by Seren Roberts |
horse, love,
I lay my head upon the softness of its mane
My white charger, no knight for a swain
as I am the gallant rider looking for love.
Riding the green valleys with mountains above,
looking for hope in natures fertile plain
A dream, a carousel of tears and pain
With bobbing horses making a colourful train
Flying above a sure sign of hope, a dove
I lay my head
Imagination in play as I search in vain
Why from happiness must I abstain
My empty heart crying out to those above
Praying each night, please bring me love
Grabbing a handful of the silky white mane
I lay my head
by Susan Jeavons |
faith, inspirational, jesus, poetry, prayer, writing,
Oh Lord I hear the words inside my brain.
The pounding, pounding, pounding won’t abstain,
this favor that you granted unto me
in meter, rhyme and endless poetry.
I can not comprehend why you chose me
to publicize your truth in poetry,
but still I’ll try to make your wishes known
in words and lines that I shall call my own.
Oh Lord I pray my work will dignify
your name, and Lord I promise I will try
to never underestimate my skill,
for Lord I understand that it’s your will.
May everything that I shall ever write
be worthy of your love, and bring delight.
by John Freeman |
life, love
~Born of kingship that shall never expire
Of eternal kingdom I shall be heir
Very characteristic
Everlasting statistic
With cosmic mind I do have an aspire
~My positive trait with which I relate
`Tis my I am love, I abstain from hate
I am my brother’s keeper
I’m cheater of grim reaper
I love my-self, my eternal soul mate
~Born to be king, of this self I rejoice
Creature of love, I was given a choice
Verily you too
Pending you pursue
Shall we all rise up unison in voice!
Written by: John Moses Freeman
For and in Honor of: Kristen Bruni
And Contest: “Love Me Why?”
by Jo Chamberlain |
death, destiny, devotion, i miss you, journey, lost love, travel,
Ticket booth requests destination
manually I type your name,
a mathematical equation
couldn't convince me to abstain,
Catching despair in my reflection
streetlights flounce, dreary windowpanes
tracking raindrops with affection,
pining for your embrace, once again
Traveling express train to heaven
station platforms, fleeting by
mimicking photographs in my mind,
camera rolls, flicker the sky
by Emile Pinet |
addiction, angst, depression, drink, emotions, feelings, imagery,
Alcohol’s a drug that deludes the brain,
especially in vulnerable youth.
For it numbs hurts and emotional pain,
trading reality for a false truth.
Beer is the gateway to misery's domain,
replacing self-hate with synthesized love.
And if you're addicted and can't abstain,
confide in your friends or the Lord above.
Liquor fuels anguish, distilled from tears,
and yet, you'll pay its toll despite the price.
And when you reawaken sleeping fears,
occasional use morphs into a vice.
Many are blind to the pitfalls of drink,
unaware, they're teetering on the brink.
by L Milton Hankins |
age, hope, how i feel, love,
It makes me sad that I shall never fall in love again
For I have reached the age where I dare not hope
To experience that grand part of life; I shall abstain,
Since I have aged beyond love’s possibility envelope.
I remember the verse, but I’ve forgotten the refrain.
Written March 8, 2022
Submitted to "Bite Size No. 41" Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Line Gauthier
by Georgia Kereopa |
mental illness, music, philosophy, prayer, voice,
They woke me
I listen, voices loud, louder
arguing with each other
my ears ring
then all the demons stop
speak to me, all of them
worthless, addicted, vain
destined for happy? snickers
no woes just abstain? laughter
go kill yourself!
my thoughts hide away
bullied and drained
I put my ear phones in
chill on Bob Marley
“One Love, One Love, lets....”
bloodcurdling screams
sound of demons slain
I’m smiling, hum along, “feel alright”
Written: 06/08/2019
Eight Word Challenge Contest
Sponsor Emile Pinet
Words: addicted, slain, demons, vain, abstain, woes, destined
by Kl Williams |
bible, faith, religious,
Half your time is arguing,
that God does not exist.
The other time, when good for you,
your name is on his list.
Yes it's true that God is love,
and he loves you despite your sin.
But don't use his name in vain,
if you don't believe in him.
It's also true that sin is sin,
but the goal is to abstain.
Though he loves you, he's not happy,
with your lack of refrain.
Though it thrills my heart to see,
the times you do believe.
Consider his book from front to back,
Excerpts tend to mislead.
by Jim Pemberton |
character, christian, dedication, desire, devotion, faith, friendship, god, happiness, hope, i love you, inspiration, inspirational, jesus, love, peace, people, prayer, relationship, religion, religious, spiritual, trust, uplifting,
The Joy That God Brings to Me…
God gives me strength
and everlasting joy.
His words in my life,
I need to employ.
His joy brings strength
to my very soul,
giving comfort no matter
where I may go.
