Love Poems About Abate or Abate Love Poems
by Sandra Adams |
Categories: fate, love, time,

A Key

a broken heart awaits its somber fate
the hands of time have made it beat too weak
to find the pulse of love it used to seek
it fades within a burdened soul abate
then hides the key that frees the chains of weight
within a soul where darkness seems to peak
it cannot beat in harmony nor speak 
without the stroke of time to guide its gait

a gallant soul i give this gift to you
break free these chains that weigh this heart of mine
awake from dreams a restless soul to see
a heart that beats an endless pulse anew
and sees again how fate and love entwine
when souls in love through time find ways to be

January 1 2020

Open me first poetry contest
Sponsored by Craig Cornish

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love,

Of Lion Love

My feline bittersweet awakening
came decked with golden trim of flawless days.
A time it was to frolic and to fling
ourselves in grass, all afternoon to laze.

Together we were fearless, wild and free,
a noble lion and his lioness.
And sadly, neither one of us could see
that passion such as ours would evanesce.

Our error was believing that each kiss
could carry us. . . that love could multiply
or even match July’s exceeding bliss.
By summer’s end, our ardor had run dry.

A lion’s appetite can satiate,
and love - less noble then - will soon abate.

Posted 6/11/11/ Now used for the In the Name of Love Contest of Shadow Hamilton

by May Fenn |
Categories: bereavement, death, funeral, loss, obituary, sorrow,

Death Is Not the End

Death is not the end,
For love goes on
And you will find the evidence
Long after I have gone.
The flowers that we planted
Will blossom without end,
You’ll find me in their beauty
As to their needs you tend.
The books we read together,
The laughter in the pages,
Will continue to give pleasure
To you throughout the ages.
So do not mourn my passing
You are not left alone,
You’ll always find me waiting
In the places we have known.
The bond that grew between us
Will not abate with time,
It will go on for always,
I’m yours and you are mine.

by Vijai Pant |
Categories: romance, romantic love, sensual, sexy, sweet love,

The Love Rain

Floods of memories
The tumults, the peace
The pitter-patter on rooftops
The passion, in dollops
The continuous beat
Driving away the heat
The smell of rain
The overflowing drain
Emotions uncontrollable
The storms, the lull
Inside, her scent strong
Outside, Nature’s song
Past recreated
Once again, nothing hid
The gusty wind, the ferocious lashes
The crumpled sheets, all the messes
The thunder, the roar
The desire… ‘Want More’
The ebb, the flow,
As in each rendezvous so
The shiver, the quiver
From him to her
The sun pierces the fog
He rolls down, a log
The pleasure, the joy
Comes back the spirit of coy
The rains abate
And thus ends, the love date

by Cona Adams |
Categories: love hurts,

Inevitable Justice

(Your chickens always come home to roost.)

My soul cries out each time I see your face.
My hunger for your love does not abate.
Though I'm chagrined at how my pulses race
desire burns and sucker bites the bait.

You dangle me, a puppet on a chain,
in shame, I dance around you like a flame.
As turmoil reigns, my tears stream down like rain;
raw wounds cut deep while you enjoy the game.

But time will bring your chickens home to roost
and future pill will be a bitter brine.
Perhaps someday your heart will be seduced
as you succumb to Casanova's line.

For then will Lucifer raw fate assign,
and my atonement taste like peace divine?

by M. L. Kiser |
Categories: dark, emotions, evil, faith, fear, feelings, night,

Never Show Any Fear

There are treacherous things that hide in the dark; Biding time until an innocent walks by. Things that are evil and so very bored; Their existence can’t be denied. Lying in wait to test your faith; They love playing with human minds. Playing on fears and your self doubt; To you they may themselves, be blind. Stand strong and true; showing no fear; It’s a battle that you can win. They’ll surely depart; keep faith in your heart and Their abuse will certainly end. Faith and love are things they hate; use them well and the dark will abate.

by Stacy Stiles |
Categories: depression, girlfriend-boyfriend, husband, introspection, life, lost love, love, passion, romance, sad, wife,

Cheater's Chair

A destructive dance indeed,
betwixt the two we bleed.
A bellowing, bloody abate,
this stale, seductive state.

Simple, senseless steeds,
jealous fires feed.
Perjuring petty plights,
demons do delight.

A crimson, cheaters chair,
awful angers air.
No trust, truth or taste,
wallowed wantons waste.

