by Clifford Villalon |
funny, sad, words, writing,
Ideas conveyed in trails of semantics
Or moving over horse and bars in gymnastics
Tumbling, rolling, scribbling phonetics
Reeling, shrilling, scorching like ballistics
Quibbling over ideas and reams of whims
Rattling odd stories of soul's whines and trims
Yours is the power over lines and grims
Absolution or redemption atop one's dreamed
old gym hymns
by Scribbler Of Verses |
She winked, and smiling with
her eyes,
kissed my parched lips,
I could not return her kiss,
and though the years have spun
their cobwebs,
fashioning vacuums out of
forgotten dreams,
It is that kiss that I most miss.
Tonight, I lie awake,
lathered in layered memories,
of love lost, and of love gained,
of open skies,
and of rains crashing through
my weak rhymes,
that have strained,
across the vast emptiness,
seeking absolution,
for my emotional crimes...
(This Scribble is a Work in
Progress. Just Like Life)
by Izzy Gumbo |
daughter, mystery, peace, time,
I am
Mother Of The
and I am
as One
that of Thoth
and half of these
as a twin of yours
I am Guide
and Guardian
in the guise of Word
and I keep a list
on the book of death
as I mark the Sea
with a mount of rock
I keep the wits
for all of gods
I am write
and go forth by day
I am the light
and keep your Way
collecting confession
to direct absolution
I am daughter
upon The sound
of Creation
I carry that Was
in this that is
as I weigh of yours
within hearts of Ours
and I am the We,
who are as Love
" don’t be afraid "
is the message above
by Clevia Bedeau |
devotion, family, forgiveness, friendship, inspirational, life, me, loss, loss, me,
In the midst of silence
regret feeds,
devours my soul and
churns my conscience.
Simple things,
desires that caused me bother
You ask of me to share with you my time?
Putrid thoughts of me
complicate my living
whilst my soul laments
the loss of smiles
of love, of you.
Amidst the silence
Guilt begins
to fill my lungs.
I gasp for truth
and rue each waking moment.
The void has brought me clarity
Does clarity beget absolution?
But time slips by and
yet still I mourn
The loss of smiles
of love, of you.
by Stephen Parker |
lost love
You beckoned me to love's door; The
steps you gilded with hope, and glossed
with a libido to score. With an open window
to heart's latch, on amor's ledge we
ballasted unbridled passions with reason's
cerebral core. O'er time, your corrosive nature
did fealty's shutters crack. Your flamable
ego the fragile beams did retard. Consuming pride
through the patchwork frills did bore. Your inflexible,
jealous studs did my mercurial grooves abhor. Your
intemperate binges jammed the maleable spring on love's
hinges evermore. Duplicitous actions stripped the veneer
from ground floor. In love's final absolution, mortar's
bonding glue from foundational blocks severed.
by Pamela Griffiths |
I ask to be able to forgive wrongdoings
I ask for love, peace and harmony amongst mayhem
I ask for truth and righteousness
I ask for prominence of spirit
I ask for absolution
I ask for the truth, courage, remembrance and glory in life
Spiritual consciousness is present so I will ask
by Pauly Plaster J.R. |
animal, dedication, destiny, devotion, power,
There is a celestial movement in our blood streams. A bird of hope singing in my rib cage. Choking on Holy Ghost ashes, I carry on this journey that is my life. Onward driven. Upon cloven hooves we ran, up the mountain on our sanctified paths to absolution. Upon elder cross we bled. Shedding dead skin. Eyes illuminated. She, the guardian of my heart. Devotion rests in steady palms. I have no fear within me,… For we forge our lives together as one. Brutish savagery is my hunger for you, for your love. Yet I harness it with total control. Gently I reside beside you, with total control. Animal instincts are deafening within my mind. Yet I stay silent, and hang on your every word.
by Anselmo Boles |
lost love,
Making Blue Eyes Cry
Deception flashes a jubilant smile with pointless words
The blind is misled but evens the score heaving swords
Questions why objectionable conduct persistently show
Cause which freezes the sun and melts the virgin snow
Transgressions conceal deplorable acts of mortal desire
One breaks a heart then guilt purifies the soul with fire
A voice pleading for absolution envisions a merciful sky
Severed love evade truth then lie making blue eyes cry
by Hilde Bird |
children, forgiveness, life,
What I have criticized in others
returns in me.
That which I despise
I am and have been.
