Love Poem: You Say: the Commonness
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Written by: Kurt Ravidas

You Say: the Commonness

A story about a poet, his girlfriend and their pretty complicated relationship (I)
Kurtistani; aab, cddceec, ffb

You say, we both have a lot in common.
You read such commonness as a good omen,
a sure sign of happiness ahead.

It's true, we have a lot alike, my dear:
impermanence, caducity, frailty,
fatality, ephemerality
and emptiness that goes beyond a mere 
interpretation, boredom, tiredness,
non-alcoholic beverages, chess,
severe sleeplessness and mortal fear.

We split as well the adjectives, for sure:
young, adolescent, adult and mature,
old, bald, ill, lonesome, demented, dead.