Envious, eager eyes,
rejoicing a wrathful rise.
Coveting, careless couth, 
yesteryear's eager  youth.

by Tom Larrow |
Categories: faith, life, peace,


the unborn life, has thoughts to dream
would not, have yet learned how to scheme

would not have dreams of love nor hate
rainbows, seem to explain their state

as their liquid life, begins to abate
our past will speak to this unborn's fate

Why? How? What happened? Tears.
Maybe only seconds but, their dreams were here.

by Paul Callus |
Categories: love, relationship,

Short-Lived Love

You think you’re the best
Your mind is at rest
You love with trust and zest 
Believing that deep down he feels the same.

But now I’m afraid
His love could abate
It looks like it's too late
Already in his dreams he calls her name.  

[I have to point out that this is not the usual tailed rhyme poem,
  it's my own personal layout.]

by Pranab Jyoti Rava |
Categories: love, song, song-hate, hate, love, i love you,

Love and Hate

Love is symbolic 
Hate is diabolic 

Love always survives 
Where hate never thrives

Love shall succeed
But hate shall recede 

(Why can't you love me?
Because you hate me!)

Love will always prevail
Your hate will always fail

(Why you hate me so much?
There's no love left in you as such!)

I love you when you hate me
I hate you when you don't love me

(If you can not love me
You should never hate me)

Let's move on with this love and hate
For someday your hate shall retire & abate

(But still I love you so much my dear
Or is it because of my hate, you fear) 

And even if you don't love me
You will never hate me

(I hope)

by Dan Keir |
Categories: adventure, happy, holiday, home, hope, imagination, inspirational, journey, life, love, memory, peace, people, philosophy, places, recovery from..., stress, teacher, time, travel, urban, visionary,

Le Vacance Pretentieuse: Buffet

Arabic labelling on bottles of water,
Room overlooking bricks and mortar,
Men want tips for being your porter,
Getting to food is a pitiless slaughter.

Piles of olives and eggs sit just right,
In bowls coloured an abyss of white,
Odd cuisine makes a peculiar sight,
This is the date I’ll be having tonight.

Cold meat and ham sit on your plate,
Plenty queues; too much time to wait,
Stomach rumbles, hunger won’t abate,
Hurry it’ll all be gone if you arrive late!

by Pontus Olin |
Categories: beauty, love,

Now the World's Breath Is Drawn

Now the world’s breath is drawn
Now sounds mute and colors blush
Now winds abate and darkness flees

Now her eyes
Now my heart
Now everything

by Courtney Dyer |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, husband, lost love,

Mr. Goodbar

Teacher, teacher what are you doing there? 
You'll never find Mr. Goodbar in that snake pit.
Preoccupation with admiration is making you late.
Stop this insanity, madness abate.
Anticipating a prince but getting a frog
Absence of clarity
Walking into a thick, dense fog.
Trusting and naive
The amphibians deceive
And take your very breath from within you
So much strife, the end of life
And never finding that Mr. Goodbar.

by Regina Mcintosh |
Categories: blessing, christian, faith, god, inspirational, jesus, love,

His Approval Ca

Abandon your feelings of anguish Abate your thoughts of appetency Allure your beliefs in the apostles Assuage your spirits of animosity ~ Absolve your heart’s solid armor Awry are your moods of aversion Auras of your judgements atrocious Alive are your dreams so auspicious ~ Awakening your views on attrition Attempting to give you real altruism Appoint your joy to this admiration Adoration of God’s Son’s approval October 8, 2019 Crazy A's Poetry Contest Sponsored by: John Hamilton

by Fauxcroft Wade |
Categories: cry, heart, inspiration, love hurts, pain, strength,

Bleeding Heart

A heart in need is a heart that bleeds

Sad eyes weep as they perceive

A lost love slipping away

Or the plight of our humanity

So many things make our heartache

So many things cause us real pain

We wonder if this suffering will ever abate

Or is a life of suffering so much pain

Is always going to be my fate

Crushing me time and time again

Bearing down on my chest like a heavy weight

This life can be so very tiring

We have to find ways to be inspired

Beyond this suffering hurt and pain

We need to find the strength to rise again.


by Lukasz Walterowicz |
Categories: confusion, depression, fear, introspection, loss, lost love, mystery, nostalgia, passion, philosophy, sad, space, time, visionary, words,

When Words Mean Nothing

How to abate the loathing
When words mean nothing?

There are moments
In human existence

Any resistance
against baleful fate
is futile.

One is left
with his thoughts
by all gods

Astonished immensely
by the world vile
which first
gave him birth
and now
devours him
with mirth

Agonizes he
in every spot
on the Earth

Where does his heart belong to
Never will he learn

How to console such a man
When all words would burn?