His joy gives a security,
this world can’t give!
It is with me, every day I live.
In my God, I will take delight!
For he is with me
every day and night!
From the appearance of evil,
may I abstain!
And live in the joy of Jesus’
precious name!
In Jesus, my life is complete!
As I lay my burdens at his feet!
Over life’s adversities,
I’ll rise above!
And rest in the joy
Of God’s abiding love!
By Jim Pemberton
by Rick Rucker |
By Rick Rucker
My Love often says “Whatever,” the rest I don’t have to hear,
What she really means is: “Whatever you say, Dear,”
Which is merely current speak for:
You are really starting, to me, bore!
She isn’t saying that she is mad,
Just too much discussion we have had,
That instead of to continue talking,
I had better think about balking!
That if I don’t want to say “Ouch,”
From the pain of sleeping on the couch,
On the current subject, from talking, I should refrain,
Unless, from lovemaking, I wish to abstain!
by Sadashivan Nair |
beauty, happiness, inspiration, love, love hurts,
You endow me so much love,
I can't hold;
You pour so much zeal,
I can't stand;
Your seductive aroma,
sniffed by my ticklish nose,
Inebriation is too enduring,
I can't say no;
Your fleecy delicate lips,
when touch my lips,
Quivers my heart,
can't say no;
Your warmth of body,
ardours so much,
I can't abstain;
when you hug,
your spirit travels my body,
Calms my soul,
Cools my heart,
I can't say don't hug me more;
You love me so much,
I can't stand;
only give me as much love,
So I love you and not pray;
So I kiss your photo,
and no beseech;
© Sadashivan Nair
by Keith D Trestrail |
birthday, son,
Yours is a healing and life-giving balm
that behoves me my merry thanksgiving,
I am by my own twist of fate becalmed
and I am wiser to wonderful things.
Memento Mori and Carpe Diem -
there is much to see and much to begin
so live well and long that in years to come
you not look back and muse what might have been.
Now if from your helping cause I abstain
or when in lonesome brooding I am sad
in futile excess, I’ll beg once again
to hear you curing say “I love you dad!”.
O’ wife and child it’s you and only you
that makes me love and do the things I do.
Written: March 2005
by Gershon Wolf |
appreciation, food,
For those who love to munch
breakfast soon turns to brunch
While those who prefer to abstain
a healthier outlook maintain
Bread dipped in salt, water by the measure
help us appreciate food as a treasure
by Dima N. |
devotion, friendship, love, friend, friend,
To be a friend is every man’s quest
A simple task and a popular request
To be a friend is to share your joy
I’ll allay your anger; even your fear I’ll destroy
Yet my friend, a friend I can’t be
If bridges and dams, you build so steeply
Oh my friend, a friend near or far
Is a friend in your heart not a memoir
A sense, a feeling, a touch so endearing
Not a painful stab but a holy blessing
Sadly, my uttered words I’ll alter now
Not a simple task, defeated I avow
Yet, I’m YOUR friend forever & beyond
To silence I will learn to respond
Friend, my patience may wane
From speech, I will abstain
But a friend I’ll forever remain…
by Ilene Bauer |
I love any bread with seeds -
Bagels, rolls or rye,
Pumpernickel, crusty loaves -
They all will satisfy.
Caraway and sesame
My appetite will spur;
But poppy seeds, above all others,
Are what I prefer.
Some cakes and muffins, even scones,
Are dotted with those seeds.
When I am in a bakery,
My mouth knows what it needs.
I marvel at those people,
Who will willingly abstain
From the joy of crunching seeded food
To eat a bagel plain.
They miss the subtle flavors
That all tiny seeds bequeath;
Though their one advantage is they won't
Have seeds stuck in their teeth!
by Glenn Mccrary |
lost love,
The beat that composes
Summer’s zealous speech
Employed my bones with jubilees
A quaint taste laced
with pornographic oaths
Of which I abstain from forsaking
As in her caress I descend
by Jim Pemberton |
character, christian, dedication, desire, devotion, faith, forgiveness, freedom, god, happiness, hope, inspiration, inspirational, introspection, jesus, joy, life, people, relationship, religion, religious, spiritual, uplifting,
God Gives the Strength I Need!
God gives me strength,
through his wonderful joy!
As his word in my life,
I daily employ.
His love brings sweetness,
to my very soul!
And gives my comfort!
Wherever I go!
His love brings contentment,
this world could never give!
It sustains me every day that I live!
In HIM, I’ll take delight!
For he is with me,
each day and night!
From everything evil,
may I daily abstain…
And live in the power of
Jesus’ name!
In Jesus, my life is complete!
As I leave every
burden at his feet.
Over the trials of life…
I’ll rise above!
Resting in God’s strength,
and his love!
