Love Poems About Accessories or Accessories Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: friend,

Best Friend

I find her most congenial, and we
have everything in common; it’s a fact!
With all of her opinions I agree.
Our shelves with books and nic-nacs all are stacked.
To exercise at Vasa gym she goes.
I also love that place, and all the time
she’s my companion at the movie shows!
We love to write and love to make a rhyme,
and we are also glad to be a girl
and wear cute clothes and use accessories.
When on the dance floor, how we love to twirl!
My closest friend is such a cinch to please.
If you’ve met “me,” you’ve met my friend. No lie.
She also calls herself “myself” and “I.”

Dec. 13, 2019 for Regina Riddle's Best Friend Sonnet Contest

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: clothes,

Just Two Pairs of Shoes

I have inside my wardrobe many clothes
composed of dresses, blouses, slacks and tops,
and as the number of these items grows,
so does my footwear. Lord, it never stops!

I’m not too good at throwing stuff away
except for things from when I was size nine!
So I can change my outfits day to day.
I love variety. It is divine!

I match accessories and jewelry
with all my clothing with its many hues.
I think I’d suffer from anxiety
without a rather large supply of shoes!

If just two pairs of shoes were all I owned,
I’d somehow have to get them color-cloned!

Aug. 1, 2017 for the Two Pair of Shoes Contest of John Lawless

by Rama Balasubramanian |
Categories: 10th grade,

Why Hate Black Skin

Sunrise, sunset paints sky in 
kaleidoscope of colors every day
At a flower garden, different flowers
of varied colors and hues sway

Green leaves each one unique
varied hues of green shine in sun's ray
Every moment, a colourful life
brings much happiness our way

We love black pepper, olives, berries
We love watching jet black sky,
Black colored accessories we love
Our white hair black we dye

On skin whitening cream we apply
black skin we decry
We love everything black except skin
can anybody tell why?

Chantelle Anne Cooke, Colour black

by Adeniji Toluwalope Gideon |
Categories: evil, humanity, life, vanity,

The Race of Mankind

The black night turns red
Wolves consume the gentle doves
Upon the hole of the cobra
The whole world in disarray

Male and female, he created them
In peace and love they dwell time –pass 
Upon the light aperture of a poisonous snake
The waves dashed into boat
And became submerged

Downturn in event we see as
Males become females with feminine accessories
Females become males with masculine accessories
The whole world becomes blind
Dwelling under the vine of a mere snake
And under its fig tree

by Marilene Evans |
Categories: art, clothes, fashion,

Art of Dressing


Always buy clothing on sale
or clearance prices because
I use my skill or art of 
coordination to look stylish. 

Love to dress up in style by
mixing clothes with colors that
go together and adding
accessories for flair, classy look.

2/28/22   Lind30nr Poetry
               Chantelle Anne Cooke

Used:       How Many Syllables
                7779 Syllable No Rhyme (2 stanzas)

by Emeka Offor |
Categories: people, , cute,

Waiting To Exhale

Softly dressed in a black top to hinge 
Brown chinos skirt and beige watch 
Hair resplendent in curly full fringe 
With cute accessories to match 

Her voice rings out in a velvety tone 
“Obim oh, am gonna love you” 
Heart filled with sweetness so prone 

Her food rests on a meal of fish 
Fish prepared in diverse forms 
Its sauce slushed with peppery dish 
Mellowed by drinks, so fizzy they burn 

In her anger, she struts with a raging heat 
Her strides, pressured by a desire to excel 
Like the wind, filled with the beat 
Of many shoes and waiting to exhale

by Paul Nairne |
Categories: cute, dedication, feelings, funny love, girl,

Dedicated To Her

I know...
I know you look pretty today..
I know you are blessed..
I know you smell like a thousand roses..
I know that smile warms,all you greet..
I know you are wearing lace with your neon colored accessories..
I know you are special,in your own right. 
And most of all I know the world is a better place because of you..

by Njeri Hunjeri |
Categories: sad, symbolism,


I smile, a forced smile, while inside am no smiles

I walk, in different beats, while my one walk that I love sits on the curb

I sing, not my kind of tunes, hidding my sincere rhythms somewhere in the dark

I laugh, for the camera, for the motion picture, not from the inside

I dress, new dresses, new accessories, new make-up, different styles, to keep up with the appearance

I got my act right, I do not care anymore, shameless.....hollywood me, should be getting an Oscar.

by Manon Boudreau Star Child Nebula |
Categories: earth, girl, god, heart, lost love, missing you,

To My Precious Pearl

Brave to be shown 
Life as unknown
Readying a future 
I have yet to capture 
Bravery to admire 
Reached with heart desired
Endearing rise
Painted the skies 
Discovery from lover 
Quickly recover 
Lost accessories 
Replaced by centuries 
Given to a girl 
Not of this world 
Tears asleep 
Memories kept deep
There above 
She sealed it with love 
Rainbows of heaven
A mighty assession
Obeyed by Master 
Avoided disaster 
Grateful to belong 
More precious than song

by Marilene Evans |
Categories: love, memory, mom, remember,

Her Unconditional Love

                      My Mommy gave me love and attention.
                   She spoiled me rotten with material things,
              fine clothes, shoes, accessories, toys and candies.
                       She was proud to show me around.

                Her unconditional love is something I always
               treasure, for it made me grounded, confident,
               independent, strong, ready to face the world.

10/26/20     Anthony Biaanco     49Er Poetry Contest (... something treasured)

by Sibusisiwe LETA Ncede |
Categories: art, blessing, celebration, courage, dream, future, identity,

My Book

A specification of an individual
A floods of tears
A buddle of joy
A amazement of a journey

The glittering of accessories
The shinning of stars
The alignment of planets
The rareness of seasons

A unification of oceans
A rambling of seas
A periodically of winds
A trampling of storms

The completeness of a promise
The experiences that have been acquired
The feelings that are being released
The love that has been stored

by Barbara Costilow |
Categories: child,

No Return Policy

Placed my order months ago
Ate too much, gained weight, cried a lot
Taking so long
Arriving today
What if not what I ordered
OMG, no return policy
I would make it fit and change what I didn't like
Oh, so soft to the touch
Size was great, could carry everywhere
Sparkling deep blue diamonds
All the accessories I ordered 
I will love forever
My child, my life

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allegory, allusion, analogy, appreciation, blessing, creation, god,

God Created Male and Female

Create a male,
It must have been easy for God...
A male with his wisdom based
in the strength of his punch and kick,
easily reveals the character...
Is a fool who thinks that everything
resolved like this...
As for the female, God
spent a lot more than
his infinite wisdom and
Woman has more accessories
material and spiritual,
ethereal and divine...
There are several Pandora's boxes
(in the sense of mysteries)
contained in her...
God made her
with all the mysteries
to be revealed
for whom with love
unlock them...
That's why the woman
is that eternal charm,
eternal secret...
So so attractive
for the lucky male
who lives next to her... !