Love Poem: Writing the Future
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Written by: Tristan Hays

Writing the Future

Take my hand and ride along
as I write you, this love song.
An endless day with endless passion,
you know this is your hearts own fashion.
To scream out loud with blissful joy,
this love I hold will not annoy.
Just marry me and you will see
the happy scribbles ill let you be.

Love is that of endless dream
with a most unconventional theme.
A story line to last forever
if the plot keeps us together.
But I am he who writes the tale
and I know my heart has yet to fail.
So with this pen ill erase the past
and rewrite present to make us last.

Like tulips on a warm spring day
you are just as sweet as words can say.
To wrap you up in sheets of gold
ill change it all for me to hold
your body tightly next to mine.
And on this day ill be just fine.
Ill close the book and take a seat
next to you, my works complete.