by Victor Buhagiar |
abuse, anxiety, conflict, depression,
I battled against the sharp stinging slaps I received
Seems life decided against me or so I believed.
Retired from work at first some just tranquil peace increased,
Till one by one, all my relatives suddenly ceased.
Severe problems abounded, but I never gave up
Despite the fact that bitter myrrh filled up my life's cup.
Solutions scarce, hard to find, but always strongly strove
To care, to love, to find an answer as my heart drove.
Still fickle time may not be on my side but my quest
Goes on, till a solution found so I shall not rest.
I'll be patient, work and wait for Almighty God's aid
Till it's done and I'll be laid ’neath an olive tree's shade.
by Seren Roberts |
memory, romantic,
romance ricochet off the walls
odes of love abounded,
mixed with gooseflesh emotion
all depicting memories of how love
nurtured by the sun, sea and sand
treated to a romantic interlude
in a secluded hotel.
Changed my life...
by Mugisho Theophile |
anger, anxiety, betrayal, break up, sorrow, true love,
Harmony had governed the home
Kisses and hugs bloomed in their life
Trust abounded with his wife
Before an nuncle came home
Tsunami broke into the home
The day became the evening
Things changed causing screaming
For an nuncle visited home
He was namesake to her uncle
As he came from wandering
Met juice home, unknown juice
Infected juice he brought
He brought juice to his honey
That damaged the man’s love
Love fled away, honey became bitter
Appalling regret the nuncle caused
Openness and truthfulness
Build trust between lovers
Liars do so for a selfish reason
An nuncle is never an uncle
Poem by Mugisho N Theophile
by Shayna Earnest |
I glimpsed your little face today
and was astounded by the
flood of joy that abounded in my heart
I saw your tiny, perfect features
that reflect back mine
and the other face I love
and I know that I will forever
gaze into your eyes
and be filled
with adoration
and wonderment
any other
that I could
have had anything to do
with the creation of a
visage so beautiful
I can hardly wait
until the moment
I am able to
give you a
hello kiss
and caress
your little face
with mine
See you soon, baby!
by Michelle Morningstar |
As I opened the velvet box
I was suddenly flooded with a wealth of memories...
The smells, the sights, the sounds of a happy childhood almost forgotten...
Tiny rings that used to fit tiny fingers
Gleefully now fit a small princess
Rembrance of a time when Hearts and flowers and unbridled abounded
Carefree, gilded love, recounted
Half of a bosom friend's necklace, the other half belonging to a friendship gone stale and lost over the years
Memories of smiles and tears
Necklaces worn with dresses that led to nights where girlhood was in prime
Feeling like a princess and in love with being in love, sublime.
Reminders of what used be
Of a life lived and the girl that was me.
by Tom Wright |
faith, hope, inspirational, love, life, sin,
In this old world where sin abounds,
you never catch the Devil at rest.
As a Christian I must be on guard,
at the ready for his next test.
Seeking from God, His measure of grace,
my token for just today.
So when tempted and must escape,
He'll have readied for me a way.
Before God was in my life each day,
it seemed my life would come unwound.
Until I learned "where sin abounded,
Grace did much more abound".
by Guy Jennings |
lost love,
You served a very special time in my life
I needed you then more than you realized
You gave me strength and hope as I grew
You expressed your love openly
I drew you in, as though my last breathe
I lived on your smile...your presence was as nourishment
Your touch seemed as stroking the flames of a fire
Love abounded in my heart and head
Each day was dependent on thoughts of you
In time, we changed and became independent
No longer focused on each other
Life itself, became a distraction
We move apart sharing an emptiness
With only memories to fill the void
You became you...we both grew
Never really saying good bye...
Guy McFarland Jennings
by James Horn |
allegory, analogy,
Trinity Surrounded and Abounded
By the Trinity we are so surrounded;
All around us They have abounded;
Love is alluring,
All things curing,
Were in songs and horns that sounded.
Jim Horn