Love Poem: Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart

Like two hungry wanderers,
We met.
I, from the direction
You were set.

I was cupping a story
And all you had was beauty.
I poured my powdery story
On your breast
And then on your head.

With my tongue, I drummed
On your tympanum
Till you danced the dance
Which carried to the distance
The thump… thump… thump
Of our leathery hearts.

Briskly, briskly till they split.
Now, riven
Forever by too much passion.

The miasma of stillborn feelings
Hangs on within like an undying warble
To garnish our memories.

For it was such bloody ambrosia
That stripped us
Absolutely of all:
Garments, flesh, and bones;
Heart, mind and spirit.