Love Poems About Abortive or Abortive Love Poems
by Mahtab Bangalee |
Categories: love,

Worshiping Idol Only For You

courteous living life I had
as if in dreamy land
where autumnal breeze
brought your whispering and soft kiss,
where flying flower the butterfly
brought your sophisticated hug,
where the sinuous river
played a rhythm of our heart unity

but now fall in abortive seclusion without you
hopeless conciliation life donates
intimacy with shouting hellish insects,
I'm confined my worshiping idol
only for you o my love
in my life
I adore you 

-Tuesday, July 23, 2019 Chattogram

by Abdullah Alhemaidy |
Categories: people,

Abortive Men

on others putting
the blame is a habit of
abortive peoples

a show of fake blame
the lazy men and women
Love talk more than work

by Mahtab Bangalee |
Categories: love,

As Scarecrow

Late October
On the harem of love
 November rain is ready to blow 
Candle light is missing 
Wind is hissing like hidden snake 
O' Beloved! The dark of eve ravishes me 
Necropolis greets me to the foggy midnight 
Neither grave yard nor the ghostly knell 
Fall on me the far around.
Wind of revenge, wind of hate, wind of blood 
Sings the songs of winter's pregnancy 
The moon live on abortive faculty 
All of me stand still before the shining sun as scarecrow

-October 25, 2018 Chattogram

by John Anderson |
Categories: angst, crush, lost, lost love, love, love hurts,

Stars Crossways

They came together, love entwined,
When stars in heaven were aligned.
But their love hit a hurdle,
When their vinaigrette failed to curdle,
Their blitz emulsification ill-fated,
leaving oil and vinegar separated.
They crossed their fingers together,
Looked up at the sky, to see whether
The stars had crossed to unsupportive.
Sure enough, the stars were abortive.
So they went their separate ways.
Pledging to try again on better days,
When double-crossing stars crossways
Had unclasped to an uncrossed phase,
And they could dump their mayonnaise.