Love Poems About Chant Royal or Chant Royal Love Poems
by Bl Devnath |
Categories: feelings, god, identity, love, universe,

Sees Only the Feeling of Soul

If an ant says that it loves the whole universe with it's tiny heart
              chance is there that men will smile if hear it's soundless voice
    The almighty omnipresent supreme God has given full freedom to all to love all        
             there's no barrier to any creature sees only the feeling of soul

by Kelly Elizabeth |
Categories: love, love, me,

Distance Sucks

D  riving me mad we are so far apart
I   want u so bad, u have my heart.
S  ad that we are far, but love you so much,
T  his is really hard, we are not having much luck.
A  nd i dont no what to do, to move things along,
N  ever wanna hurt you, wana be with you where i belong.
C  ant stay here much longer i need you so bad ur my
E  verything, my life, without u id go mad.

S  trength is the key, gota hold on tight,
U  and i together, dont ever give up the fight.
C  ant and dont want to imagine my life without u,
K  nowing we will be together is what gets me through.
S  ure ive said this a million times already.... but..... i love you!!!

by Bl Devnath |
Categories: love hurts, mother,

In All Mothr's Heart Speaks


ant lives in its particular style
elephant and human in other styles
definition of love remains the same
in all mothers' heart speak the same

By BL Devnath

by Mary Rotman |
Categories: feelings, funny love, humorous, love, word play,

A Love Song To David Tennant

David Tennant, David Tennant
David Tennant, David Tennant
David Tennant, David Tennant
David Tennant, David Tennant 


DAVID Tennant, David TENNANT         
DaVid TE!nANT, dAViD T*enNant
Da!vID tEN#NanT, Da(VId, TE&na/NT
dAV*Id TeN!NaNt, dAv/Id TEnN*nt

[deep breath]

DAvid T^n@aNt, DavId T*nnanT
David TEn!ant, David TeNn#nt
David TEnna&t, DavId Tennant
David Tennant, David Tennant

The End

by Brittany Reynolds |
Categories: animals, death, life, nature,

A Spider's Hunt

The spider sits upon his web
casting snares with each little thread
“Come play, come play with me” he said.
“A simple game to play, called Ebb.”

“No, no, no,” said the zooming fly.
“It’s clear that you are a bad guy.”

“I won’t play,” said a mottled moth.
“I won’t go near your sticky cloth.”

“I’m much too busy,” said the ant.
“I’d love to play, but I just can’t.”

The spider sits upon his weave,
cleaning up after a stray leaf,
and says in quiet disbelief,
“I’m not as bad as you believe.”

“No, you’re not,” agrees a song bird.
“You agree?” as threads were secured.
“No worse than I am,” he assured.
The spider’s response is unheard.

by Sirajali Rawat |
Categories: fantasy, imagination, love,

Spread the Love

spread the love
may it be black and white
far and wide to a deserted sky
or to an ant crawling beneath the moonlight

conquer it far beyond the rays of the sun
sprinkle it gently like pearls and sea-sand
spread it to saturn
whisper it inevitably to every soul

spread the love 
to young and old
blow it spreading warm gust
inearth it ,watch it blossom-jasmine,violet and irish and more

sail with it across the seven seas
mark it with a new dynasty
paint the world
let us all come and spread the love that we all need.

by Charles Melody Lightning Ink |
Categories: cute love, desire, emotions, eulogy, love,

Onyeche For Ewache

I stay in this corner, peeping her coming from yonder.
The smiles on my face could istinguish fire, 
I soliloquy in the midst of breezy cold weather,
Watching You with sparkling eyes, like lightning.
Onyeche, wasn't for your sake my Maker sent me to sleep?
And out of my ribs, formed you with grace?
I'm Ewache your ant-hill complexion hero,
Bone of your bone and your soul mate.
Come, lets name some animals together and we will savour some chocolate joyfully like happy children, in the amuzement park of our hearts.
Enjoying the music, only you and i knows.
Onyeche for Ewache.

