Love Poem: You - I - With You - I Would

You - I - With You - I Would


   I would never ever want to be a house to billet your soul.
I would never ever want to be a cage that imprisons your spirit.


  only want to be an invited, a welcomed guest in the house of your soul.
only want to be the key that might unlock the gates, the cage to your spirit.

                                        With you

 I would love to walk, hand in hand with the pure essence of your soul.
I would love to dance across rainbow skies, feel a free, uninhibited spirit

                                        I would

 love to be the wind you soared upon, the fire that lights up your soul.
love to be the force with which lifted, set you free, to fly your taut spirit.

                                       B. J. “A” 2
                                    June 28th 2007