Love Poems About Accidently or Accidently Love Poems
by Gert W. Knop |
Categories: lost love

Edinburgh Without You

The clouds are drifting away
with the seagulls' fading shadows.
Bach's music, a deep step to eternity.
Abandoned  I, 
a deep stroke to my heart,
when you left.
A wide step to infinity.
Un jour triste por le voyager.
How is it possible that one day 
could pass even quicker
than an entire year?
To meet you, was it accidently,
was it just luck or perhaps destiny?
Now Edinburgh remains grey again
without you.
And colours washed out in the rain.
Princess Street remains dark 
and in shadows.
Only my thoughts are with you,
freed from a desolate enclosure.
I myself  feel like a cloud,
drifting away with the wind
and into the sea

by Kim Van Breda |
Categories: analogy, change, life,

Rolling With the Punches


one true constant in life we all
know too well is 

just when you love that your days form
patterns, things grow

circumstances change in split seconds
accidently they

we have to roll with the punches
adjust , accept and

go with the flow, try not to control
God has a plan to

a bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn © Kim van Breda—April 2014

by Eve Roper |
Categories: fantasy, humor,

I'M Just a Kender

Eveliabedlia Handlelock
A happy-go-lucky  Kender I am
Not a thing scares me that stands in my way
Lock doors or not suppose to be locked
 Into my knapsack for my handy tools to unlock the door
I love collecting objects that people discard
Some accidently fall in my knapsack I carry around
I vow to return them to its owner then tend to forget
But good intentions, I do posses
But then they call me a thief I don’t’ know why
A great insult to me because I oppose thievery
 Tales of my life are dear to me,  I try to tell whoever will hear
Don’t  insult  me my temper gets carried away
Sarcasm, rudeness, and insults I can not help
I’m just a Kender

By eve roper 10/5/2014

by Logan Holliday |
Categories: drink, drug,

Drugs, Sex and Alcohol

In a blur of drugs, sex, and alcohol
I found you
Accidently really...
I, with no intentions but lust became engrossed in what they call love
With a heart of an angel
And the hand of the devil you drew me into you
Each passing day a memory to keep
I long for the day they call forever 
With you, children, and growing old
Never once did I think that my lust would become our love

by Faleeha Hassan |
Categories: love,

The Word Love

The Word Love 
Let me not explain it to you
In order to stay as we are now
You are  standing  on the hill of your dreams 
And I  sit on the edge of the  sea of my  reality 
And you hear the echo of my smile
Let's pretend it is  just a word 
And the pen does not burn 
like our hearts
When we are  trying  to write  the word love   to each other,
Even if we write it  in unclear  handwriting  
Did you know
 That  since you sent it to me 
I accidently placed it under my pillow
And all my life  has been  stuck on  the letter "O".

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: loveurdu, me, me,

Preclusive Vows (First Love)

My first-ever, worst-ever crush who made me blush was an altar boy
Golden blonde hair and a face so fair graced the frame of my altar boy

And not in the least, he wished to be a priest but sent me Valentines
He so gently, not accidently, held my hand, this coy altar boy

Priests cannot marry and I was quite wary when my books he would carry
My face flushed as I blushed, seeing no future beside my altar boy

He’d have no mate yet wanted to date as he knew of my attraction
He would take vows that would not allow me to arouse this altar boy

Without attack I still look back and wonder what might have developed
If Devon's first-ever romance endeavor wasn't an altar boy

by Riely Dionne |
Categories: art, fantasy, imagination, inspirational, music

Hip Hop

i spit fire like a torcher/
i grew up into a Mc schorcher/
vile dialect wreck you to the corner/
world leaders band together border/
me from me showing im a performer/
is sick ritualistic Horror/
i mutilate anyone who is poorer/
upside down youll never been soorer/
find your wife cut her up and store her/
ammoniun nitrate makes a nice forcer/
hello the dr is here time for toutura/
ill find out right now if your a morna/
i was having fun till i accidently tore ya/
oh u see me? did you see my paw?/
im a monster and i love my meat bloody and raw/
with contraptions right out of saw ill show you habitual law/

by Zach Aurel Henderson |
Categories: me, love, me,

You Leave Me

I love the way you laugh
It makes me take a breath and a half
You leave me breathless and speechless
You leave me in such a mess
Your voice is music to my ears
It can destroy all my fears
I want you and only you
My love for you is most definatly true

I know I have wrote this once before... I accidently deleted it... people liked it thus i 
reposted it

by Lorrie Scheider |
Categories: love

Lover's Lines

Best lines lead through beautiful,
Like dawn between the clouds.
Uttered as something whimsical,
Accidently spilled out loud.
Beans bouncing from the counter top,
Tinkling like laughter uncontained.
The best lines need never stop,
Forever unrestrained.
Coloured lights and starry eyes,
Like riding a balloon,
The best lines make you realise,
You’ll find perfection soon.
The best lines are true lines,
Beyond question, beyond doubt,
The best lines are simple lines,
That just have to be let out.

by Jessica Travis |
Categories: love,

I Wrote Your Name

I wrote your name in the sky,
but the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name on my hand,
but washed my hand the next day.
I wrote your name in the sand,
but the water washed it away.
I wrote your name on a peice of paper,
but accidently threw it away.
I wrote your name in my HEART,
and FOREVER it will stay.

by L Milton Hankins |
Categories: abuse, death, farewell, father,

May He Rest In Peace

May he rest in peace, my father was not the kindest man
At least to me he wasn't--he never ever said to me
The most important words a boy will hear, "I love you, Son!"
Never did he take me upon his knee to console me
When I needed it most, when I was floundering in tears.
He called for me, after years of silence, from his death bed,
He wanted to see his eldest son, I wondered why, but
I went, sat with him, placed cups of water to his parched lips;
I rubbed his cold feet, and comforted him as best I could.
He offered no excuse for his abusive behavior
I knew he had no training in parenting, his father
Accidently died when my father was merely thirteen.

Written April 27, 2021

by Kimmy Holmes |
Categories: family, happiness, life, satire,


Dear Family:

Just a note to let you know
as I was sitting on the can
I accidently
by drunkin forces beyond my control
broke a glass 
in or about where you may stand
Now in my defense
I tried to sweep up
Dammit, I did the best that I can!
Be hyper alert
please keep your eyes peeled
for little, teensy pieces of glass
Cuz, if and when I wake up
I know I'll feel bad
If you have glass in your ***

Love, Kim

by Shane Solomon |
Categories: philosophy

East By the Sun West By the Night

Serenity by serendipity
Accidently found on a street
Lookin for Jesus posed as a bum
Holdin a tip cup
Shaky hands from the whip of the wind
Love by hate 
Accidently placed in my heart
As a first love of drug
Making the righteous fall
And the sinner upheld
Into a fist