Love Poems About About or About Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: fantasy, nature,

Goddess of the Night

Where Luna treads are silver threads, the wisps of clouds that slide
through sky of night, and shining white, they part so she might glide
serenely through dark twilight’s blue with slow and regal grace.
And to our world, with aspect pearled, she turns a beaming face.

She casts her glow on those below who love her mystery. . .
who reverence her as with allure, she dances on the sea.
The lovers sigh as by and by, the night fades into day.
And in their dreams she softly gleams before she slips away.

For Caren Krutsinger's  'A Contest About a Goddess or God - Not THE God' Poetry Contest

by Izzy Gumbo |
Categories: sorry, thank you,


Dearest soup tech
Who I love and respect
I write to you
So that you may know
I've tried to be here
With iPad and cheer
But the login fails me
No action tells me
Of possible broken links
One maybe
Just maybe....
My iPad stinks
Meanwhile I sigh
As I try to not cry
As I type again
And hope with intent
That you might check in
... And tell me
How to begin...
Wish me luck
I'm about
To push

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: butterfly, flower, life, lost love, love, metaphor,


Your love touched me…
As a butterfly softly alights on a flower.
I didn't notice until you flew away.


Bite Size Poem no.45 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Line Gauthier 

*Note: This poem is about not realizing you 
love someone until it is too late.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, nature, summer,

Summer Love Sonnet

What's not to love about a summer day?
Kissed by the sun, the warmth of its embrace
To feel the cleanse from sweat at work and play
While honeysuckle breezes cool my face

With hillsides blanketed in purple vetch
Magenta morning glories and light blues
Imagine all the butterflies they fetch
A scene to romance any poet's muse

But when it gets too hot, I seek the shade
Barefoot in clover 'neath tall sycamores
Or take a watermelon down to wade
A spring fed creek, to cool, while I explore

That evening, in the swing, I watch  fireflies
Then pray I wake to see one more sunrise 

   May 9 - 2018
   Daniel Turner

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: love, lust, magic,

When Love Bites

Something about you

Makes me want to do

Things I’ve never dreamt before

It’s not the beauty of your eyes

Nor the magic of your smile

That lures me to your shore

It’s knowing in my heart

You made the fire start

And in your flames I'm going to burn

Savory kisses may turn to blood

Bitten helplessly by love

A chance I’d have to learn

Immersed in a sea of love 

Out of darkness flies the doves

And our hearts are set free

I can’t resist your touch

Your body paints me with a brush

Of red passionate strokes 

Pray this moment last forever...

As forever goes...

'Cause when love bites you... the fever yearns and burns

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: beauty, care, creation, imagination, inspiration, lonely, love hurts, metaphor, nature, rain, sad love, september,

Gentle Summer Rain

She writes about Fall's beauty in the rain 
The falling raindrops' dance ascribing thence 
Bespoken verse that lightens her refrain 
before the time they met - her steps commence. 

She listens to the soft and rhythmic thrum, 
her love turned to escape and cloudy string 
Where nimbus mistletoe fell, tears to become 
Their kiss of Autumn was symbolic ring. 

The first light cotton mists with summer rays 
While skyward cheerful laughs adorn the land, 
their ceremonial dance diffuses grays, 
affectionate embrace, where dreams expand. 

Upon September's sky the raindrops gleam 
With half of hidden Sun to laugh and beam.

--------- 8-29-13

by Richard Palmer |
Categories: fear, life, sad, beautiful, beautiful,

Behind Those Beautiful Eyes

Behind those beautiful eyes,
So much anger,so much mistrust,
Always expecting the worst,
Always conversing about the bad
things life has to offer,

Behind those beautiful eyes,
So much hurt,so much pain,
Bottled up bad experiences overflowing,
Crying to be unleashed,to be released,

Behind those beautiful eyes,
High expectation,countless plans,
Many things to still achieve,
So many things you still haven't done,

Behind those beautiful eyes,
Is a body,searching for comfort,
A mind,searching for peace,
And a heart searching for true love,

All behind those beautiful eyes.....

by Tim Smith |
Categories: longing, love,

All I Think About Is You

Looking out into the setting sun Bright orange and brilliant red hues Mind drifting off in the distance All I think about is you Each day we are getting closer but you are so far away My heartbeat is getting stronger As I think about you I need your love to hold me up When life comes crashing down Make sense out of everything When all seems lost You seem true Looking out in the setting sun Flickers of hope I see Foreseeing just you and me In each and every dream My heart is calling you home Come slip inside my room Lay your head upon my pillow Waiting, wishing, wondering All I think about is you

by Robert Lindley |
Categories: encouraging, family, humanity, life, love, truth, wisdom,

Bit of Truth and Wisdom, Found In Old Age

Bit Of Truth And Wisdom, Found In Old Age

At that age wisdom says life is a joke
consider blindness of other poor folk.
Stop to ponder why on earth we exist
you may just find giving on that big list.

