Love Poems About Abject or Abject Love Poems
by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: fun, poems, poetess, poetry, poets, word play, write,

A Poem For Fun

A poem for fun
I laugh delightedly 
Because they all are

A poem cannot be
Anything else
Because patrons are gone

No one pays for poems
Poems are thoughts
Turned onto paper

By people who 
Know how to turn
Their brains 
Inside out

Not easily admitting it
due to the

Abject lack 
Of appreciation
And respect

My besties
My tribe
I love you so.

by Ngoc Nguyen |
Categories: emotions, feelings, girlfriend, loneliness, love, love hurts, relationship,

A Hopeful Loser's Complaint

Why am I a love-sick, dead-broke loser
in love with a rich and affluent girl?
A poor, unwise fool, why did I choose her?
(I can't afford such a lovely, rich Pearl!)
I wish I were a prince, handsome and rich,
youthful and full of promise and prospects
(for her): but I'm none of the above, which
makes us at best love's unlikely suspects.
Ironic that the love of my bleak life
is beyond my abject, penniless reach
and past my hope of her being my wife:
barriers that harsh Fate won't let me breach.
But God they say can move heaven and earth
for those of unlike yoke to meet His goals;
now and anon He moves those hearts of worth
which He wills and unites as entwined souls.

by Erica Lewis |
Categories: angst, introspection, life, loss, love, philosophy


Sweet apocalyptic frailty
seeps from weary sighs

Punctuated words we love
or love-words we despise

Body-rocking self-hatred
that drags us from the light

Idealism, perfection
thieves that rape us in the night

Car wrecks and too much sex
things that make us feel

taint of success, abject failure
things that make us real

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: angst, break up, emotions, feelings, lost love, sad, suicide,


While walking along the beach, I listen to the waves crash. But all I hear is your voice and how you had called me trash. I detect abject anguish within a seagull's shrill cry. For it sounds in agony, shrieking, go away and die. The ocean calls me to Her like a siren with no face. And whispering soothing sounds, She lures me to Her embrace. I feel Her currents pull me to the depths of the unknown. And washing away my tears, She mingles mine with Her own. Slipping under Her waters, I exhale my final breath. And extinguishing life's spark sink into the arms of death. (Quatrain) 6/2/2015

by Aleck Solier |
Categories: angst, lost love, love, sad,


Memories are all I have,
Intense and suffocating.
Churned out emotions needing salves
Healed, yet unrelenting

Abject surrender to your wiles
Embittered by time
Looming reminiscence of your smiles
Sealed in my mind

Anguishing on a future lost
Grieving over what once was, 
Agonizing at what it has cost
Remembering mem'ries of a distant past

by Faye Gibson |
Categories: devotion, love,

Sonnet Xi

What sounds, what pictures can express your grace?
I search my soul to lay fast claim on words
that will depict the worship you have stirred
with in my breast. Alas, they fly apace, 
and I am mute. My love, I would abase
myself and to your merit mine defer;
o, could I conjure up the golden word
that would my imagery of you embrace!
I long to lift my voice in praise of thee;
yet, evermore in speechless wonder stand
that one who walks in nobl'st purity
would enter in and grace my barren land.
Do see my debt, my abject poverty,
how they must speak what words cannot command.

Faye Lanham Gibson
Copyright, 1987

by Sara Louise Russell |
Categories: angel, longing, lost love, love, sorrow,

Mr Darcys Sleepless Night

Mr. Darcy's Sleepless Night
by Sara L. Russell 2005

Elizabeth! All heaven breathes the name
Whereon abject desire became impaled!
Whose accusations cast me into shame;
So difficult to please - and I have failed.

To have been roundly hated from the start,
Where I supposed she meant only to tease!
Would that those subtle glances stilled my heart
And I had never felt such agonies.

Elizabeth! What kind of sorceress,
What vengeful angel, what siren of pain,
What torturer would have love's slave confess,
Only to throw such ardour back again?

Sweet mercy, take her spectre from my eyes,
Lest dreams bring torment when the lamplight dies.

by Nur Holis |
Categories: rose,


Thorns removed
Leaving me naked, disgraced, abject
tearful between those
who make love

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: anti bullying, betrayal, bullying, feelings, psychological, sad love, wife,

The Happiest Front

Jacque was the happiest of newlyweds on the outside
She dressed fastidiously.  Walked with her joyful head up.
She had many excuses. She could never take time to sup.
Her smile helped her pretend she was a well-loved satisfied bride

Jacque was keeping her honest betrayed feelings deep inside.
She was cheery, and happy, keeping in her abject sadness.
Stuck in a battle, she could never hope to win, a madness.
Hoping to help her husband with rage he could no longer hide.