When I stand for judgment
I ask absolution
for my humanity and mercy
for my love.
by David Mohn |
all my cares and carelessness
penned upon a paper plea
folded in floating prayer
and set adrift with a spark
sorrowful secrets martyred
on a pyre of choices made
…embers sinking with lost love
7 lines, 7 syllables per line
by Janetta Harrington |
life, loss, lost love, love, mystery, recovery from..., sad,
she deprives herself
of her daily bread
she turns off
the phones
these things she tries to do
every Wednesday
and ....shall we say.......
she tries to forget the
and she tries to
forget how she
once thought
could help her
steal for-ever.
by janetta
by Jesse James Forster |
daughter, faith, me, me,
Precious Life
Author: fjamesj9701
I tried solving mathematical equations
but they all failed my hearts design
I then searched for absolution
but all I lost was time
I turned over every rock
and all I found was hurt
I then looked up to the stars
to find my place on earth
But no matter where I was God was always near
He took me by my hand and led me far away from fear
He brought me perfect peace when I didnt know what to do
Then He gave me precious life and told me that I love you
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
by Amera Andersen |
forgiveness, me, me,
Yea, thou cometh before me once too oft’.
For I am charged to cast thee in Bridewell.
Thy audience pleases with voice so soft;
Shall I divide the child to make all well?
Lest thou enamor me I have no choice,
'Tis not I but my throne has been defiled.
Whereby thy pleas cometh in soften voice,
And black begets white as mouths spew wild.
Thy ‘sblood in kine hast bid me prevalence;
The road to hell, paved with good intentions.
To wit; thou hast spake thy benevolence.
You seek the grace of my interventions,
Yet umbrage admits to Gods’ lower world.
I shall thole thy thistles with love unfurled.
by Matthew Lorenz |
I exist in a beautiful world of Commotion,
Still Silence Haunts me.
From daybreak to nightfall,
The Ringing in my Ears is my only company
As I write a song of Love and
A poem of Hate.
Am I Lost?
My mind is Overcome by emotions,
As is my Lust for you.
How must I carry these Ballads I write?
With Shame and Anguish?
Or should I prove the world of my love,
As it turns to hate for a Brief moment of Despair.
I am not the fool,
I am the Chooser,
And I Chose.
You will live for me or die alone.
This is our Absolution.
by Demetrios Trifiatis |
angel, love, music,
Heavenly music
Angels' symphony of love
Man's absolution!*
© Demetrios Trifiatis
20 June 2018
*Inspired by Probir's Gupta poem: Angels in The Rain
by Lyn Church |
anxiety, art, beauty, pain, poetry, words, world,
They just come to me
The light at the end of my tunnel
Guiding me towards some absolution
Why have they chosen me for this
They constantly fill my mind
Giving me a taste of life
Freedom, courage, and hope
They cleanse my soul
Redeeming me daily
For I'm reminded always
There's no greater gift than love
However they still show me evil
Degradation and truth of the world
They do not discriminate
Nor play favorites
They are simple and twisted
I have faith in what they bring me
So I can pass them along to you
M. Lyn Church
September 2, 2014
by David Smith |
analogy, baptism, care, christian, community, corruption, education,
Are we spending too much time producing stuff for a virtual world?
And not enough time producing what is needed for the real world.
I only know that one world gives hope for Love
And the other gives false hope and few hugs.
One gives exercise only to the fingers,
And one gives time to think about dangers.
One leads to isolation,
And one leads to absolution.
by Cecil Hickman |
art, devotion, family, father, forgiveness, friendship, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, life, love, passionlove,
I see my woman of love, divine.
Just a minimal distance away,
Banned are we until, full-grown like wine.
She can never be mine, this they say.
Differences of stature define.
Mysteries of the past describe sway.
Our lineage caught in bitter design.
Father tells of the shaky dismay.
My love for her true, she will be mine.
Love I know is greater than today.
We must depart our families vine.
Forgiveness in love shall come one day.
by Panagiota Romios |
appreciation, autumn, friendship love, perspective, poets,
Did you keep your all your last year’s grand resolutions?
Or put on a priestly robe, and give yourself absolution?
NYE, the biggest hoax night, as if we will ever reach perfection?
Why not cherish everyday,as an awesome,achievable selection?
A message,on this beautiful day of autumnal and colorful introspection.
Best live each day fully,our lives works of art, in humble gratification!