by Fathima Dawood |
naturelonging, sensual,
Pouring down its torrents of warmth
I look up to behove this splendid sight
Beaming love and happiness on all around
Earth drenching its goodness into the ground
Each flower peeps out its sensual soul
Slowly soaking in this serene whole
Each amphibian basking in delirious abandon
Coveting each moment in secret longing
Avarice and greed, facetious noneties
All hold back and surrenders in peace
As I deliciously embrace this soul from above
Filled with wholesome and pure sublime love
Sauntering through this intimate slumber
Barefoot and unabashed I inhale this wonder
by Toni Orban |
lost love, memory,
Morning Fog Memory
Lamp-eyed frogs on this misty morning croak guttural sounds that break the silence of muffling condensation,
Their ancient amphibian eyes blinking slowly as shutter lenses at a fifth of a second.
Lenses that once caught photos of us in scintillating amber sunsets permanence beguiles
Time remakes space
The frozen moments of love once viable we store in our minds as round full and glossy as dewdrops balanced on the wintry friable leaf
Those old people of the past entombed in the faded yellow-hues with smiles
With worn out ideas of an age long vanished…
We too wear are trousers rolled as we grow old,
I think of you in this mist.
by Neldy Jolo |
life, love, memory, miss you, missing, music,
Sailing in the living current
in the sea of legend
travelling to cross with wind
the stars are to destine.
From the land of warriors
the amphibian lords
paddling the swishing swords
unsheathed the blade of words.
For peace in history
the bravery is story
the courage is legendary
the truth that set 'em free.
The sail is raised
raging the high waves
ravaging the enemies
when the falsehood are friends.
Let's sail together
reaching the order
settling the chaotic cheer
facing the battle fair.
I love you peace. Let's sail together. Layag Sug!
03-01-2015, Tasik Cruise, Putrajaya.
by Neldy Jolo |
addiction, adventure, art, birth, blue, boat,
Our forefathers were sailors
they were travelers and warriors
the amphibians of the archipelago.
The sea was their playground
they swung their Krises blades
the enemies cannot missed.
They love peace
and they live by peace
they fought to defend faith.
I love you peace. Let's sail together. Layag Sug!
SaniH, Putra Road