Written Feb 20, 2019
Contest: Enclosed Rhyme
Sponsor: Emile Pinet

by Wahab Abdul |
Categories: april, woman, women,



Woman I am not 
Yet I love to fight for their rights 
For women they themselves could not better organize 
Due to their being feeble and weak 
Yet they could play their immense importance 
If they know how they are deprived 
And snatch away their independence 
Woman I am not 
Yet I love to fight their rights 
As I know how they are suppressed all over the world 
They are used and misused in every place 
Though few of them know clearly 
But I know something what the oppressors do not know 
If they are given full freedom 
Then with their hands and head they can 
Contribute half of your GDP 
And help you to come out free from your abject poverty.

by Vernon Witmer |
Categories: beauty, earth, kiss, love,

Sixty Per Cent Water

so much beauty 
in this world 
that I must blink 
with astonishment
to hold back my tears.
If I could not blink 
I fear, sixty per cent 
of who I am, 
would leave me, 
in their abject eagerness 
to kiss the earth.

by Rob Levasseur |
Categories: love, romantic,

In My Heart

Yet in solemn winter, beauty must end
    and the singing of birds true fades away
no longer in thick leaves to sit and lend
    a joyous tune to the children who play.
So all the color from the world does fade
    so swiftly the land becomes just one hue
thus under the snow sweet flora is laid
    the color and splendor taken from view.
Grasped so swiftly, and shaken to death
    all that is lovely and warm on this earth
by the abject rue of cold winter’s breath
    still truly I say there still is much mirth:
For in my heart true, I sing soft and coo,
thankful refrains of the joy that is you.

(click the pic for a preview of my upcoming book!)

by Rob Levasseur |
Categories: love,

How and Why

Should doubt high drift over my love for thee
     grey gloomy cloud, disconsolate, strong reign
bleak darkened frown, portend deep misery
     hide hearts resolve, beneath shadowed disdain.
Should you feel sudden cold breath of gloom,
     spate of fear, black scourge upon painted leaf
quick cruelly fade love grim in abject gloom,
     swift eclipse hopes hue behind shaded grief.
And would unshakable faith far be blown,
     fiercely shook from loose grasp once so near
wither sweet loves blossom, thus loss bemoan
     newly dead splendor, once honored then hear:
Eternally damned shall I rove and cry,
tormented ever to seek how and why.

by Fauxcroft Wade |
Categories: humanity, light, love, pain, world,

A World Needs a Heart and Soul

We live in world that's lost its heart and soul

By those who rule and exert too much control

We live in a world of rot and decay

Caused by the greed few who are so abject and depraved

Sipping on their champagne

As we feel the pain

Time and time again.

We should live in a world with a heart and soul

A world that is warm, caring and not so cold

We should live in a world where there's enough for all

A world of visionaries dreamers leading the call

For a better way to live in love peace and equality

Finding true harmony

Together in unity

Rediscovering our humanity.

by Fred Jagenberg |
Categories: animal, murder,


Pulled the pig to pork, a cannibal delights Carnage seals the man with death Final moments marked irrelevant Flesh defends, abject betrayal dwells Selfish kills to self-sustain Sacrifice of squealing swiftly justified Lacking passion living violence profane Carry on promoting death inside Render on without a shame “Survival takes a certain path” Awaken to your love of death Choose your plate-full of discordant wrath

by Katherine Braithwaite |
Categories: absence, death, fathers day, god,

Golden Clouds of Fire

Alone in  my small room ,end-state despair
I wondered what to do ,go here or where?
I tried the doctor and the priest  and then
Knew there was no answer from   a man

I saw in my mind’s eye a  tunnel black
To which I was dead heading on my track
Abject and broken by a lover’s death
By his own hand, he tested out God’s wrath

Then I was  held by  golden  clouds of fire
I felt the  kindest love , the Lord’s desire
The tears ran down my cheeks in one great gush,
Acknowledging acceptance without wrath

And so I  turned  to life and to my work
Pain and torment shall not make me shirk

by Njeri Hunjeri |
Categories: sky,

The World Above the Sky

I have few words to tell her, great feelings
Of her; that my love is not money; my love
Abides in abject situations but still
My love blossoms in the world above the sky

For the world that I hope
For the world that I wish for
For the plans that I make
The sky marks the limit

You are my one and only 
You are a soul ablaze 
You are my past and my future
You for eternal
A treasure at hand

Written between 2000-2003 
Just the young thoughts of the young mind

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade,

Banjoist and I Were Not To Be

I fell in love with a banjoist who was playing in a gym
He had blackshank but I did not know when I fell in love with him.
I was a carhop drawing caricatures at a Diner named Big Jim.
We knew we would have to live in a tent our future rather dim.
We figured necessary expenses. What could we truly trim?
Electricity, rent, and water. We felt we really needed them.
Our leap of faith would put us way out on a frugal limb.
Due to our future abject poverty I had to release him.
A millionaire named Monique later married him on a whim.

by Brian Cochran |
Categories: beauty, flower, imagery, symbolism,

Post Mortem

Distant melancholic music plays.
Dead flowers swoon and sway
In the molten breeze of an August afternoon.
Colors lost too soon,
Faded and forsaken by the relentless beat
Of an angry sun.
Forlorn and forgotten by the living,
Sight and scent no longer giving pleasure
To jaded eyes ever longing
For the newness of things.
Alas, death saves its own,
Finding home in a wasteland 
of discarded memories and long lost days,
Resurrected in hearts and minds
Held captive by the lure and love
Of the simple abject beauty of decay.