How to abate the loathing
When words mean nothing?

by Dan Cwiak |
Categories: angel, giving, home, inspiration, love, tribute,

Angels Around

Have you ever noticed the Angels around?
In this world, so many abound.
They influence our lives every day
At home, on the road, at work or play.

They are the people whose spirit is great.
They greet us with smiles, their laughs never abate.
They look like waiters, teachers, or just common folk
But their spirit is contagious and lighten the burden on our yolk.

You can find them in stores, restaurants, shops, and places miles away.
But you'll most likely find them in the place you call home today.
So, look a little closer at that person sitting down
It might just be an whose always been around.

by Richard Thomas |
Categories: abuse, adventure, marriage, murder, princess, wife, word play,

Lack of Love Triangle

The prince
Saw the maid
While on parade,
He determined she
A timid wife would be.
In palace they were wed
And proceeded to royal bed.
There brutality revealed that he
Had neither conscience nor morality.
His depraved abusiveness did not abate,
So twenty years of misery became her fate.
Pretending to obey, she slyly managed to hide
Her inner deep revulsion till the hated despot died
Quite suddenly from cyanide amid her silent laughter.
So the new widow reigned as queen happily forever after.

by Jo Bien |
Categories: love


when I ran on empty
you filled my life
working around
what lays behind
days of heartbreak
and an eye that was blind
you touch my heart
and ease my mind

months of cold
and listless days
starting over 
all of that erased
once again, I pledge my love
letting all the ghosts abate

by White Wolf |
Categories: goodbye, lost, lost love, love, love hurts,

She Sits and Waits:

She sits and waits for her love to return,
Does he remember how her heart burns?
She prays their love is the eternal flame,
And that he would never play love games.

She sits and waits for her love to say,
Oh, baby, only you make me feel this way,
The thought of losing her gallant knight,
To another maiden in his sight.

She sits and waits for her love to abate,
She senses it will, but is forced to wait,
So did he love her as she loved him?
Or was she simply his passing whim?

She sits and waits for her love to relay,
Perhaps he shall return in the passing of days.

by Cathi Spooner |
Categories: faith, grief, journey, sorrow, trust,


Faith walks with Sorrow and Suffering.
It’s Light buffering 
their weight,
too heavy to abate.

Why journey with these companions so unpleasant?
What purpose to achieve?
What must I leave

Faith walks with Sorrow and Suffering
To transform
All that does not conform
     to Love.

Faith allows my choices to be made.
Will I trust?
Will my heart not fade?

Faith beckons my blind eye to see
Far beyond me,
If I will but trust
And hold tight to Love.
It’s magic to behold;
Worth more than gold.

by Curt Mongold |
Categories: imagination

The Stalker

I am here and very near to you dear,
my peer who has time to rhyme 
in this grime while I peek, and seek
to be meek with my gawking and stalking.

You can't see all of ME, so I free
instantly the hate that won't abate
in my state of delusion and confusion,
this illusion of us together, bird and feather.

How you tease and then please what I freeze
in memories as I dream of a theme
that you seem to not need as I bleed 
for this seed you don't care to share. 
Don't ignore me! Can't you see that to be
truly free you must sink to the brink
of the stink that is mine to define
as a sign of my love from above?

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: spiritual,

Ethereal Plane

Ethereal plane decides fate Prior soul agreement Upon earth, let not love abate We’re soul luminescent Fall from grace, no disgrace See God now, face to face Cave of heart, sacred place Free from karmic chain Ethereal plane 21-October-2021 Quietus

by Deb Wilson |
Categories: introspection, music,

Soul Music

Closing my eyes and filling my soul
Music plays a major role

It's deeply embedded into me
As I become my reverie

The notes waft in,stress does abate
I'm filled with love and peace,not hate

Notes tumble out,joy enters in
The music reveals the calm within

Written by Deb Wilson
for contest "Music And Meditation"
sponsored by Dr. Ram Mehta

by Anuj Ghimire |
Categories: lost love, love, life, world, life, love,

I'Ll Always Be There For You

Cross my heart I will, for that I love you
Leave this world alone I will, if I ought to get you
Persecuted I was by thy words, oh so cruel
To love you was like a word’s duel

Your words showed signs of abate for my heart
Barren has been my life since we were apart
This place will never be a place to live without you
Angels like you to change one’s life are so few

Time I would surely stop if only I could
Regret in life for your love I never should
Once again I’ll tell you the thing you always knew
Whatever happens to the world I’ll always be there for you