Love Poem: Words With Purpose

Words With Purpose

The things I've done are not exceptional:
If anything - my work is average,
But in quantity, my works excel.

I've never spent the time to perfect a single skill:
If anything - I worsen as I practice,
But in quality, I have nothing but potential.

So words on a page are my preferred form of art,
Or the music you play as you drive in you car.
And the things that you love are the things that I love.
The things that I love are numerous like stars.

My opinions are subject to be spoken to all,
If anything - I'd let you know them well,
But in objectivity, I can not tell.

For me, practicality is a something intentional
If anything - It drives my every action,
But in sensitivity, miserably do I fail.

So accept me, or do not, for the things that I am,
Or shun me like unappreciated men,
And ignore what I say or say what you say.
The things that I say will be heard in the end.