Love Poem: Worth More
Tiana Tillman Avatar
Written by: Tiana Tillman

Worth More

I'm done with the worrying
I'm done with the sorrow
I'm done anticipating a change
Hoping for it to come tomorrow

I'm done with this back and forth bickering
Let's just end this constant quarrel
This won't hurt me much
I won't break down and crumble like a tower
Because I didn't fully give you my heart
It was just loaned to you temporarily to borrow

When I walk out your life
I don't expect you to follow
I don't really expect much at all from you
When I tell you I'm leaving 
I'll probably just get an 'Oh'

I know you could care less what i'm thinking
Or where I plan to go
If you happen to ask me to stay
I would definitly say 'No!'
Tell me anything about what your plans are
And I guarantee i'd say 'So!'

So go out and party
Have fun hooking up with all your little hoe's
Because you brought nothing but headache's to me
Being with you, brought me to my lowest low

I made myself a promise never to devalue my worth ever again
By being with the wrong bo
I'm worth so much more than you probably even care to know