Love Poem: You Are That Someone
Edward Lamarre Avatar
Written by: Edward Lamarre

You Are That Someone

Every once and a while that special person comes along.
That someone who you waited for forever and hope will never be gone.

Someone who makes your heart skip a beat and puts that twinkle in your eye.
Someone who could make you laugh as well as cry.

My days now have a new meaning and you put purpose into my life.
Some day down the road I even imagine making you my wife.

I love to feel your touch, your body against mine, and when you caress
me all over I always seem to forget about time.

My life feels so complete and our future ever so bright.
I want to spend eternity with you and wish for endless starlit nights.

When they say in sickness and in health I will love you with all my
heart. Just like I did in the beginning right from the very start.