Love Poems About Abuses or Abuses Love Poems
by Andre Sanders |
Categories: art, depression, devotion, faith, family, father, friendship, growing up, happiness, hope, inspirational, life, love, peace, urban,

Battle of the Words

Bravery is the father of fears
Dreams are distant cousins of nightmares
Hope is the sister of prayers
Every night shame lays down and gets screwed by despair
Pollution abuses Mrs. atmosphere
It's a battle between personality and reality 
But obviously nobody cares
Maybe it's because big tough is the uncle of little scared
Planning is deeply in love with prepared
Procrastination is the biggest enemy of determination
Ignorance is jealous of realization
Sometimes strength can get sneak attacked by temptation
Silence can never defeat a great proclamation
When the brain disagrees with the heart
The body dies of complications

Love your self...

by Jslambert Mister Roboto |
Categories: allegory, angst, death, dedication, depression, faith, forgiveness, health, introspection, life, loss, lost love, people, philosophy, recovery from..., religion, sad, socialmirror,

Guilty Reflection

Looking dead at me in this smeared mirror...
a lost man
face red
and teared

stacking excuses 
the longer I stare
this stress abuses 
my conscience with a glare

a guilty reflection warns
my mind is the prison I fear
as I long to escape 
from the  hell I dwell in
right here

who have I become? 
what have I done right?
crossroads appear suddenly 
as fog fills the mirror tonight

darkness owning the room,
prefers I suffer slow
so I proceed with speed 
because it’s the only way I know

tasteless stories
flood my life’s hard bound chapters 
while this smeared mirror reflects tears
dripping from a face 
which was once filled with laughter.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 12th grade, anxiety, betrayal, emotions, feelings, how i feel, hurt,

Love's Betrayal

His words were lies before they were spoken, a regurgitation of excuses. And a precursor to love's betrayal, deceit covers his trail of abuses. In his alternative reality, the truth transforms into hyperbole. And he can't distinguish the difference, even though it's so evident to me. He says that he loves me, but that's not true, I don't even think he knows what love is. He treats me like some kind of prized trophy, as though I was a possession of his. But love should stretch beyond physical needs, to encompass not only words; but deeds.

by Gale Greenwood |
Categories: courage, freedom, time, time, sound, love, sound, time,

It Is Time

It is time to join the battle my friends.
It is time to save some lives.
It is time to sound the bugle my friends.
It is time to end the strife.
It is time to forgive the abuses my friends.
It is time to stop taking the lord’s name in vain.
It is time to channel the truth my friends.
It is time to love again.
So sound the horn light the beacon.
Let love and peace never be beaten.
Carry the flags of all great nations,
as we join hands honoring life’s creations.

by Anil Deo |
Categories: anti bullying, christian, christmas, community, confusion, jesus,

Community - Sad Developments

A worm in the wombs of creativity
Lady Poet "silenced" in a Writers' Community
Jeremiah warned our "wicked" hearts defy good intention 
Why point to CHRISTmas? The investment at Crucifixion?

NOTE: One writer wrote, "The heart is the mother of all abominations." Thomas BOSTON. Yes, he was a British theologian but while the heart is also capable of love, consider the thin line between love and lust, marriages & abuses, Nationalism & Nazism, pride and possessiveness, Eros & Pornea. More after Christmas, not now. Shalom, shalom (Please pray or meditate on creating positive vibrations)

by Linda Alice Fowler |
Categories: animal, cat, feelings, giggle, humorous, love hurts, senses,


I slink to
the open door
planning my escape.
Just as I make my sprint
for the outside, I am stopped
and scolded for my brash attempt.
Fates! Why must I be hapless captive 
by the vexing mistress of this dwelling?
I wait until the night is sober black
to claim revenge for her abuses 
against these natural instincts. 
A fallen vase will rouse her
as she sleeps and in her
daze I shall tangle 
around her feet
and she shall
sense my

by Sandra Jensen |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, life, love, mystery, passion,


An ash blaze scours your head.
The ice kaleidoscope of your eyes burns into my soul.
The hardened touch of gentle hands scars my body.
The piercing touch of his tongue abuses my lips.
My knees weaken. His smell, musky, tainted with Armani. 
The torture continues. You’ve pull me into your destructive embrace.
Shocked with electricity, you whisper 
I can satisfy you.

