Love Poems About Abiding or Abiding Love Poems
by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: mother,

Mama's Apron

Mamma wore an ample apron To cover her clean dress. She’d tell you that’s what it was for If you’d asked her, I would guess. But that apron had more uses Than I could even count. It brought in eggs and vegetables And could hold a large amount. Her apron could bring giggles In a game of peek-a-boo With her newest, sweet grandbaby As she hid her face from view. That apron dusted tables And shooed away the flies And did just fine as oven mitts To take out bubbling pies. But the greatest of the treasures That old apron could hold Was the endless love from Mamma Abiding in each fold. Won a no. 1 in John's contest.

by Wayne Riley |
Categories: bereavement, death, desire, faith, hope, journey,

So Shall It Be In the End

What choice has bittersweet despair,
A dying rose,
An empty chair.
Shall I then grieve and weep for thee
And temper broken heart and soul
So I can cherish one more gaze
Of happiness, of summer days
And bristle with abiding love
Of life cast now in shade and brook,
This ebb which pains with force and fate
United soon through heavens gate.

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: deep, lost love, pain,

My Pendulous Heart

Within the subtle soundless silence
There exist echoes of a lingering loud
My pendulous heart decrees in defiance
Such emotions plundered and ploughed

Like a geocentric giant guillotine
My lamenting love sacrificially sliced
My soul slaved in the Enigma machine
Where dreams are deceptively diced

The loving light battles the darkest day
And sorrows surrender at portals gate
For love barely escapes the submissive sway
Marauding memories reminisce and recreate

Stained surreal abiding accumulative art
A priceless painting of my Pendulous Heart.

Pendulum of Time and Place - Contest
Sponsored by: Kai Michael Neumann

by Paula Larson |
Categories: art, devotion,


The reigning monarch's hammered earth,
my foot upon controlling girth
nature alone encircles worth
as I go on to capture hurt!

Oh stop, the chiding from the Church
the fault deriding my sake's birth
the fool abiding in the lurch
does mock it all, while I research!

Oh stop the hour, but yet occur
my soul's fate's prism, without slur
and stop those moments when you were
my truest love, without demur!

That snow that melteth down the stream
doth barter not but by degree
and shares its focus merrily
then also stop ~  the poet's fee 

must focus rhyme . . . eternally!

by Abdul Malik |
Categories: poets,

The Poet

The love child 
of inspiration and imagination,
The poet is the spirit of a shaman
walking among us 
but dwelling in the realms 
of speculation and spiritualism…
a wandering spirit from the astral plane.

Nourished by the melancholy light 
of the waning gibbous moon,
He rides the pale tide’s low ebb
thriving on the sandy shores of life
inscribing abiding thoughts on
the sands, stones and winds,
on the hearts, souls and minds.

He's woebegone who disregards
the ever pining spirit of the poet.

~A Brian Strand contest.

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: life, love, spiritual,

Love Is Life and Life Is Love

“Animate with love, each moment
Enhancing thus, our bliss quotient”


Awareness untouched by love is barren
Throb of love is our innate aliveness
Canvas we paint our own colouration
Let the music resonate lovingness 

Granted free will, thinking manifests life
Aiding alignment with love upon earth
Ego urges us to engage in strife
Whilst love blissful joy forever in mirth

Radiant emptiness bliss mist aglow
Abiding in this silence we are free
Feeling and colouring life as it flows
Each moment we renew our joy entrée 

Be mindful, oh hermit, embrace the now
Follow the scent of love, sweet and mellow


by Mike Gentile |
Categories: love, romance, romantic love,

Deep Abiding Love

Give to me, your deep abiding love
Love in every color
The reds of fiery passion
                The whites of innocence
The pinks of affection
                      The blues of serenity 

Take from me, my deep abiding love
Love in every sense
The stroke of my caress
             The words of my devotion
The gaze of my surrender
                  The taste of tender kiss

Share with me, this deep abiding love

by Kurt Ravidas |
Categories: beauty, poetry,

The Beauty

I'd rather not relay on heavy words
to weigh the beauty in a proper way.
A third of human languages, two-thirds,
nay, all of them would never outweigh
the heft of weightless beauty on the scale
of ruthless time. Eternity will measure
a downfall, a moon, a nightingale,
a hug, a kiss, a tenderness, a pleasure,
an unexpected daybreak. Farewell,
my poor weighted love. Abiding time
is going to put its deadly spell
on every stanza, meter, form and rhyme.

