Love Poem: Words
Michael Romero Avatar
Written by: Michael Romero


Our paths may be chosen, 
   but our journey is our choice.

Yesterday falls on today,
    as it welcomes tomorrow. 

To learn from ones undoing,
    is to learn how to undo.

To hear a cry for help,
   is to listen to one who doesn`t  cry. 

The saddest thing written by hand and pen,
  our the lonely words it could have been.

To heal was to hurt,
  to find is to lose.

Words are put together for you to help you fill in rhyme in love hate, inspiration 
they help, hurt and inspire,
  a poem isn`t put together by a poet or a writer they are made with filling and 
passion from love and lost,
if poems only came from the gifted, great poems would never have been read for 
poets lose there fire.
so find your words and let them out a poem from you do not cost.