© Sandra Denise Jensen
5 November 2007

by Wyatt Loethen |
Categories: allegory, dedication, devotion, faith, forgiveness, happiness, hope, inspirational, life, native american, passion, religion, sympathy, teen, thank you, uplifting, visionary, me,


I can feel your presence over my soul looming into my life I can't help wonder who you are or who I was Meant to Be Everlasting Love is what I Found in You Something I Swear to never let Go You protect my soul and keep me away from Perpetual Cold I can always need you, until despair abuses me into the dwelling Chasm from the wane of the world

by Lisette Nichols |
Categories: growth, heartbreak, heartbroken, lost love, sad,

A Stanger

I am not you ,and you are not me ,but still we stand here in awe of ourselves of this angry silence we face toward each other, but nowhere near each other because the thought of me touching you ,and you touching me brings back memories we both don’t need so this silence consumes us , abuses us , forces us to come to the conclusion maybe this isn’t what we intended to be neither you or I could have wondered what we could be so maybe this is what we should be strangers that pass by without even a glance in either directions so maybe this is what we’re supposed to be.

by John Loving Iii |
Categories: wifeme, me,


she rode around in my raggedy car
no we were'nt like the stars
she never complained
except about my complaining
she was so good with me
when it came to taming
she made me proud 
just by sitting near me
she endured my abuses
left and came back to me
she said i love you
while she was under my attack
she stayed faithful
and always had my back
she was the wife 
that never had my name
she made her vows
on what she made stand
she made me complete
and more of a man
she hade me so happy
just to be her man

by Alli B. |
Categories: depression, faith, losswords, fire, fire,

Fire From Hell

Her words glow
With the stars in the Heavens
She speaks nothing 
But truth
She does not hate
But loves
Loves greater than can be comprehended

His words are stained
Bloody red
He speaks straight lies
He does not love
But abuses
Using lies to get what he wants

She doesn't see blood 
But fire
This fire is fire from Hell
She doesn't realize it
Her fire is fire of love

He pulls her into the boat
Gets what he wants
Then dumps her back into the sea

And now she sees the fire from Hell
Has experienced the Devil
Yet she continues to glow
A soft glow
With protection from God

by Kayla Gaylor |
Categories: abuse, anti bullying, bullying, childhood, conflict, inspirational, longing,

5 Sense of Life

Listen And don't hear and then things will become very clear
 Read between the lines and you  will find the truth is the one always left behind 
 Taste the bittersweet earth and you will  see every has been hurt 
 Walk a mile in someone else shoes in you feel the neglect and abuses 
 Smell the love and hate in the air and you will wonder why no one cares

by Brittany Russell |
Categories: confusion, lost love, passion, sad, me, me,

Sweet Revenge

Everything was fine
everything was gravy
and before now I would never 
lye to my baby
but sh!t happens
and now I'm lookin at this man
thinkin bout if I would change it if can
He doesn't treat me right
hell he don't even want me no nore
so now I don't even care if he walks through the door
I look in his eyes
and I don't even see what I used to see
His love for me has faded; and he emotionally abuses me
I need to get over him
get him out of my system
get him out of my head; and that's why I need him......

by Jack Bowman |
Categories: allegory, people, philosophy,

Facing Palin

The process of dealing with Sarah Pain; without the “L”
without the love; 
cold hearted, winking witch
smiles at the faithful’s attempts to see up her skirt,
fantasies about her warm Alaskan bungalow

while the reality of those oil money backers,
the secession movement,
wild, natural environment
being ruined by
unnatural exploitive, racism, avarice

she parts her lips, drinks in the power,
an addict with an hourglass frame
abuses what she has, to punish her family
not to mention her competition

in the warm spring rains before 2012
her campaign takes root, sprouts
and replicates
virus upon virus
all that is decent
is dust.

by Jerry Golden |
Categories: life, loss, love, peace, sad, song-winter, hate, december, hate, september, winter,

Seasonal Change (Angel of Sadness)

As my soul dwells in your past 
I kill for this moment to pass 
Al though I smile 
I find myself more and more suppressed 
As if, your casket was buried in my chest 

Yes, I breathe 
For I believe 
I am promised to leave 

And I hate the winter 
All the days of September 
I hate the center of a broad frost December 

And as the night expires 
My fright assumes your desires 
I feel I am not the child I used to be 
The privilege of this substance abuses me 
I hate to be the selfish man I have become 
But as if it were fate 
Sadness reigns past noon for some 

I hate the winter 
All the days of September 
I hate the center of a broad frost December

by Solomon Ochwo-Oburu |
Categories: food, satire,

Wise Cook

I watched her from my window
when fire delays to light
she pours in it water with rage
then flogs the fire-stones
and all is smoke and wetness
then she starts all over again
Each time she is annoyed
throws abuses at the foolish fire
at the day’s end hunger creeps in
her family curse biting hunger
as neighbors eat their fill in joy
By evening the wise cook goes out
asking for charity and left-overs
which she eats alone in hiding
as offspring, husband maid starve

One night she dreamed a dream
Fire stood up and advised her;
“You call yourself wise cook, no!
You are a foolish servant-cook
Why can’t you use wood I love?”

by Ryan Tyler |
Categories: abuse, anger, betrayal, confusion, emotions,

Marrwage Sweet Marrwage

Everybody abuses somebody at sometime. Tonight, it's my turn....again, and it's as painful as the first time. I'm helpless to fix it. Except this time I'm different. I have fire. Im full of rage. I'm dangerous. Come near me and I bite. Just let me lick my wounds. How dare you. I let you only because I love you so much and some day i'll do the same to you expecting the same resilience. I probably already have.

