Love Poems About Absurd or Absurd Love Poems
by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, beauty, inspirational, philosophy, sad,

The Park Bench

The Park Bench

I wish I was a poet
With magical words
To make people see all of the absurd
Tears fly, paintings in pastel die

When we look into our mirrors
We sometimes miss
What love dumps upon all of us
We shed tears, for we forgot to shed fears

I have no legs, nor any crutches
So my voyage has ended
I only observe
Sadness upended

When goodness is confused
When gestures are refused
When the kiss that could have been
When a poets tear seems obscene

The one who hears is often deaf
The deaf sometimes have nothing left
If I could give a kiss away
I would give it to lovers with hearts that sway

Drawing love on paper in may

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, culture, history, poetry, sorrow, symbolism,

No Words

No words

Where there are tears
There are no words

Where there is music
There are no words

Where there is painting
There are no words

Where there is love
There are no words

Where there is passion
Words run and hide

Where there is sadness
There are no words

Where there is poetry
The poet attempts justice to the word

Where there are tears
The poet mystically appears

Where there is death
There are words

Proclaiming dominance to all before
Music art and philosophy

For not all are artists and musicians
All we have left are words and sorrows

How so very sad
And so very absurd

by James Fraser |
Categories: fun, humor,

Doodle the Footle 2 Tootle

I so love this form called Footle It allows the poet to doodle With so few words Whether right or absurd Now read , short trip, lets tootle < ;-) >

by George Yiorgos Stathakis |
Categories: humorous,

My Stupid Poem

I love the word 'stupid'.
I really do!

By using this word
I can denote
that are illogical
lack common sense
appear absurd
or …. are just plain 'stupid'.

I do not use the word 'moron'.
(The word 'moron' is defined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as "a foolish or stupid person")
I also don't use 'idiot'.
(The Oxford Dictionary defines 'idiot' as "a stupid person")

just 'stupid'
just the action or actions
nothing else
nothing more.

(I hope this poem is not stupid)

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade,

I Am a Booby

My best feature by far, my bright azure feet.
A mating dance star, prowess cannot be beat.
South American bird, wing span of five feet.
My diving is absurd. Snow white breast is neat.
A morel mushroom head, strutting brown feathers.
Seventeen years of stead, love Pacific weathers.
Three hundred and thirty feet, of dive cannot be beat.
Do not need wet suit or any kind of scub-y.
I am the blue-footed booby.

by Yoni Dvorkis |
Categories: depression, friendship

Everyone Is Broken

Nothing left to hide
Everything is crystal clear
I must sound absurd

How does one confide
In shattered mirrors held dear
Using only words

Why do I reside
In broken hearts filled with fear
Cage confines the bird

Take it all in stride
Love will resurrect good cheer
Mend my broken world

by Suzette Richards |
Categories: poetess,

Graceful Lily

Intense emotions surged when justice sought
if I defended wrongful witness brought.
Then I was saved through Daniel; nearly caught.
Accused of sins absurd, derogatory words
from people’s tongues not curbed, but gossip which they heard.
Cupidity the driving force behind
the false accusers’ spiteful state of mind.
So rarely friends could then be found in kind.
The tides will ebb and flow as inner doubts still grow;
for balm of ocean’s throw thus right so many lows.
If seen at daily tasks, I’m never fraught.
I won’t let memories my love to curdle.
Some kindness helped recover peaceful find,
depend’n whichever way the wind should blow.

by Karen Jones |
Categories: animal, appreciation,

Cicada Song

Honeysuckle hazel breeze
Blowing through my mind's trees
Despite outside with winter freeze
In my heart that's blasphemy

Sunny smiles and heated red touch
Stay a while and fall in lavender love 
Jack frost lost his sex appeal
Fireplace warm with toasty teal thrill

Summer songs are our escape
The sing a longs so fun to play
Critters that creep we fascinate
Soon they sleep but we stay awake

Cicada song so wild and absurd
In our home where summer's preferred
Eyes surprised by spying song bird
Never denied inside poetic word

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 9th grade, emotions, feelings, how i feel, love,

Love's Everywhere

But for love, our world would be a sad place; full of lonely faces, empty of hope. And although fear and hate are commonplace, love's everywhere, and that fact helps us cope. Love tethers hearts together forever; for soulmates share the same eternal soul. And thus, tethered to the end of never, both halves of one soul merge and are made whole. Love connects your heart to another's heart, and you feel its presence and tender touch. We are greater than the sum of our parts; and so much more than mere blood, bones and such. Love has become a ubiquitous word; but to say love's just a word, seems absurd!

by Mary Wyndee Macaraeg |
Categories: faith, hope, love, love,


Heartsong is how I call the beating of my heart.
Sound of feeling when I met you from the start.
Having you into my life highlighted a blissful art.
In my existence you have become the greatest part.

