Love Poem: Work In Progress 7
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Written by: Vickey Rhymer

Work In Progress 7

I never went looking for trouble it came looking 
for me.Bobby Long.He moved in around fourth grade.As far as he was concerned I was chum and he was Mr. Big Bad(albeit)cowardly shark.He picked me cause I had a neon sign flashing Victim on my
meek little forhead.It went from making fun of me
telling me I had teeth like a horse.For the record adult teeth child's still small face.I grew into them.
Anyway that little Brat without courtesy of a wedded father,made school a new kinda nightmare.
Then one day on the playground he made the mistake of putting his hands on me.It was over so fast he didn't really know what happened.We locked hands overhead.I easily overpowered him
slipping him easily into a headlock.Using the junk
In the trunk move I quickly had him on the ground pinned with my knees on his arms.I could have done anything to him.I chose to release him.
From that point on when the boys chose to exclude me from playing ball a group would come find me.So and so says you can't dust his butt! After a few polite refusals it always ended the same way.
That is until Greg Benefield entered the ring.Thinking it would go down as before I was complacent as I squared off as Greg lept
 forward and clocked me upside the head. I was in
love.Seriously, this would play out in a larger scale
in my romantic future.

Though the fight busted up post haste when Mrs.
Lighter arrived we would never fight again.When we had music he would look at me and pat the floor beside him.Always liked old Greg.He went on to become an officer in the air force.

All my life I have felt more at ease around first boys and then men.They just say what they mean
most of the time.If they like you you usually know it,if they don't you know that as well.

Having learned to be hyper vigilant I am aware
of nuances of expression in case someone's about to go bursap.When the game playing begins I am finished.Not only am I running on the assumption
that we will be operating on the up and up I have been accused of being gullible.My brother used to
tell me outlandish stories intended to provoke an
 "0h Really".How many times I heard in reply ,"No not really!" After years of serious tutoring I wised up. 

 Lets talk now about my Moms famous rug trick.
This is where one minute your up the next your on your kiester.
I fell for this twice.Once as a girl of 12.The spelling bee.Sick  that week.Was going to drag myself out after assuring the alternate was not needed.I will clue you in tommorow.CIAO.