Love Poems About Abided or Abided Love Poems
by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: angst, anti bullying, art, character, journey, wisdom,

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

Everyone should have 
a home to love
a place so safe
morning mist, blankets thick

When we wander out
in the world today
as visitors, manners politely abided by
never moaning insults loudly cried

If you wish to cajole 
and complain
lets send you off to bistro stars
on the very next star-ship plane

travelers should always smile
treading softy on Persian carpet
quiet is 
the voice that observes new ways

thus deceit discarded, buried

by Jewel Seuss |
Categories: break up, conflict, goodbye, sad love,

Roses and Dust

No meaning
No strife,
Yesterday's love has died.
The sea reflects her mood
The crumpled shore has sighed.

And so it seems
The game is done;
The rules no longer matter.
Boundaries abided by entities,
Have gone to roses and dust.

by Swairik Das |
Categories: depression, loss, lost love, sadlost, lost,


I lost my mien I lost my unity
To the shadow of tartarus 
Abided by the doom of iniquity
To the horde of vicious
Ached by the blamed chastity 
To the blood of befouled gravitas.

I lost my alias I lost my faith
To the detainment of my goof
Abetted by the aphotic myth
To the trait lacked in proof
Copped by the dummy world so lyth
To the wraiths of swallowed truth.

I lost my anima I lost my chaste
To the roguish sprite
Plied by paroles jest
To the hearsays that parroted bright
Retained by the sight lest
Where I lost my being I lost ardor ignite. 


by Deborah Burch |
Categories: love, philosophy,

Like Coming Home

"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along." ~Rumi

Entangled eons collided

     Where familiar hearts resided

          The day our eyes engaged.

               And a quickening abided:

                    I'd loved you long unsighted--

                         Like coming home assuaged. 

~by deborah burch©

*Rime Couee
Title: "Like Coming Home"

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: childhood, holiday,

Bare Mantel

                                                 Never was there one
                                        A stocking hung with care for me
                                                    Only simple tree
                                          Mostly placed  was gift or two
                                              Love abided simple food

Sponsor:Russel Sivey
Contest:Christmas Stockings Tribute
Date: December 05, 2011
Written by: Sara Kendrick

by Dharmy Della |
Categories: lost lovelove,

I Can''T

I have lived under your shadow for years
I have always done your will
I have abided by your do's and don'ts
I am done doing that right now
I just can't love you no more.

My heart is no longer with you
I am happy with some other guy
You no onger the guy i once fell in love with
Our hearts are far apart despite the close distance
We are better off seperated.


by Kimberly Roles |
Categories: faith, inspirational, uplifting,

If Only

If only, all had faith in the Lord,
And abided by His written Word.

If only, all would simply believe,
His love would be easy to receive.

If only, belief wasn’t based on sight,
Faith, in Him, by all could shine bright.

If only, more would heed His Word,
We wouldn’t live in a world so absurd.