But you are an immeasurable form.
When beauty comes I wonder where from.

MAY 2019 PREMIER 4,ANY FORM,ANY THEME,UPTO A MAX OF 14(F O U R T E E N )Lines Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Brian Strand

by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: christian,

Sea of Frames


Believe in difficult things,
stretched around a frame,
one thread at a time,
faithfully day by day.

Some seem monotonous
in naked tones of gray,
or simple flecks of blue.

In hope and faith,
in abiding love
we let the Master
craft us into His masterpiece.

If we’d dare open our eyes
we’d see the sea
of frames big and small,
ships that sail
all around us.

We feel the stress, pulled tight,
feel each needle stab,
but the monogamous nature
of the threadiness —
a breathless bride
for the King of kings.


by Deborah Finneran |
Categories: faith, health, hope, life, love, people, uplifting, visionary,

The Seven Wonders of the World

The Seven Wonders of the World

The real seven wonders were not built by hand, nor bought by any man
The Seven Wonders of the World, indeed, much more splendid & grand

The real seven wonders are part of every woman and every man
Given to us from God, part of His great abiding plan

To see
To touch
To hear
To taste
To feel
To laugh
To love

Oh that we may notice these wonders and recognize God’s love
He has given these wonders to teach us, as He reaches from above

The Seven Wonders of the World, exist in us each day
Let us live our lives in fullness & wonder, in every given way

by Shadow Hamilton |
Categories: emotions, love, moon, passion, stars,

The Moon and the Stars

The stars were twinkling
as the moon danced
sending beaming rays
to float over the earth.

Casting shadows over all
in the still of the night.
We lay entwined
fingers wandering southwards.

Our breath hot and passionate
as we danced the age old dance.
Reaffirming our love as
slowly we rose to climax.

By the river reflecting
the majesty of the sky.
Adding poignancy
to our deep abiding love

by Reason A. Poteet |
Categories: 11th grade, appreciation, celebration, prayer, spiritual,

Triple AAA

Ave! You alone are the Absolute and Almighty Authority --Appoint and anoint us as agents in your army against the antagonist as he awaits his Avenger and the abyss Alleluia! You are our Advocate, abiding, awe-inspiring, able, and appealing --Admonish us again in our avarice, abuse and anger --Aid us also to abandon adultery, abortion, apostasy, arrogance and anxiety. Amen! You are the Ancient of Days, the Alpha, Abba, Adonai, Anointed One and the I AM. --Accept the aroma of agape love arising in the air as we act in one accord.
written March 28, 2019 Sponsor: Beata Agustin Contest: ALLITERATION REGARDING RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: home,

Heart and Soul

The mountains lift my soul, but my abiding love is for the heartland. Written 12/4/2014 for the One Liner Poetry contest of Silent One

by Laura Mckenzie |
Categories: devotion, love, passion


Timeless abiding -
Moments of silky threads hold-
Our hearts in one string 

Inspired by Raul’s “Sentiments of the heart contest”!

by Laura Leiser |
Categories: heart, love, mother,

A Mother's Love

In my life there has been one constant
A special someone, true and unwavering
Whose love for me is heaven sent
Deep, abiding and unchanging.

She is my mother, there is no other
From the moment I can first remember
My momma's voice, her caring eyes
Sweet, soft kisses, her hugs so tender.

Mom, always available and there for me
Through the years, my whole life through
Listening and giving words of comfort
In her understanding way so true.

No one could never, no never ever
Replace my dear and precious mother
And I thank God that I've been blessed
With my dear mother, she is like no other.