To live well, love hard and thus procreate
easy to see easier to relate.
Living life together with your soulmate
should be a part of everybody's Fate!

Finding life is not about what you got
should be holding solid, number one spot
Tis more about life lived well and deeper
with one you found, knew to be a keeper

If long life, happiness is your great aim
if reaching not for it, you are to blame!

Robert J. Lindley, 1-16-2017

by Melissa Wadkins Patterson |
Categories: hope, life, love, yellow,

Yellow Heart

This morning I wrote a poem
about a yellow heart 
pining for red fusion,
in a desperate attempt
to shake the fruit
that never 


And tonight I am alone
without tangerine lips
or the temptation of apple,
carefully watching familiar verses 
unravel themselves
and fanatically dance around
like a final punctuation mark
or an overused cliche,
while my hands whittle metaphors
into a quick-witted instrument
sharp enough to scrape
the smeared imagery
off the sidewalk of poem,

Still I am not sorry
the fruit has not

to kiss my weary head,
it takes an overly cautious yellow 
to see the perfect shade of red

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: i miss you, lost love,

I'M Still Hopelessly In Love With You

So far away 
Whenever I need you
You’re not around

I think of you
Dreaming we would find a way 
To get back together again
And that you would stay

I love
Everything about you, if you didn’t know
I love the way you hold me close
I love the way you whisper to my ear

There’s nothing I won’t say or do
To have you, back into my arms
Loving me the way 
The way only you can do

I love 
Love to dance with you
I love to feel
Your heart beat next to mine

As we move across the floor
The music takes us away
And we’re hopelessly in love 

The way I pray we'd stay

If you were only here
but you're so far away 
I'm still hopelessly, in love with you

by Silent One |
Categories: angst, love, solitude,

Solitude Is My Silent Saviour

No one understands the reason for living, many prefer to receive without giving. In a world full of selfish behaviour, solitude has become my silent saviour. Instruments are repressed without musicians, as some kill the music before auditions. My harp cares not for words about tradition, ignores fake applause for romantic fiction. Love is a way of life, yet some bring it shame, mercy cannot sin, feelings are not a game. People point fingers to those without a name, what will they do when there's no one left to blame? I'm no Romeo, I need no Juliet, I've loved and lost, broken hearts I still regret.
Silent Sonnet Silent One 24 August 2019

by Joshua Aguire |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, life, love,

All I Need Is You

Had a little too much to think
And no time to stop and drink
About troubles and toils
And unreachable spoils
And everything I ever wanted
But could never quite gain

So I should find something to hold
Before my hands get sold
Along with my dreams and intentions
And my honorable mentions
And all my stupid little rules
Against ever loving again

But if my hands can find nothing
 Will you be that something?
I’ll break my nature and rules
And turn these hands into tools
To build us everything we’d ever want
Though if I just had you I’d still be content

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: life,

Flipped Hourglass

At the appointed time (you know not when) your spirit will kiss this world goodbye. Sands of your earthly time will then have run their course. Folks will cry. Your progeny will be left behind, and words hopefully kind about you will be said. The hourglass at this time for you alone will have flipped. Dear ones will keep on their own path. With spirit eyes, you’ll view them from behind the veil where you will slip, knowing that the hourglass of those whom you so love will also soon be flipped. Feb. 6, 2022 For Edward Ibeh's Pick-A-Title, Vol 28 Poetry Contest Title 4: Flipped Hourglass in double etheree poetry form

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: angst, anxiety, betrayal, emotions, feelings, image, lost love,

Paper Plane

Since you left, I've been unable to dream, thrashing about in tangled sheets all night. I fold paper planes, odd as that may seem, preparing the night's fledgling fears for flight. I believed we'd be together till death, and yet, you left, and I’m alone and scared. Without you, I've no reason to draw breath, what kept me going was thinking you cared. I scribble down my anger and my pain, describing just how much love has hurt me. And fold the page into a paper plane, hoping the hand of fate will set it free. And await a breeze to launch my letter; for once that plane takes flight, I'll sleep better.

by Robert Johnson |
Categories: growing up,

Before the End

Sunflowers and dandelions. 
Sometimes in life it's a fine line.
We go outside to breathe the air.
Look around, try not to stare.

The little children play and run.
The girls are screaming, having fun.
Little boys follow along.
Learning the words to write the song.

A bouquet of summer's sweet refrain.
A timeless imprint on your brain.
To carry us into the night.
Beyond what sunshine brings to light.

