Love Poem: Writing - Kissing you from within
Payge Terner Avatar
Written by: Payge Terner

Writing - Kissing you from within

Arthur Miller spoke of leaving a “thumb print somewhere on the world”
I want to place an aiding hand in any heart
Even one
They do not need to know me
I want my essence spread and healing
If I can REACH anyone
Liven their pulse
Rouse their humanity
Activate their soul
Tousle their brainwaves
Encourage more empathetic behavior 
Spark kindness
Prime courage
Unearth the practice of imagination 
Remind people that they BREATHE and EXIST together
Remind people that they can be WHOLE
Not just bits and pieces strung together with stress
Not just body parts trudging mindlessly toward a grave
I would not say I could 
I can only hope to seep into tired lives and brighten them
Whistle my words grippingly enough to make dance from dull marching
Lift gazes above the road one foot ahead
Make fireworks on the horizon 
Initiate curiosity…
Most hopefully where it is most needed
Where it is NEW!
Push ANYONE past the limits of the comfortable 
Cause enchantment to bubble up and spring forth from within
Surprising the owner at owning it!
I am not important here
I want to be a tool
A maker of paths that could not be seen before
A clearer of blockage
A glue that binds one anonymous spirit to another 
In unforeseen and heart-wrenching ways
I want people to CARE as they have never cared before
About themselves!
About each other
I want emotionality to lose self stigma
I want it worn loud and proud
I want to spread LOVE and LIFE
Is that not a million billion trillion levels better than a “thumb print”???