Love Poems About Abusing or Abusing Love Poems
by Cam Mac |
Categories: absence, assonance, betrayal, dad, dance, emotions, how i feel,

One More Chance To Dance

If I could get another chance
Another walk
Another dance with him
I stand in a stance and glance at him with a frown
and knock him down to the ground while he turned around
How I'd love love love
To dance with my father again

If by dance you mean abusing, using all my might 
to fight it seems confusing, because you don’t know the sight
of riding home at night, 
after flying kites with your dad, 
and pickin clovers
then gettin pulled over
“Geeze dad, what’d you do bad?”
“Please don’t be mad, I can honestly promise I’m sober”
I looked over my shoulder
and saw red-blue lights
they had him dead-to-rights.
Guess he won’t me tuckin me in bed tonight.

by Leon Stacey |
Categories: brother, childhood, family, friendship, girlfriend-boyfriend, husband, life, lost love, love, people, recovery from..., sad, school, son, wife,

Before Puberty Toward Maturity

I was abused before puberty,
But I did my share of abusing.
And I was bruised before puberty,
But have spent some time bruising.
I was used as an adolescent,
Yet threw some out with the using.
I was infused as a adolescent,
But my words are said "too infusing".
I was confused as a new student;
Now I am labeled as "confusing".
I was a diffused college graduate,
But now I am thought to be diffusing.
I was accused as a married man;
Yet, I, admit I was so accusing.
I was refused as a separate man,
But I have not gone on refusing.

by Anthony Dover |
Categories: abuse,

Im the Child You Love To Kill

A paedophilic cult of eternal beings
having children throughout the ages
abusing them then
killing them
im the one who knew from the start
tore their world apart.

by Xavier Keough |
Categories: family, forgiveness, introspection, sad,


Dissuade me
From the loyalty of love
And the widows of why
From concealing color
This makeup I cry
Dissuade me
From believing in marriage
And that pain turns bland
From reconciling resolve
And staying my hand
Dissuade me
From cheating my children
By bleeding my tears
From staining innocence
And screaming their fears
Dissuade me
From hating my husband
And divorcing this disgrace
From abusing this trigger
Like the bruises on my face

by Lunita Blanca |
Categories: 10th grade, first love, i love you, lust,

School Sweetheart Crush

She had hair the color of wet hay,
and her big beautiful eyes were pale gray
She was my 10th grade teacher and my lover,
and I don’t believe I will ever recover

She had a sweet and delicate voice,
and the name of my lover was Joyce.
She would tutor me some times twice a day,
and after the lessons, we would just play

Oh the lessons she was teaching me,
would never earn me a degree.
She did not help me get to college, 
but the lessons did give me knowledge  

Some will say this teacher was abusing me,
but I can tell you, I just don’t agree
My dear and loving teacher was very kind,
she really helped my frame of mind. 

January 28,2019 Contest sponsored by Faraz Ajmal

by Eric Schojan |
Categories: anger, love,

You and Me

When did we stray, I mean somewhere we came off course.
Every time we argue we're abusing that dead horse.

You say I'm acting crazy maybe I am a bit deranged,
but given everything that I took on, do you really find that strange?

Mountains out of molehills? Well shits bound to pile up
and if, the love it runneth over, why can't I seem to fill my cup?

When conversations leave us locked in chains,
We're just left to make sense of the mess that remains.

We pick up the pages and study the word,
but the opinions and answers all sound absurd.

So we sit in our shackles in search of a key,
but the irony is it's within you and me.

by Cortney Bartholomew |
Categories: absence, abuse, lost love,

When Your Cup Is Empty

Why do you torment my heart?
When all I have done was love you from the start
With each drop of compassion you tore from my soul,
Ridiculed and used me to feed your ego,
Narrcissic behavior, you saw a sensitive spirit,
Each tear I cried, you filled your cup to drink it,
The hunger of manipulation courses through your veins,
Abusing my love for you as if it's a game,
I don't want to be there when your eyes finally open,
When you see the truth or your heart gets broken,
Even then I will still love you in the midst of that pain,
But while your abusing me I must walk away,

by Asiphe Tomeli |
Categories: love,

What Is Love

What is love
Will i ever know the feeling
I'm tossing & turning at night
I need the warm touch of those lips
I need one who will be my shield & leave me smiling
What happened to the days where man used to mean 
everything they said
Where woman had long dresses & were called beautiful 
instead of sexy
This days we are killing our own children
Man raping & abusing their wives
Does real love exist
Will i ever fall in love
I need someone i can wake up next to
Someone who will keep a smile on my face
I'm afraid of being in love

by Branden Wilson |
Categories: depressionheart, heart, love,

Love Hurts

Love Hurts
Leaving deep cuts of pain
On your bleeding heart 
You try to forget about her
But you can never forgive her 
For treating you the way she did
Your anger burns uncontrollably
Riping your heart into even more pieces
You try to move on
But the scars are still there 
To remind you of the love you gave 
But never received
Your love has endured countless beatings
And still you try to find the perfect one
But every time it is the same result
The girls take advantage of your broken state
Abusing the true love that you put in a relationship
Love Hurts
Leaving deep cuts of pain
On your bleeding heart
Love Hurts

by Kamran Rashid |
Categories: abuse, anti bullying, care, culture, depression, discrimination, future,