After all the dreams come true.
But get lost in the dawning dew.
Only glimpses of love survive.
As you awake having to strive.

Finally finding out the truth.
About our fantasy's in youth.
All we wanted was a friend.
And a little love before the end.

by Craig Cornish |
Categories: valentines day,


Forever is a word for fools,
a word that describes a time
that will never come.
Always is a word for dreamers,
a word that describes wishes
and forgets reality.
Never is a word that forgets
what we don't know about tomorrow.

As for me, I'm a fool forever,
who dreams of always
having you to love,
and never forgets that tomorrow
is nothing without you.

Written Feb. 14, 1982

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: age, anger, poetry, spring,

A Poet's Spring

I will absorb the warm sunshine today,
I'll wrap myself within a golden ray.
Nature's music enchants the tropic air
Where windswept waves will spur me to declare

The tender wishes I've been dreaming of,
That younger years when we first fell in love
Could cross the barriers of time's sweet past
And return pain free bodies that would last.

When the young speak about the golden years 
They do not realize the many fears 
That plague us as we reach that golden age.
They do not understand our pent-up rage

At doing simple things we used to do 
Can be too much and soon pain will ensue.
Poetry can return us to our spring 
Where youth of green is seen in everything.


by Lin Lane |
Categories: friend,

The Value of Friends

There is much to be said about the value of friends Those who lift us up when we try to make amends A crutch to help us stand when we stumble and fall Hit us with the power of truth, thrown like a fast ball They offer welcoming shoulders to receive our tears, Teach us the importance of choosing to change gears To stand with us against the barbs of disgruntled foes Refrain from judging when we've caused other's woes Those who are patient listeners, offering us their ears They dry our weepy eyes, smile at us and say, "Cheers." We love their tender mercies in forgiving us our faults Honoring them humbles us, and their character it exalts.

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: baby, happy, mom, parents, sad, wedding, youth,


"A mother's love is made in heaven." Quote Written By Poet

She was a young and beautiful bride,
then her handsome husband died.
The fast car came out of nowhere,
there was nothing left but prayer.
Life was about to take her on a wild ride,
but she could not go and hide.
A precious baby girl was born,
she was told to be happy and do not mourn.
For now she is dressed in pink and is nameless,
lying in the hospital crib blameless.
Loving adopted parents would come,
and save her as she sucked her thumb.
Somethings can start out bad and end up good,
our new name is parenthood.

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: love,

Finding My True Love

How I wish I could be free,
To cuddle her with a kiss.
Will you come and dance with me,
Your nearness I sorely miss.

You're so far away from me,
I must roam around to find
If you have sailed the far sea,
And left me alone behind.

I roam about among fields
Would she be there in some shrub?
With fragrance that flower yields,
Or watching me from some pub?

Night began to darken skies,
'twas time for me to have a meal
There I saw her lovely eyes.
Quickly with a ring I kneel.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: angst, autumn, goodbye,

Saying Goodbye To Autumn

It seems we said hello, just yesterday
Do you recall the night you came to town?
You blew in silently, I hoped you'd stay
Time really flies when old friends come around

When you leave here, I guess you'll be southbound
I love the pretty blanket left for me
Those yellows mix so well with red and brown
It will make such a treasured memory

Yet when you've gone, how diff'rent things will be
So cold and bare, your warmth will disappear
It happens ev'ry year so let's agree
We'll plan a longer visit for next year

Sweet autumn it is time to say goodbye
I wish you'd come next year about July

   by Daniel Turner
Spenserian sonnet  rhyme scheme

by Carol Sunshine Brown |
Categories: hope, love, peace, uplifting,

My Dream

tears fall from our eyes
universal hugs of love
peace reigns in our world
Entry: "Any Poem About Dreams" (Old or New) Sponsor: P.D. 3rd Place Winner For the "Dream Land Contest" of "Olajide Adelana" By: Carol Brown 01/18/2012 7th Place Winner

by James Marshall Goff |
Categories: lost love

Snow Angel

Snow Angel

headlong into clouds

babe dug tunnels in the snow

smiling from heaven

……a day like today….. sun reflecting off the icy snow, about 5-below-zero….my animal best 
friend (Golden Retriever)  “Babe Ruth”  thought he was in heaven on earth! he’s in 
heaven smiling…

9:55 am

by Patrick Cornwall |
Categories: devotion, hair,


The wind rustles your hair as the sun brings joy .

It tells your secrets and they are well kept.

They go where it is needed turning gracefully.

Will you dance again?


What about your joy?

Its buried now and your hair is gone.

Birds dancing and your bare arms reach for me.

Saves the last dance.


I love your cold breath and the heat.

Your almost home.

But you will leave  as before.

Dance for me.