Love Poem: Words Left Unspoken
David  Chen Avatar
Written by: David Chen

Words Left Unspoken

Leaving words unspoken
I keep you close
A tiny bird, trapped in the dark
The hurt I hold, like a precious rose
Afraid to let it go, afraid of the departure

But oh, how I long to set you free
To release you from the cage of my pain
To let go of the hurt, and see
The beauty of your wings fly free

I hold you tight, in the darkness of night
Afraid to let you fly, afraid of the unknown
But deep in my heart, I know it's right
To let you go, and find a new home

So with an open door, I watch you take flight
A blur of feathers, disappearing in the sky
As I stand in the dark, with tears in my eyes
I realise you and I are the same. Inside

Forgiveness is hard, it takes all of one’s might
But I know it's the only way to truly heal
So I let you go, and bid you farewell
Hoping one day, we can conceal old wounds

And though you are gone, your memory stays
A reminder of the love we once knew
But now, it's time for a new day
To forgive and move on, and start anew.