(Lightning Ink).

by Elizabeth Bark |
Categories: love

Love Is

love is complicated...
love is understandable
love is pretty
love is ugly
love is yours
love is mine
it can be monumental, or it can be as small as an ant
it all depends on how you look at it
love is there in a minute and gone in another
love is true love is false...
but most of is life

by Sabrina Sauer |
Categories: 10th grade,

Ode To New York City

Oh, pretty city you shine so bright,
Your wonderful lights are quite the site. 
Your streets overflow with fascinating faces,
And they all move so fast like they are in races.

Oh, pretty city your tall buildings stand,
You make me feel like an ant in this big wonderful land.
Your big park filled with the most beautiful greens,
I’d never want to leave here by any means.

Oh, pretty city and to think youre even more beautiful at night,
Walking through the streets is like a dream underneath the moonlight.
And though some people may find you overcrowded or gritty,
I do love you, New York City.

by Bl Devnath |
Categories: god, love, wisdom, universe,

Nothing Can Stop Love

unleash from ego
                                    soul's love to be duded up
                                       beautify life's world 

                                         ant to elephant
                                      elephant to universe 
                                      love's purest wisdom

                                   God's the best language
                                 nature's speaking under sky 
                                     nothing can stop love

by Ismath Haakifa |
Categories: beach, cute love, love, summer,


Unbearable sun
Ant granaries set hoarding 
Beach-side, a haven

Scorching July heat
Camel's skin and fat melted 
Yet your love intact

by Tallan Bent |
Categories: black african american, lifelight, light, truth,

A Light So Bright

To the world one can be seen to be as small as an ant but it is a mountain spirit which one 
will see through words of truth and right, good over evil, one will see the light and brightness 
in one soul, not matched even by 4 of the earth’s sun. A light so bright it allows every other 
candle flame to become a forest fire to shine bright. A light so bright it will awaken the mind 
to the fight for Truth and Right, Good over evil, Love over war, Spirit over material things, a 
light with the power to unite, a light of understanding and righteousness.

Tallan J Bent 29.07.2010 (c) 02:38Hrs

by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
Categories: animals, childhood, fantasy, funny, happiness, red,

Bite Who

I watched a little red ant.
It was running up the wall.
The circus clowns were laughing!
The wallpaper saw.

That red ant did not bite me.
But his distant cousins did.
Made me want to bite my friends.
Haiku Debbie, run!

© April 12, 2012
Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen

Written for Poetry Soup Member Contest:  !!!BITE ME!!! 	 
Sponsored by: Linda-Marie The Sweetheart of P.S.

P.S.  I love you, Debbie, and your haiku!

by Kristina Gilpin |
Categories: confusion, depression, sad, life,

I Never Meant To Hurt the One I Love

I am so shame of who 
I become
I lay here with a bottle of pills 
Debating if my life and everyone else 
Would be better without 
Me in it
All I ever do lately 
Is hurt everyone 
I love 
I never meant to hurt 
Anyone that have's loved me
I am sorry to everyone I have hurt
I'll go ahead and take me life
So everyone 
Will and do better without me
In it their life
Cause my life ant going anywhere
All I am depress
I find it 
Best when I write poetry 
It's all I got anymore
So goodbye to all I have hurt.

by Kristina Gilpin |
Categories: sad, care, care,

Stop Being So Mean

When we have kids
We are ment to show them love and care 
Not to sit here and beat them
Kids never asked to be born
It's our faults that they are
Cause we ant carefully
Kids are gods little angels
We are ment to take care of them
And make sure they don't get hurt
Not for us to hurt them
What have this world come to that peolpe 
Go out here 
Kill abuse and do Abortion to kids
It ant right
Help stop 
This crazyness
Kids do not dersvsre this
They Never did ask for it
All they ever wanted was to be loved
Why is that to hard so hard for us to do that.

by Maxwell Collier |
Categories: art,

Mental Health

people talk about me like im a special case in a mental hospital, i used to be depressed, but now my life is more than dull, i think so many thoughts, my mind is way over full, i get hot in cold places, like summertime wool. give in to madness, its gravity's pull, i want to go swim, so i jump from the hull, im as small as an ant, like im wearing a skull, im walking a horse, but im riding a bull. but i really don't care, because i love the attention, people talk about me, like something they forgot to mention, i have so much stuff, its the biggest collection, im insane but not crazy, and that is a correction.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, kindergarten, school, teacher,

