by Connie Marcum Wong |
home, love,
I feel myself glowing when
I am in a room with you.
My eyes follow you as you
pour your third cup of coffee.
I've never known anyone who
could consume as much
caffeine as you do
without being wired.
Maybe your six foot three
stature absorbs it less.
The roses you bought me
are beginning to wilt as I softly
beg them to keep alive longer,
kissing their petals that
are as soft as your lips.
When we are home alone together
your sensuous smile warms me,
your deep voice thrills me,
and your dark eyes undress me,
and I am lost in your love.
~Second Placement~
by Poet Destroyer A |
Silence needs to be spoken and put out like a cigarette
The joy - the laughter - the expression found in a silhouette
Inhale the wholesomeness - Exhale the worthiness.
The soul- addicted to all the toxins this world contains
Life is like nicotine circulating throughout your veins
Wrath is a venom that absorbs all the fumes that flow
Trigger the mind and you'll see smoke blow
Hope entwined with clouds of wisdom
Tobacco strangling every inch of the nerve system
Vapors exceed emotions, love and veneration
Smog proceeds in slow motion
Puffing the beauty, by draining the heart and mind
Filtering all the nicotine bad breath left behind
by Tim Smith |
Come to me in the breaking of the day
Be there for me when my thoughts have gone astray
Sing to me from the branches on the oak
Look for me in pages that we wrote
Come to me when the sun absorbs the dust
Stay with me in my arms of love and trust
Be with me when my worries come to mind
Pray for me for salvation I do find
Come to me at the dawning of the night
Share with me these feelings held so tight
Join with me in breaking of the bread
Care for me in the promises you said
Come to me for is now I need you near
Come to me and wash away my fear
by Frederic Parker |
lost love,
The furtive temper of your quiet eyes
Was nonchalant with shrouded reasons kept
My love so humble from your death it cries
A poison pain drawn from life's blood wept
Precious pearls traced my face from weeping orbs
They came to rest upon my empty palms
To quell the worthless death my love absorbs
Rest of days, ascetic life offers alms
I'll wander finished through the years alone
And keep instruction with my beggar's heart
This rummaged soul another love won't own
To never more suffer a love's depart
My love will turn a darker veil of shade
The only love I'll know will never fade
contest English Sonnet...Lost Love
by Paula Swanson |
family, happiness, holiday, love, love,
The soft warm shades of twinkle lights,
reflects, muted, from love worn orbs.
Serenity it does afford,
to all our weary souls and hearts.
Each decoration is a part,
to the testament of years rewards.
They glow richer, as love absorbs.
Sweet memories, they do impart.
Paper, glitter, from a child's hand.
Delicate hand blown glass Angels.
Beneath a star that rests above,
popcorn and cranberry garlands,
tiny hand painted, silver bells.
Thirty Five years of Christmas love.
For the contest: Holiday Hearth
Sponsored by Linda Marie
by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire |
love, nature, winter, winter,
Bare tree branches waving histerically at the ground
Wind is blowing Shadows, to be lost and never found
The wind she whistles, alluring, as the Sirens of old
Nakedness of Winter Nature, shivers in the cold
As snow floats down, a blanket weaves around the soul
Warm, the squirrels sing and dance in the nest inside your bole
As evening rises, the wind ceases, the freezing cold stands still
Wind stands motionless, behind the rocks up on the hill
Everyday the trees absorbs the warmth from the SON
Soon the buds will sprout, Winter will be gone
Dedicated to Toquyen Harrell
by Earl Schumacker |
adventure, imagery, life, love, nature, passion, tree,
Taboo Haiku
Bamboo skirt lifts scents
Flavors of river desires
Absorbs each other
by Andromeda Elektra |
Love is not the absence of hate
It is the hand that weakens its grip
Even if the heart tells the soul:
"In its spell the wicked clothe themselves
with the brilliance of the pure,
So you must not trust love after all."
