Love Poem: You Decide-The Monchielle Style

You Decide-The Monchielle Style

~You Decide~

You decide what's to be
Good or bad you're to choose
You serve God or devil
There's no way in between
You will be fine or revel

You decide what's to be
Two masters you can't serve
Hope you opt for what's right
Do what you think is wise
Let light shine your life bright

You decide what's to be
Hope you act very smart
Don't learn all the hard way
Life hard don't complicate
Be positive each day

You decide what's to be 
You have choices to make
No one can choose for you 
Results come from actions
Think before wrongs you do.

Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000


~Author's Notes:

The "Monchielle"  is a poetry style  created by Jim T. Henriksen.