The Mighty Fives and Sixes

I was asked to be a substitute teacher
For kindergarten. Wow. Sounds like a blast I think.
Sure. I’d love to, I say.
This was at 8:42 a.m.
By 9:00 I realized 
Kindergarten is tough.
Tougher than teaching menopausal kangaroos.
These mighty five-and-six-year-olds were
In complete control.
Me being the way I am.
I tried to run away a couple of times.
But the ringleaders kept grabbing me
And tossing me back into the waiting
Arms of the followers.
I got as far as the water fountain once,
But pretty soon I quit struggling,
Realizing I was a cracker
Being held hostage
By an ant brigade.

by Kristina Gilpin |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, love, sad, i love you,

I Thought You Changed But You Only Lied

When I let you back in my life and in my heart
I thought you change
When you say I love you again 
I thought you ment it
But when I see differnt and your face posted on other ads
What am I susposse to think
No I ant Jealous or Protective
Just don't wanna be lead on
And be left with a other heart ache from
you just do not get or understand
I sit here re open...

by Daniel Human |
Categories: kiss, life, love, nature, spring,

My Very First Love

The very first blossom of spring
Is an early gift that summer will bring

The very first shower that falls
Is an answer to a parched earth’s calls

The very first castles of cumulus high
Cruises the sea of a blue desert sky

The very first swallow that sews tattered cloud
Is met by a buffet of a flying ant crowd

The very first day that I looked upon you
I heard Cupid’s chuckle as my heart was pierced through

The very first kiss that I stole full of doubt
Was answered by rain from your love’s soft rich cloud

The very first kiss held the promise of spring
A promise of summer that your love would bring

by Punnia Viswan Bhatia |
Categories: tribute,

After a Long Time

once up on a time
i lived here
standing on the same ant hill
years after
after a long time
still i smell the same flower
still i touch the same rivulet
still i feel the same love
thank you friends for being a part of me...

by Kristina Gilpin |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, me, love, me, i love you,

Do You Love Me Or Not

You say you miss me 
You say you love me 
But I barely get to see you anymore
I feel like our love is growing weaker
I love you 
I would die for you
But I feel like you don't feel the same anymore
I know it be easyer walking away
but I feel what we have is real
Baby I'm here and I ant going anywhere
Do you love me the way I love you 
Please say you do 
Cause I would hate for us to say goodbye
After all we been threw 
I still Love you even though you got someone else pargent 
Even though it hurt like hell when you told me that
So the qustion remains do you Love Me.

by Kristina Gilpin |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, sad, love,

All You Did Was Toy With My Emotions

You said you wanted a relationship
well days turn into weeks 
We fell in love 
Your Son is great
We look like an american family
but your just to busy
Maybe your to busy for me
Or to busy for a relationship as well
I do not like the feelings 
I'm having but I can no longer hide them
They got to cum out 
Weather they are good or bad
Please forgive me for what I gotta say
But I gotta say it
It's Over 
I know we said forever
But I got to end this
I will always love you 
Because I promised
We only be friends
You ant got time for any thing more then that
I'm sorry
But it gotta be this way 
I love you.

by Kurt Ravidas |
Categories: love, nature,

In the Woods

red ant in your hair
white cotton pants stained with green – 
twilight of passion

Sexyku Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Richard Lamoureux
Syllables Per Line:	5 7 5

by Shawn Davis |
Categories: happiness, love, passion, me,

To a Special Lady

you brighten me in every way 
and things are looking up 
like an ant in sweet sauce 
you have captured me in bliss
now in rapture I stick to you 
and take you to my lips

by Robert Horton |
Categories: love hurts, nature,



To watch in awe 
The forest floor, 
The saplings rise
With love in your eyes. 
And when we kiss 
Amongst all this 
The creatures that crawl 
Seem so small. 
A beetle, tiny 
On nettles, spiny, 
Ne'er a sting
For such a little thing. 
An ant or two 
For a hungry shrew, 
Wouldst be a feast 
For a miniscule beast. 
But seeds asleep 
In forests deep 
May never be 
A mighty tree, 
To love and part 
With a broken heart 
Is so intense 
It seems immense. 
