Love Poem: Wrong Path - 128
Roy Pett Avatar
Written by: Roy Pett

Wrong Path - 128

I ask young man
that’s if I can,
why is it fun
to use a gun

is it a thrill
to harm to kill
where is the joy
you’re just a boy,

you may feel hurt
think you are dirt
I know you’re not
why do you plot,

a life of crime
a waste of time
give up this life
no guns no knife,

I met your dad
he is not bad
full of love son
please lose that gun,

life is so short
you will get caught
then go to jail
where you will fail,

you need some help
end this I yelp
get some sense son
live, love have fun,

so my young mate
looks I’m too late
wrong path you led
so now you’re dead.

Contest 128 words
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