Love Poems About Abysses or Abysses Love Poems
by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allusion, appreciation, confidence, extended metaphor, friendship, love, tribute,

I Love Good People

I love friendly people
that forgets selfishness
 and overcomes the abysses
detestable pride, of class,
created by society....
I love with all confidence
who lives with, independence
that respects human rights
who lives with God and his plan
 with all the progress that we can

by Abdul Malik |
Categories: destiny,


Banished by Zeus’s jealous wife, Hera, 
the lively Oread, Echo, 
began to wander haplessly
into the mountain ranges
The depths of dark abysses
The doleful tunnels and
The abandoned mines,
The desolate caves,
valleys and ravines. 

Lovelorn and pining 
for her lost love, Narcissus,
the once loquacious Echo 
could now recall only 
the last shreds of 
someone else's spoken words.

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allusion, art, beauty, emotions, love, metaphor, poetry,

This Is Love

Taste the antagonisms,
      dare to surrender  to impulses
      be perplexed by abysses,
      not living before wrists ...

      Not having out of love,
      warmth, shelter and rest
      being shot down with glow
      be simple but proud ...

      Imbibe hemlock for wine,
       scorn profit and ruin
       but absorb the pleasure
       of the nest

       Donate body and soul and fate
       and wait in the disappointment,
       this is love, no mistake ...!

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: conflict, love, philosophy,

Explosion of Love

There is much more of love in us.
    But we repressed ourselves and
    we learned to give little by little ...
    We forget other forms of love.
    There is so much love repressed in us,
    that if it exploded on everyone,
    at the same time, all ills
    they would disappear from the world ...
    All the streets would light up,
    alleys, caves, abysses ... everything.
    But we do not open the floodgates
    of this ocean of love for fear ...
    We only care to open
     the portals of deception ... because
    we are afraid of love, fear
   of loving ...!

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: adventure, allegory, allusion, analogy, appreciation, love, metaphor,

This Is Love Sans Mistake

Taste all the antagonisms,
      dare to live in to impulses
      to be perplexed before abysses,
      not living before pulses...

      Not having out of love,
      warmth, shelter and rest
      be shot down, with radiance
      be simple but of proud  guest...

      Savor hemlock for wine,
       disdain profit and ruin
       but relish the beau nest

       Giving body and soul and fate
       and wait in disillusionment,
       this is love, no mistake... !

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allusion, analogy, appreciation, celebration, extended metaphor, tribute,


I love friendly people

who forget selfishness

that overcome the abysses

detestable pride of class

created by society....

I love with all confidence

  who lives independently

who lives with God and his plan,

obeying pure science

   with all the progress we can...!

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allegory, allusion, appreciation, fantasy, metaphor, poetry,

Searching the Fountain of Poetry

We must drink the poetry,
at the fountain
where souls drink...
On the magical
frontier of mysteries,
between the abysses
and paradises,
purified with an innocent soul...
Thus personified in love,
following the purification
of perpetual motion
of life... !