-Angel Fatale-

by Jim Slaughter |
Categories: humor, marriage,

Two More Limericks Re Marital Trials and Tribulations

A happily married man is he
Who weds, not for love, but for policy.
His life will be clover
If his wife will sign over
Not the deed to her heart, but her property.

A woman who weds for the pleasure,
May live to repent at her leisure.
When she's no more excuses
For her husband's abuses,
A close bond with her lawyer she'll treasure.

by Adeyemi Joshua |
Categories: allegory,

A Piece of Meat

Many a time have i fell in love with beauties,
But I'm locked in the cell of their duties.
Many a time I've been bewitched by their luxuries,
But now they've lent me variant abuses.
By stretch of rigid vices,
My 'Sire had hopped from thither to hither.
But the potholes and lapses,
They've sketched,got me fixated like a trapped cheetah.
Here is a piece of meat,
Of which if you feed on you'll be strong
Like the rock. When love you did meet.
And to love's choice you'll never be wrong.
      "Discipline thou thy eyes and heart,
       And come to Jail me if thy path be not right."

by Serge Lyrewing |
Categories: emotions, feelings, love, passion,

The Poet's Always Little Careless

The poet's always little careless
He's not so neat, he isn't shaved,
He's dreaming, he's serene, he's labelless,
He speaks too much, it's not so great.
His soul is frail, it can be wounded,
It's easy to disturb his rest,
But you're not tolerable, do it,
Blow pain with rhyme, my wanted guest,
I love you I won't let excuses,
I love you so, my proud lass,
Amorous fever gives abuses
and torments sweet in heavy breath.

by Daron Long |
Categories: angst, girlfriend-boyfriend, life, lost love, love, me,

The Break Up

Sitting in my chair
with hurt in my soul
I can’t take all the lying
as it’s killing my heart
which she stole
Early morning hours
and she’s just now dragging in
She walks to me slowly
and gives me a heartless kiss
I’ll forget her transgressions
because I still love her nonetheless 
Then she leans in closely and says we need to talk
She says she’s done with me
as my jaw slowly drops
She’s throwing out excuses
while I’m pointing out her abuses
and she starts to yell with rage
I can’t take this anymore
living in her cage

by Druann Christesen |
Categories: confusion, depression, lost love, lost, lost,


It is one of those days again,
where everything is off track,
It is one of those days again, 
I try and never find my way back,
always lost in this common misconception,
perhaps dazed by my own reflection,
Satisfaction deludes and misconstrues,
hope feels lost without you,
Who abuses me,
but me,
Who accuses me,
only me,
Never deny the evidences,
truth always follows every lie,
Can't hide that which refuses to stay shrouded

by Reny Jameel |
Categories: abuse,


He takes my body
And Rocks me softly 
He calls me names 
And Gives me pain 
He brings me romance 
And places kisses 
He says I'm dumb
And says I have no brain 
He hugs me 
And gives me love 
He abuses me
And accuses me
He brings me flowers 
And takes me to many places 
He stomps on me
And cuts me in pieces 
He cuses 
And he fuses 
He says my name sweetly 
And then he gives me pleasure 
He shouts at me 
And gives me bruises 
He talks so passionately 
And fills me with ecstasy
He fights with me 
And presses his fist inside of me
He's so full of anger 
And filled with hate 
He will fall one day 
And it will all be too late

by Heather Leonard |
Categories: feelings,

What Is Love

As we sit here thinking about how many times a day people say I Love you, does anyone really know what it is or what it really feels like?To me Love is like butterflies in your stomach while rainbows play in your head.The feeling of a newborn baby in your hands that melts your heart! The true question is how can we feel Love while being hurt? The husband that belittled his wife can say I love you and it all goes away.The wife that mentally abuses her husband and yet gets away with it because of three little words! OH let's not forget the parents say I love you to their children before and after the abuse and neglect So can anyone answer this question?

by Shirley Hudson |
Categories: abuse, heartbroken, psychological, wife,

The Downfall of Mankind

Dawn has broken and this is a new day.
Children will be born today,
People will die tomorrow.
Parents will look at their children,
Wondering about their future.
Lovers will look into each other's eyes,
Their love will blossom,
Falling madly in love.
Dogs will lay in the sun,
Without a care in the world.
Cats lay in the windowsill,
Knowing their owners love them.
But as the dark clouds form,
Down the street a woman,
Verbally abuses her wife,
Not knowing the damage it will do,
To her heart, her body and her very soul.
It will virtually tear her down,
Cursing their love,
Her outlook of mankind will be destroyed.
She is a broken woman.