By Jim Pemberton
by Jeffrey Spencer |
i miss you, passion,
A Man of Silence
I am a man of silence
In solitude, I remain
But I haven’t chosen loneliness
I have chosen to abstain
On the windows I have blinds
In my heart I have a fire
And though I live a private life
Your love, is my desire
Because you understand me
Because you give me calm
Because you make me better
I miss you
These thoughts have made me stronger
And you have always made me smile
So I open up my window
And step outside
The world will hear my voice now
With conviction, when I speak
Your love will keep me strong enough
Until again,
When you and I, can meet
© 2017 Jeffrey Spencer
by Moses Kisiang'Ani Makhakha |
angst, anxiety, depression, desire, fear, flower,
To call her tall voice again,
ouch! she drove me crazy
My addiction to lonely couches
Uttering I love in remarkable sense-
In vain,
She sunk deep in her thoughts
Drawing near the deep thoughts
Against spirits of abstain
Christened by the dreams.
Bitter woes came as assassin
Persuading with smile in style-
the end destined in hearts'
As the nos got drained,
In a derailment chained-
As the slain mercy felt done
vanishing like the demons.
by Jim Pemberton |
christian, dedication, devotion, forgiveness, friendship, god, hope, inspirational, jesus, life, love, relationship, religion, religious, spiritual, uplifting, day, joy, me,
The Joy From Knowing Jesus!
Jesus gives me peace, mercy and joy!
His word in my life
I must daily employ.
His joy brings sweetness
to my troubled soul,
giving comfort no matter
where I may go.
His joy gives happiness
this world could never give.
It sustains me eeach day I live!
In his joy... I will most
certainly delight.
For he is with me
every day and night.
From everything evil...
may I daily abstain,
living in the joy of Jesus’
precious name.
For in Jesus, my joy is now complete.
As I leave my burdens at his feet.
And over life’s trials,
I’ll rise above.
Resting in Jesus!
His joy and love!
By Jim Pemberton
by Pj Gongora |
black love, dedication, first love, happiness, relationship, tribute,
My own thoughts are like drugs to me
Giving pleasure to my already twisted brain
Empowering my nostalgic alter ego to see
A plain satisfaction that comes with pain.
A pain caused by the happy times we had
Vivid memories of you are unbidden
They come like a grin when I'm glad
Or like words I don't intend to be written.
Words unsaid confined me inside you
You are all over the places I knew
The more I abstain the more I crave
I'm drowned in intolerance I can't be saved.
by Larry Bradfield |
lost love,
I bought my teeth down a country lane
I whittled myself a walking cane
Took a tonic for arthritis pain
But there's nothin' wrong with this old brain
I think about the past in the main
Most about a lover I called Jane
Always hoped I would see her again
But she left me standing in the rain
Seemed for awhile I would go insane
In time my longings began to wane
Learned to be a loner and abstain
And I tried hard to become urbane
So I think of dragons I have slain
And perfumed beds where I have lain
And all the while I'm circlin' the drain
Missing that lover that I called Jane
Contest February Week 2
Sponsor : Brian Strand
by Emile Pinet |
12th grade, addiction, angst, anxiety, death, emotions, imagery,
Like anguish, distilled from tears
beer levies a costly price.
And arouses sleeping fears
as an elixir of vice.
This ubiquitous drink can
temporarily numb pain.
And yet, since first brewed by Man,
in excess it warps the brain.
Alcohol’s lonely refrain
drowns out melodies of love.
And though it’s hard to abstain
it oft turns push into shove.
When teetering on the brink
alcoholism cuts no slack.
For once addicted to drink
depression inks your world black.
July 11, 2018
by Linda Bolt |
Dark demons sent to taunt me
within my mind, they often play
In my ear, they quietly whisper
On my woes, they love to pray.
Pitiful pleas for mercy
Are sadly made in vain
to their whispers I’m addicted
From feeling joy, I now abstain.
Guided to where I’m destined
exhausted, mentally drained
despondent I willingly follow
as whispered words are feigned.
Oblivious I’m lead from reality
convinced there’d be no pain
taken further into darkness
Where my tortured soul lies slain!
by Andres Luis Bigote |
for her, i love you, longing, love, romance, romantic, true love,
Goodnight sweet princess
Fare ye well
Maybe I'll dream
Who can tell?
But if I have a dream of you
I'll tell you in the dream what's true
For in my dreams I speak my heart
And never leave out any part
The words I say come from my soul
They fill a cup with love that's whole
And never once did you disdain
Or ever ask me to abstain
But take my streams of words in stride
Yet keep yours in and choose to hide
The way you feel, not show your hand
It has to be, I understand
But if once in a while you feel you can
Show me one card from that hand
I don't care if it's just a two
It's a royal flush if it comes from you