Written on 2/18/2015

by Ibim Briggs |
Categories: emotions,


?Let nothing besiege your lame love
Nothing of that sort that's perennial and abiding
That is sure and true and sweet
Like the passion of our archetype martyrs of love

Let nothing serve you as an anchor for your putrid ambience
Obsequieses and ballads and dirges sung by the devil's choir
Are your portion of a serenade of chivalry
Love the one without love and die so

So come from the ascendance of the glorious cosmos
And rub thy foulness with the greed of lucifer
For it is befitting for your souls to love the way love is bought
Not the way love is worth

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: inspirational,

It's a Miracle

When the farmer
Dropped a seed
Into the furrow
And covered with earth

How does the seed
Know which way to go
It's a miracle

It's a miracle
Instilled from above
A miracle
A miracle

When love grows
An abiding love
That lasts a lifetime
It's a miracle

It's a miracle
Instilled from above
A miracle
A miracle

When love's seed grew
From a drop within
Lifted 'pon wings
'Til this journey's end

'Twas a miracle
Instilled from above
A miracle 
A miracle 

Sponsor: Craig Cornish
Contest: More Song Lyrics
Written: August 28, 2014

by Ramesh Deshpande |
Categories: beauty,

The Taj - Symbol of Love

Anyone who visits this great grand beauty
Stands transfixed at its sublime majesty
The lavish magnificence in marble body
Stays incomparable as an edifice in history.

The emperor who built this famed mausoleum
As a token of abiding love for his dear begum
The architect who visualized the striking form 
And the craftsmen; all deserve wide acclaim.

A superb locale along the playful Yamuna
On an imposing stage stands this splendour
Surrounded by entrancing emerald cover
That makes any visitor an admirer forever.

by Robert A. Dufresne |
Categories: life, love

Abiding In Our Abode

Haven 'til heaven.
Oasis while in exile.
Matrimonial love suite.
Ephemoral until eternity.

by Paul Curtis |
Categories: love,

I Believe In Love At First Sight

I believe in love at first sight
That precious moment
When two people meet their match 
Like a key and a lock
Coming together in synchronicity
And the abiding love
Both deep and passionate
That can be unlocked

by Augustine Ogoegbunam Eseke |
Categories: encouraging, gospel,

God's Love

In my quiet time I meditate!
In my happy mood I appreciate
God's love ever unceasing
His mercies ever enduring!

In my joyful mood I celebrate!
In my thankful mood I enumerate
God's love and kindness
Abiding in us in their fullness!

In my time of trouble I demonstrate
In my time of persecution I remonstrate
God's love and goodness
Abiding in us in their wholeness!

From God's love nothing can us separate!
Good or bad times are too effeminate
God's love is forever sure
Dwelling in all who trust in him!

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: inspirational, peace, people, people, time,

Good People of Earth


Where are we heading
With this mayhem, destruction, and killing
Is this what we call a civilized society
A look to the future can be chilling


I know you're out there
You outnumber these maniacal tyrants
Let's band together, stage our own uprising
Make love a life long commitment


The time has arrived
To rise up with a mighty big roar
Multitudes of us normal law abiding folks
Ain't taking this bull crap no more


Hear what I'm saying
It's time to turn things around
Can't allow this debauchery to continue
Let joy and happiness abound

© Jack Ellison 2012

by Audrey Haick |
Categories: friendship, love, romance

Hearts Abiding

Warm hearts abiding...
Nurtured in spite of pain
Safe, secure, intact!

by Tara Jennings |
Categories: depression, devotion, leaving, life, loneliness, lonely, longing, loss, lost, lost love, love, marriage, metaphor, miss you, missing you,

The Tides Are Rising

My heart is heavy from the waiting.
Lonely from sitting in silence
with nothing but my own inadequacies
to balm the wounds time festers.

Patiently abiding the time of recognition
when fate bows down and bestows a grace
sacrificing these tribulations for the mercy of love,
I wait for the coming of salvation
the benediction of true loves embrace.

The tides are rising-
and the binding on my soul is strong
am I to die a martyr?
With imminent despair I implore
come home and untie me...

by Ramesh Deshpande |
Categories: happiness, joy, love,

The Joys of Life

We all incessantly search for joys
Joys of life in whatever we pursue
The quest for joys though genuine
Is, always misplaced unfortunately
But true, nevertheless, undoubtedly.

Joys, we seek erroneously, in things
And objects that are away from us
Hence the chase of a mirage, unreal,
Lead to loud despair, and trepidation
And heart burning, that is not worthy.

The joys we seek are not outside sure
They are perennially within, bubbling
It calls for an abiding mind unpolluted
The joys of life are discovered within
In a quiet mind that transcends fretting.