Love Poem: Work In Progress
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Written by: Helen J Radford

Work In Progress

Step into the picture of my life. 
Take up your stance in the foreground 
of my existence, smile for the camera.

Say 'cheese',  'sex', or whatever 
it is one says these days to 
depict the illusion of happiness. 

Step off the side-line, 
and stand in the centre with me. 
The hangers-on belong out of focus.

Any false perception they create 
deserves to remain in obscurity -
out of view. For the truth will out; 

We tell it every day in our suspended 
animation; in the delayed movement we 
create when we hover on the stairs,

or when you pause to let me pass and touch 
my arm;  or when you hold my glance 
with loving eyes.  You belong with me. 

Its not the words we say, but those 
we don't that tell our story, so 
step into my work in progress - 

hold the pen with me, be part of my 
calligraphy; form my sentences and 
guide my hand as we write the next page... 

take centre stage.