in Heaven 
And you're looking down from there

You're watching as I move along
Helping others as I may
Which is what I strive to do
At least once or twice a day

Bringing smiles to faces
Peace to another's mind
As we lived our lives together
Ever lasting love to find

Love and caring's how to live
And to praise God every day
You are still within my heart
And you will never go away

by Lora Robinson |
Categories: beauty, love, sensual, sexy, youth,


he makes me offerings,
little strings of his face he places on my knee,
a line of black ink
in a bowl of milk

one day I slid
my lover's beard barb across his cheek-
watching him squirm and giggle made me giggle too,
for he could not fathom the ecstasy of a hundred on my neck,
or a thousand between my legs

by Franklin Price |
Categories: heaven, love, marriage,

I Was a Man of Fortune

I Was a Man of Fortune
By Franklin Price

I was a man of fortune
In the married life I had
The good times that were in it
Outweighed the mundane and the bad

The love we had between us
Put us on a richer ground
We enjoyed our time together
With no one but ourselves around

Barb was my God sent soul mate
Now He has taken her above
Where she's looking down from Heaven
And still sending me her love

Her pain on earth is over
And will be forevermore
I'll carry on, as she would want
Until we meet at Heaven's door

We will be together once again
As was always meant to be
Blessed by our Lord and Savior
Throughout all eternity

by Michael Burch |
Categories: break up, divorce, lost love, love, memory, rose, roses are red,

As Roses Bloom

Roses for a Lover, Idealized
by Michael R. Burch

When you have become to me
as roses bloom, in memory,
exquisite, each sharp thorn forgot,
will I recall?yours made me bleed?

When winter makes me think of you?
whorls petrified in frozen dew,
bright promises blithe spring forsook,
will I recall your words?barbed, cruel?

Originally published by The Lyric. Keywords/Tags: Rose, Roses, Red, Flower, Flowers, Love, Lover, Lovers, Lost Love, Memory, Memories, Thorn, Thorns, Barb, Barbs, Barbed, Blood, Bleed, Bleeding, Spring, Winter, Frozen Dew, Ice, Snow, Cruel, Cruelty, Pain, Separation, Parting, Break Up, Divorce, Relationship, Relationships

by Kaveh Afrasiabi |
Categories: peace,

Peace Under Siege

Today I'm learning the name
of war refugee camps,
in Congo, Rwanda, Palestine, Lebanon, 
Turkey, Syria, Yemen, you name it,
and the children who play hide and seek
in charred automobiles, shivering in cold
and starvation behind the barb wires, thanking
the good Samaritans clothed in peace.

Today I'm signing Lennon's Imagine,
imagining those children swapping their places
even for a day, with your rich suburb kids
whose fathers profit from arms, to see them 
recruited as child soldiers, putting their war game skills
to good use.  
Today I'm laying siege to warmongers and their kins
who love peace and practice war, the true artisans of

by Franklin Price |
Categories: anniversary, love,

One and Fifty Years Ago

One and Fifty Years  Ago
To Barb, with all my love, Frank

By Franklin Price

One and fifty years ago
I took you for my wife
To love you and to cherish you
To give to you my life

Since the day, I said the words
Found what life is all about
Not one regret, I said them 
Of that I have no doubt

Always looking to the future
While remembering the past
I love you more today, than then,
Still a marriage  made to last

The roads we've traveled many
Maybe just a bump or two
The hand of God's been in it
Ever since we said I do

by James Fraser |
Categories: lost love, loveme,

The Lost Rose and the Barb

The day i met her My mind was blown For in my heart In pumping growing She made me laugh And sometimes we cried When it all went wrong We always tried It's been many years More downs than ups She's no longer my kitten I'm no longer her pup The girl i met All those years ago Has disappeared No more after glow We are no longer The beautiful garb To me she is now The Lost Rose and the Barb

by Franklin Price |
Categories: birthday, celebration, love, marriage, wife,

Happy Birthday Sweetheart

Happy Birthday Sweetheart
To Barb, with all my love, Frank
By Franklin Price

Happy birthday sweetheart.
I still pledge my love for you.
It has only grown much deeper,
Since the first at twenty-two.

Your first one in our marriage.
Your first birthday, as my wife.
Since then we've aged together,
Traveled down the road of life.

Birthdays, now, are more subdued,
My joy, and love for you, no less.
Still treasure every one of them.
Still want your love, I must confess.

Our anniversary was golden,
As this birthday is with you.
We've enjoyed them all, together,
Since the first at twenty-two.

by Franklin Price |
Categories: celebration, god, love, spring,


By Franklin Price

Yesterday I was returning 
From my first ride of the year
As I came into the back yard
Blooms of daffodils appeared

Don't think that they were blooming
When I left to take the ride
They are my Barbara's favorites
I stopped then, and there I cried

The tears were ones of happiness
For they're also faves of mine
God had made them bloom from her
And I took that as a sign.

My Barb is up in Heaven
And she's watching over me
She's wanting me to carry on
To be the person I should be

The daffodils that were there blooming
Were sent by God, who wears the crown
Barb asked if He would send them
For  she's in Glory looking down.

by Richard Breese |
Categories: boyfriend, giggle, humor, love, space, stars, travel,

space barbie and ken

barb and ken travel keen

into space so serene

a starry dance

astral romance

sets the new cosmic scene.