Love Poem: Worthier Than Gold
Andrew Crisci Avatar
Written by: Andrew Crisci

Worthier Than Gold

Friends are worthier than gold,
remembering their kindness as days unfold;
let's embrace and wish goodnight,
soon daylight will vanish from our sight. 

Nothing I will forget...from the kindest smiles
to those comforting hugs when I had no hope,
considering myself lucky to be able to cope;
what's more priceless than the soundest advice?   

Friends are worthier than gold,
or gifts given on special occasions...
and they can't compare to any encouraging word,
to instantly lift the unbearable weight of our sorrows.  

Everything I will remember and although I will die,
their love and generous deeds I'll immortalize in these lines;
read them aloud and realize how they make me smile
and appreciate their worthiness when their lovely image shines.