I turned on the tv and they talked of a terrorist 
I watched on the internet they talked of a terrorist
I walked down the lane they talked of a terrorist
I went home and asked myself who is really a terrorist
It can be some abusing you
It can be them following you
It can be you reading me
It can be them watching me
It can be some taunting me
To blame a religion is insane
To live like an ignorant is not even sane
Knowledge,compassion and love  will wash all the pain
with hatred and ignorance nothing will we gain.

by Robin Davis |
Categories: emotions, feelings, life, violence,

Don'T Be Foolish and So Cruelish

There are lines you shouldn't cross 
Because it can lead to loss
Of relationships and friends
And you'll be lonely in the end
Lying leads to hurt and sadness
Taking away all the gladness
That you shared and will be lost
Leaving you to pay the cost
Cheating will break hearts in two
Think about what you will do
If you lose a love so precious
Causing hurt and lots of messes
Abusing those who mean a lot
Will put you in a rough spot
When your handcuffed for the pain
With only yourself to blame
If you think before you do this
You wont look stupid and so foolish
And cause so much tears and sorrow
With those who wont be here tomorrow

by Sidney Hall Mad Poet |
Categories: lost love, sadme, hate, hate, love, me,

I Miss You

I hate you for showing me what true love is
For feeling of weakness I felt in my knees
I hate you for agreeing that we should break up
To leave me alone like an unwanted child’s pup

I hate you for showing me how happy I could be
Just to take away my love and the best part of me
I hate you for using me
I hate you for abusing me

The love that you showed me, I know it was true
For I sit in my house and all I do is think of you
You injected me 
Infected me
Then you rejected me

I hate you for I know this love was true
And I hate you because

by Dennis Spilchuk |
Categories: break up, romance, sad love,

Breakup, Internet Style

Breakup, Internet Style

Your emails are deleted as fast as sent.
On my cell’s contact list, you don’t exist.
I burn your face over and over again
Until only charred memories remain.

You’re on the internet with that other person,
In real time, abusing my emotions.
Then, wanting me back to satisfy your ego,
Just to see me a butt-end joke on social media
(But that isn’t going to happen!).

Your asinine tactics putrefy my stomach,
Your condescending words make me vomit.
From one to ten, you’re like yesterday’s text,
A purged message flushed down the toilet.

by Joshua Lacey |
Categories: faith, lifelife,

The Human Factor

Being a human:  Too confusing!
Hope the brain isn't abusing!

Power to get up when I fell
Have energy to journey through hell

No longer in middle-school
Confustion and fear seemed to rule!

In high-school really crashed 
At least life not totally trashed!

But was able to chew
Through what I did do

Then my life stopped being blue
Now it is a lighter hue!

Able to love; able to praise
Jesus from death did me raise!

by Eric Ashford |
Categories: poetry,


We got here by reading different maps. We shot bolts and sprang locks, eventually we trapped the same sky. Now we can say our names without lips abusing flesh. When I was not in love I wrote falling snow poems, now I track your melting footprints with a heat-seeking heart.

by Joel Lee |
Categories: love, life, life, love,

Living In Love

There was life before
There were times to be remembered
Those of days to recall
And were nights of love savored

There is life now
Times to build for a memory
Moments needs be found
For love a momentarily

Love... my forever question
Knowing its valid... one instance
For love... never is a lesson
Simply humans building the distance

And life never remains
Forever and ever we always change
Abusing all there be to be pain
Did you know that love stayed the same?

Life as before as now
Times remembered serving a memory
Moments having found
Perhaps me but love never leaves to be

by Thaddeus Chauvin |
Categories: anxiety, friend, friendship love, happiness, heartbreak, inspiration, life,

A Very Special Someone

When things are low and confusing
When life can't do enough abusing
All it takes is a very special someone
To change your outlook on fun

In the middle of it all
Deep down, skeptic of it all
All it took, was a very special someone
To change your outlook of the word fun

Cause it took and will take a very special someone
To change your outlook on the word fun
Now that you see, where doubt has no place here
From this day on, you will never fear

(c)1972 TJC

by Robin Davis |
Categories: abuse, betrayal, feelings, friendship,

Don't be Foolish and So Cruelish

There are lines you shouldn't cross 
Because it can lead to loss
Of relationships and friends
And you'll be lonely in the end
Lying leads to hurt and sadness
Taking away all the gladness
That you shared and will be lost
Leaving you to pay the cost
Cheating will break hearts in two
Think about what you will do
If you lose a love so precious
Causing hurt and lots of messes
Abusing those who mean a lot
Will put you in a rough spot
When your handcuffed for the pain
With only yourself to blame
If you think before you do this
You wont look stupid and so foolish
And cause so much tears and sorrow
With those who wont be here tomorrow

by Eric Ashford |
Categories: poetry,


It had been snowing paw prints and rabbit runs. Ice fell from me in its own sharp-tongued language; We got here by reading different maps. We shot bolts and sprang locks, eventually we trapped the same sky together. Now we can say our names without lips abusing hearts. When I was not in love I wrote snow poems, now I write in the sky, and how like a running river my speech has become.