Love Poem: Your Double-Sided Coin

Your Double-Sided Coin

In you lies the timeless bittersweet dichotomy of divinity
The darkness and the light breed in you, their delicate fleshly host
God...God is in your eyes...
In that divine light gleaming from the black hollows of your pupils
God is in your smile; that tender grin illuminated just for me...
God is in your heartbeat,
That exquisite metronome against my ear
God’s breath is yours,
His hair blends into your mane of watered silk…
The black halo I combed with my fingertips
God is the way I felt when I was with you –
As if you were an extension of me
My own soul made manifest in golden-skinned humanity
God is the blood that flushes your cheeks with a rosy glow
That current of life that keeps your heart alive
God is you…
			But then, Satan is too…
Satan is the blackened smoking ruins of your trust
Satan is the baleful glare that furrows your brow
Satan’s breath whistles through your insults,
Those verbal barbs perfectly aimed to wound and maim
And scald
Satan is your grasping fingers around my throat
He is the glass you raised above my fragile skull
He is the widening gulf between our hearts…
The hellfire chasm that belches at my feet
Satan is the illness that besieges you,
Oozing worm-like through your veins
Leaching away the precious life that sustains you,
And by association, me
But most of all Satan is my heart that you broke,
The shrine to you that you ripped from my chest,
That you spat and trod and pissed all over
That you ground into a bloody mess beneath your shoe
Satan squats on that dying mess
Your coal-black demon lord…
He wars with the God in you
With the love you are forsaking
He squats and he spits and he wars and he laughs…
Knowing it is only a matter of time
Before your cruelty becomes the proverbial straw
That breaks the camel’s back
And I forget the God that you were…
And see only the devil that you have become.