Heartsong is the jingle that I hear whenever you sing.
Your voice that I recognize in my heart is the one king.
In my life, you my dear Honey only mean everything.
The love and happiness our togetherness always bring.

Heartsong is the hum of silence without saying a word.
Now we have to face challenges that recently occurred
What we're going through is difficult but never absurd.
Let's keep our love forever and be free to fly like a bird.

by Savannah Mcfarland |
Categories: hope, inspirational, love,


Love is a four letter word,
A word that makes people act absurd,
A thing that we want,
A thing that we need,
A thing we always take with greed.

Love, that four letter word,
I cry out, but go unheard,
The thing I want most,
The word we search for, a ghost.

Love is a four letter word,
A word that causes hurt,
A word that causes pain,
A word searched for in vain.

Love, the four letter word,
You cannot grasp or hold,
A thing that may never be,
But you'll find it in Him who is in me.

Love, not just a four letter word,
It is something we all search for.

by John Posey |
Categories: love, rose, valentines day,

A Rose That Never Fades

There is a Rose that never fades, a bloom that never dies, a blossom brighter than the sky, yet, soft as angels' eyes. When I tell people of this Rose somehow they can't conceive that such a flower can exist. They say it's make believe. They ask me why do I engage in such absurd charades. I smile, then say, "I'm loved each day by a Rose that never fades."
Author's Note: This was written for Valentine's Day some years ago.. It was framed with beautiful Rose graphics and now hangs over the kitchen sink where my wife can see it every day... Her name is Wanda Rose.... Jake

by Heather Condee |
Categories: emotions, family, future, growing up, spoken word, teen, wisdom,

Learn To Listen

What a mess 
I must confess
I made of my own life
Immaturity can be 
A dull and painful knife
Advice was given readily
Wisdom came like tides
Warned of dangers far and near
That trap young hearts like mine
Stubborn as a mule can be
I scoffed and bucked 
So foolishly
Looking back 
I made a fuss
Over things now 
Old like dust
If I'd listened 
If I heard 
Words of love
I thought absurd

by Jan Allison |
Categories: bird, tribute, , cute,

Do You Know About the Kakapo

Have you heard of the Kakapo? A Kakapo … I guess the answer’s no! Kakapo’s are a breed of parrot but they cannot fly They are far too heavy and would fall from the sky! Kakapo’s can live for a hundred years… A hundred years – I couldn’t believe my ears It may sound strange yes even quite absurd But I’ve fallen in love with this cute rare bird 11~14~16

by Laura Breidenthal |
Categories: character, dance, forgiveness, inspiration, love hurts, nonsense, silly,

One Word

Ahhhh! My heart!

She said one word, 
And it shattered my soul,
Once so strong,
My diamonds are coal!

Ridicule, disdain, and disgust
Are all her testy mind can must!

I am stupid,
Indignantly so! 
How ever with such insults
Shall I properly grow?

My heart! The pain!
The sting of one word!
Tis an ache one looks on 
As grossly absurd!

Though as it were,
I must grow tall,
For such a mere word
Shant possibly end it all

I shall laugh—HA HA!!!
And instead I shall dance, 
For life is quite great,
And I still have on pants!

Tis I, a gentleman,
Tried and true, 
Whom shall never be less,
E'en when I am with you!