Love is not the end to a sadness
It is the scar that confesses its guilt before the mirror,
Even if the eyes refused to see
The truth that present itself so implacably
It absorbs the light and the darkness,
Unforgivably. (It recognizes its own monstrosity).
by Ashek Rahaman |
dedication, fantasy, forgiveness, hope, life, love,
Everything is fine
The best of opening lines
Scent of my deity,
Absorbs my soul
I shall need no wine
I shall write the finest
Of the verses ever written
Ode’s, Hymns, for you
I shall kneel, I shall seek purity
Merci, for the undying love
The infinite intimacy
In your heavenly beauty
by James Fredholm |
angel, spiritual,
In the shadow of love,
The restless shuffle
And shun, as if in
Recovery. Fallen
Bliss burns, like hot coals
Under anxious feet,
Molecules surrender
One upon the other.
Nature's adventurous
Spirit absorbs the spill of
Cast down shadows,
Sheaths of fallen love,
On the wings of angels,
Mercifully cobbled
Into hearts and bones.
by Omesh Toolsie |
inspirational, love, passion,
In silent moments of distilled thoughts,
I see only you –
Like a ripe moon in the midnight sky,
Your glow repels the darkness.
I sense it –
Pealing away the distance between us,
And piercing through skin into my veins.
I feel it –
Filling my flesh with your touch
And flashes of fierce fervor.
It burns –
Like stoked metal poised to breach
The frontiers of matter –
Into a breath of fire
And tears of molten lava.
My blood absorbs the energy,
Carrying it into every part of my body,
Silently breeding desire
In your absence.
by Charmaine Chircop |
break up,
smeared wet ink
smudging letters on love-note
emotions half shown
smeared ink
smudging last perfumed love - note
love gone green
smeared black ink
smudging last scented note
love absorbs darkness.
by Jay J. Jurado |
lost love, love
your cheek against my chest
your fingers on my skin
your breath against my throat
your sad soft sigh a sin
my arm around your waist
my hand upon your hip
my hand absorbs your warmth
my senses drink you in
we lay and know it all is gone
we hold on for a moment
we cradle past and rock goodbye
we are as were, never again
by Russell Sivey |
life, woman,
A woman confined into a circle of her life
Was drawn into the sure simplicity of a swish
Her being was brought into the very form she is
She has the insight to step into life with a flourish
Her soul belongs within the boundaries here inside
Nothing more pure infects this space than her very instinct
Now she politely absorbs the peace that is in the air
Which makes her proud, joyful, and truly very distinct
The woman gleams with pleasure
The aforethought reigns supreme
She lives within the circle
And love is all of her dream
Russell Sivey
by V P Mahur |
The soft petals of rose’ freshness
Tell us how to spread the softness
Of love among the harsh and spiny
Reality of life that goes
With the time and stress
Among the spines of harshness
We can make our hearts fresh
With the feelings of soft love
Without any of the worldly clash
Love never knows how to fight
It has a tender bright light
To shade the hot of the day
And warm the cold of dark night
How warmly, lovingly it touches
The edge of spiny pain’s reaches
And absorbs all the pinning aches
Like the winning ships on the beaches
by Mahtab Bangalee |
Before publishing contest news
I was on the floating sky heart
With the blinking stars to reuse
The love for lyrics on wise art
Mortal I’m for the birth cradle
But the astute light of the heart
Shows the couplet of hope bugle
To live long in the verse of smart
Immortal wisdom defeats lamp
Of the writing challenge in flow
But the winner sun runs on ramp
Cause the loser has no tint show
Rainbow recites the winner’s line
Dark cloud absorbs the loser’s brine
© Mahtab bangalee
by Karena Brown |
introspection, lost love, love,
so the little time is
i look at the minute
dissect it
till the microscope of time
is pushed too far
I am
not taking into account your account
it's all about me
I sigh,
idly i amble to this moment
dazzling my eyes
the glistening water streams
no river is formed
as the surface absorbs it
no drops
my dissected minute....met the whole
in a split second.