by Jack Ellison |
Categories: nostalgia, words, old, sweet, love, old, sweet,

Okay Then, Alright Then, Toodle-Loo, Bye-Bye

“Okay then, alright then, toodle-loo, bye-bye!” Sure love to hear that again My first wife would end each phone conversation With this familiar old refrain Once uttering these words of sheer finality It was over, finis, a done deal Even though their words are heard trailing off Time's up, no chance to repeal Was definitely over when this sweet lady quoted These charming memorable words Am I dreaming or did I actually just hear them again Can't be true, that's totally absurd! “Okay then, alright then, toodle-loo, bye-bye!” Sure love to hear that again Life has moved on but love to hear them once more That familiar sweet old refrain © Jack Ellison 2013

by Christy Stover |
Categories: addiction, love hurts,

Loyalty Bleeding

each kiss is a tear
every touch a blood drop
breeding pain and fear
from bottom to top
    our brutal love
    rages on and on
    beneath heaven above
    above sweetness come and gone
darkest night falls down
hitting with a resounding thud
in your arms I drown
in an abyss of evil crud
    your abundance of addictions
    and multitudes of lies
    all of love's afflictions
    can be seen in my eyes
but no matter how absurd
I have made the vows
that must be honored
the forevers and the nows

by Kendal Pyfrom |
Categories: lost loveold, old, passion,

Old Flame

Fire rekindle as the old ashes are still burning The flame in ones soul ignites The soul awakens as there is a new yearning In your own world was born a new light Overflowing passion with ones mind interacting All your thoughts and memories seemingly far away The past experiences present counteracting The love, your love wishes to keep it at bay Remaining focused and still yet no resolve Tighten your grip on your own reality The mixture of your absurd fantasies dissolved Free yourself from this passion insanity Wherever you go, you always here their name That spark, a small spark which was your old flame

by Robert Ball |
Categories: black african american, love, happy, happy, love,

Unity of Love

Happy, Happy as can be,
Together happy you and me.
Living in a home, together
Love will last forever.

If you Love God and yourself,
You’ll be able to Love someone else.
Your Mate is Faithful and true’
She Loves God, and she Loves you.

Bingo, like a snowball, it hits,
You’re in Love and it doesn’t hurt a bit.
Love for your enemies, those who like you not.
It’s the Father’s Command, it’s Spiritually a lot.

So be Faithful have Hope, Love will get you through.
God’s Infinite Wisdom, in the Holy Bible is for both of you.
Blessed by the Holy Spirit, Wisdom is the Word.
Anything else would be totally absurd.

by Simone Segal |
Categories: inspirational

As Luck Would Have It

As luck would have it
But luck is not the word
You attracted reading this
Although it sounds absurd

I have a message for you
I would like to plant this seed
Believe this information
That you are about to read.

Love attracts love

Hate attracts hate

Peace attracts peace

Happiness attracts happiness

I could go on, its an endless list
What you are attracting will persist
So be aware of all you think
You know what I mean
Nudge nudge, wink wink.

by Atour Tamrazov |
Categories: family, children, people,

Love and See!

'On' is extra, 'in' is sense, 'off' is the absurd away from the free herz:
To be now the new International Democratic Society - we must
Love and see our life as the future in past

by Jan Allison |
Categories: baby, humorous, parents, sad, society, spoken word, technology,

Baby Talk

As parents we just love to hear our baby say their first word But in this technological age I’ve just read something absurd I love to hear babies babbling But will this news story vex ‘ya’ The baby didn’t say mama or dada Its very first word was ALEXA! Are the parents just seeking notoriety ... Or is this a poor reflection on today’s society Poem inspired by this news story 6/5/18

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: emotions, feelings, imagery, introspection, loneliness,

Alone Absurd Adrift

Alone devastated by years of betrayal my future feels like it's over. Contemplating committing suicide depression has me in its grip weeping in solitude suffering all alone. Absurd to cry for love and yet it feels so sad watching desire suddenly fade and passion's burning flame flicker out. For what is left is nothing more than a fantasy dream, fueled by the absurd. Adrift clinging to hope I'm floating aimlessly on the fringes of time and space searching for the other half of my soul. And the sharp edge of rejection slices through fantasy setting feelings adrift. (Linked Rictameter) 5/7/2015

by Mike Youds |
Categories: funny, on writing and words,


I’ve an inkling to stutter and stammer
In an effort to subjugate grammar.
For although I love words
I adore the absurd
Punctuated, pauses; tend to, enamour.

by Just That Archaic Poet |
Categories: love, romance,

Issues of Clocks and Romance

Quoth I unto the Rock:

"Hast thou seen an old, black clock
With the Coo-Coo bird abruptly missing?"

Quoth the Rock:

"Sorry, I have not seen the clock
That you have sought:

I've been watching the Lover's kissing!"

*This piece is meant to be absurd; doggerel, I suppose. Just something silly and (hopefully) fun :)