by Millard Lowe |
allegory, deep, inspirational, love hurts, metaphor, perspective, wisdom,
Love can sometimes hurt—
She often absorbs great pain:-
Nothing heals like love.
by Johnette Loefgren |
lost love, passion,
We feel the changes
of the seasons
still we stay
for our own reasons
I because the time recalls
when we nearly had it all
He because
his olive skin
reflects the sun,
absorbs his friends
our cabana
sags and shivers
near the winter line
that quivers
on my lips
the margaritas
salty spray
on senoritas
gliding by him
on the sands
I am sick and weak
of hands
Yesterday we sailed
the harbor
silent,strong and filled
with ardor
By tommorow
we'll be gone
sunspots on
the face of dawn.
by Asiimwe Simon |
loneliness, love,
A treasure you are;
More than tons of gold
Your eyes like a star
You’re a gift from God
I like the way you smile
I like the way you walk
In such an elegant style
In the shadows I stalk
Sometimes I wonder
If you feel the same
In the depth of my slumber
I shout your name
It comes each night
I close my eyes
In such darkness, no light!
I see you on my thighs
A lip on a lip, I suck the nectar
Of something so sweet
It tastes better
Your cheeks in my hand
I feel the tenderness
The warmth of it’s kind
That absorbs my coldness
It’s funny all this
Come in my dreams
A world I really miss
A world of my dreams.
by Ranaditya Adhikary |
I lend my eyes to this letter,
They will open once again,
When the ink absorbs your light.
They may never open,
Become lost in darkness,
But the paper will remain,
Even if shredded to atoms,
It will tell my story.
Maybe you will open the envelope,
The smell of ink will greet you,
Maybe you will witness the ink speak,
Maybe you will keep it
Somewhere safe,
Letting me die and live forever.
by Doris Culverhouse |
art, lifeyellow,
Green is a meandering creek through a lush grassy valley
Red is hot with devilment
Mauve is a soft and squirming newborn's cheeks
Brown is basically awesome
Blue is cool as summer's love
Lavender is a soft and fragrant blossom.
Sunshine is orange warmth
with yellow and red sprinkles
Mauve is girly pink
and yellow locks of delicate hair
Black absorbs and white reflects
Though ebony and ivory live side by side in poetic harmony!
Inspired by "Yellow" written by David McCord
by Brenda Victoria Northeast |
faith, happiness, health, inspirational, life, love, nature, recovery from..., religion, visionary, light, longing, light, longing,
What is God’s love
It is the cry of the heart
The souls longing
To connect with its maker
To be fully made into oneness
Being made whole
Over flowing like a continual waterfall
That feeds the stream that feeds the river that feeds the oceans that feeds the clouds
That feeds the earth-oh earth open wide your longing heart that the latter rain may fall
And satiate your longing and fill my land with the fruit our union-our unity.
In His presence is fullness of JOY
Light embraces light – cleansing light absorbs the darkness light becomes brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
copyright Brenda V Northeast 28th Dec. 2011
by Paul Murray |
betrayal, cry, heartbroken, loss, lost love, pain,
The sadness inside me clings to me like glue
I saw the love
I felt it
I saw the detachment
I felt it
I saw the avoidance
I felt it
but I love her
She felt it
It hurts to see it sabotage
To be swiped away like a teardrop falling down
Splinter fragments of Love
Painfully Piercing my soul
A slow death comes to me
As without love
I am no more
Blackness absorbs my soul
by Benjamin Burden |
happiness, love, night, light, light, night,
When night falls, my smile escapes me. My heart becomes a somber place. This
current state of mind resembles that of a loneliness, magnified by a thousand
blues. Yet even in this gloomy state, there's a light that can only shine, only be
seen within this dismal mood. A small piece of hope that restores my sanity
absorbs my feeling of abandonment. This light lingers across my bed of sorrow,
bringing comfort to this heavy heart. Making me believe that I can be. This light
appears not every night but every now and then, yes that's what she is to
me..........she is the moon that shines through my window.